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49 Cards in this Set

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Station v/s Engagement
0 Station- the presenting part is at the level of the ischial spines.
Engagement is when the biparietal diameter/largest transverse diameter has passed through the inlet or is at the level of the ischial spines.
True pelvis defines the birth canal
Inlet- level of sacral promonotory, linea terminalis and upper margins of pubic bones.
Mid plane - level of ischial tuberosities/tip of coccyx.
Outlet - Anterior Surfaces of the sacrum and coccyx.
Avoid within 1 hr of birth due to potential fetal respiratory depression.
What are the different types of rupture of membranes?
Rupture of membranes
Premature - at least 1 hr prior to onset of labour
Prolonged premature - > 18 hours elapse between rupture of membranes and onset of labour
preterm - ROM occurring before 37 weeks gestation
Preterm premature - ROM before 37 weeks AND prior to onset of labour
Friedman's First Stage
Latent Labor (labor onset to 4cm)
Nullip: <20 hours
Multip: < 14 hours
Active Labor (4 to10 cm):
Nullip:1.2 cm/hr; >1 cm descent
Multip: 1.5 cm/hr, >2cm descent
What investigations should be done to confirm rupture of membranes?
Sterile speculum exam - pooling of fluid in the posterior fornix, may observe fluid leaking out of cervix on cough
Amniotic fluid turns nitrazine paper blue (alkaline; vaginal - acidic)
ferning (high salt in amniotic fluid evaporates, looks like ferns under microscope)
US to rule out fetal abnormalities - oligohydramnios is indicative of ROM
Friedman's Second Stage
Nullip: <2 hrs
Multip: <50 min
add 1 hour if epidural.
Describe the 1st stage of labour?
- uterine contrasctions typically infrequent and irregular
- slow cervix dilation (usually 3-4cm) and effacement
- usually ROM at end of latent phase
Active phase
- rapid cervical dilation to full dilatation
- should increase by 0.5-1cm/hr for nulliparous woman
- painful, regular contractions, q2min, lasting 45-60 secs
- contractions strongest at fundus, weakest at lower segment
- unwise to push at this stage even if pt feels like it
1st degree Lacerations
Vaginal Mucosa
Posterior Forchette
Perineal Skin
2nd degree Lacerations
Vaginal Mucosa, Posterior Forchette, Perineal Skin, AND
Perineal Muscle
3rd degree Lacerations
Vaginal Mucosa, Posterior Forchette, Perineal Skin
Perineal Muscle, AND Rectal Sphincter
4th degree Lacerations
Vaginal Mucosa, Posterior Forchette, Perineal Skin
Perineal Muscle, Rectal Sphincter, AND Anterior Rectal Wall
1st Line Drug. Can be given IM or IV. Onset is immediate.
Causes intermittent uterine contractions.
20 units in 1000cc of IV fluid OR
10 Units IM
Methylergonovine "Methergine"
Can be given IV or PO. Onset is in 2-5 minutes,duration 3hrs. Causes sustained uterine contractions.
IM 0.2 mg IM
0.2 mg PO q 4 hrs x's6 doses.
Contraindicated in HTN, PIH cause seizures & vasoconstriction
Carboprost "Hemabate"
Can be given IM.
250 mcg IM or intramyometrial.
Can repeat in 15 to 90 min.
Contraindicated in Asthma -
Battledore Placenta
Cord anomaly insertion at the margins of placenta, peripheral cord insertion.
Succenturiate Lobe
Most common! Accessory placental lobe within the fetal sac which had continuous vascular connections with main placenta.
Suspect if torn blood vessels are at the margin of the maternal surface. Causes Retained parts or hemorrhage.
Velamentous Cord Insertion
Cord insertion into the fetal sac, (away from placenta) not directly in placental bed.
More common in multiple gestation. Can cause shearing of blood vessels in L&D -causing hemorrhage.
Circumvallate Placenta
Opaque/white ring of fibrous appearing tissue on fetal side of placenta. Caused by double layer of chorion and amnion.
Ring of chorion and amnion doubles back on themselves. Appears as if central part of placenta is depressed.
Vasa Previa
Suspect if pulsation is felt ahead of presenting part and if bleeding occurs with ROM.
Unprotected cord blood vessels with amnion only present at the cervical os. a/w velamentous cord.
Appearance & Respirations
< 7 at 5 min Need Pediatric involvement and Cord Blood Gases. A/W neurological at 1 yr and survival.
When should foetal scalp blood sampling be used?
Indicated when non-reassuring fetal hear rate is suggested by clinical parameters inc. heavy meconium, mod to severe abnormal FHR patterns
MgSO4 action in Pre Term Labor
Acts on vascular smooth muscles causing vasodilation.
Only MA can deliver!!
If MA- encourage patient to push as effective as possible.
What is a normal fetal pH
Which pH indicates fetal acidosis
> 7.25
< 7.2 - acidosis - delivery indicated
MP contraindicated for vaginal birth.
If MP, fetus is unable to pass under the pubis symphysis.
Describe the different types of pain relief used in childbirth?
Nitrous oxide and oxygen (50:50); Give in an Entonox machine; Enhances GABA-A receptors, induces dopamine and antagonises NMDA receptors
Epidural (fentanyl and LA); most effective way of relieving pain; L3/L4 space; SE: dizziness, shivering, may increase duration of 2nd stage and increase operative deliveries, severe headache (dural tap)
Pudendal block - gives perineal anaesthesia - commonly used in forceps and vacuum delivery
Spinal - similar to epidural - bolus, one time dose - more common in c/s - SE: decreased sysetmic resistance --> hypotension --> decreased placental perfusion --> fetal bradycardia - can get maternal resp depression if drug affects diaphragm
GA - used in emergency C/S - risk of maternal aspiration, hypoxia to fetus and mother
Risk Factors for Retained Placenta
Placenta Previa, Prior Cesarean Section, Premature Delivery, Chorioamnionitis, Grand Multip
Placenta Accreta
Placenta adherance to myometrium due to partial or total absence of decidua.
to the myometrium
Placenta Increta
further extends into the myometrium and penetrates the uterine wall.
to the uterine wall
Placenta Percreta
Further extends through the uterine wall to the serosa layer.
to the serosa layer
What are the components of the bishop score
Position (posterior, mid, anterior)
Consistency (firm, medium soft)
Effacement (0-80)
Station of the fetal head
Retained Placenta MGMT
Baby to breastfeed.
Squatting position
Empty maternal bladder
Oxytocin 10 Units IV
Call MD if >30 minutes and prepare pt for manual removal. Monitor for bleeding or shock, Ensure mom has IV, Notify anesthesia
Negative psychological responses to labor pain
Hyperventilation - causes
decreased oxygenation.
Stress - Causes increased
cortisol and decreased
placental perfusion.
Hypoxia of uterine muscle cells during action of contractions can cause pain along with various other physiological & psychological factors.
Vitals signs
Temperature will increase slightly up until 24 hours PP. Will not be >100.0. The highest time is preceding and immediately following birth.
Pulse - inversely proportional to the action of contractions. Increases during increment (most intense) and deceases during acme (strongest).
FHR - Parasympathetic nervous system
responsible for the beat to beat variability
FHR Sympathetic nervous system
Responsible for the baseline FHR.
Increased pressures can cause vagal response in the fetus
Sensitive to changes in the fetal pH, O2, CO2 levels and respond by increasing fetal blood pressure and heart rate.
Physiology of FHR regulation
r/t: Parasympathetic nervous system, Sympathetic nervous system, Baroreceptors, & Chemoreceptors
normal 120-160 bpm,
can be 110-120 at term with good variability,
<120bpm for 10 or more minutes
vagal stimulation, cord compression, placental insufficiency, rapid descent, medications, anesthesia, fetal cardiac anomolies, terminal condition of fetus.
>160bpm for 10 or more minutes
fetal hypoxia or compensation for hypoxic event, prematurity, Maternal fever, infection, excessive fetal movement, meds-sympathomimetics.
Combination of influences between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
Variable Deceleration
r/t cord compression
Position change,
IV fluid bolus
Pelvic exam to r/o cord prolapse and provide scalp stimulation.
Contact MD
Consider Amnioinfusion
Early Decelerations
r/t head compression, vagal stimulation.
MGMT - Position change and surveillance
Late Decelerations
r/t placental insufficiency, hypoxia, uterine hyperstimulation, decreased placental blood flow, maternal hypotension, medications, Abruption
Left lateral position
IV fluid bolus
O2 at 10L
Attempt to correct underlying case, Contact MD
Fetal Scalp Sampling
normal is >7.25
Results must be repeated q20-30 minutes in indication of distress persist. Cannot be done during deceleration or bradycardia. Must wait for FHR recovery!
Fetal Cord blood pH
normal is >7.20
Vein Artery
7.32 7.26
remember vein carries oxygenated blood