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56 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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O: zygomatic arch
I: outer surface of ramus
INV: masseteric nerve
A: elevation and grinding (lateral movement)
BV: masseteric artery of second branch of maxillary a.
O: temporal fossa
I: coronoid process of mandible deep to zygomatic arch
INV: deep temporal nerve
A: anterior fibers – elevation of mandible; posterior fibers – retraction of mandible; (ipsilaterally) lateral movement of jaw
BV: deep temporal a. of second branch of maxillary a.
Medial pterygoid
O: medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate
I: medial surface of ramus
INV: nerve to medial pterygoid from mandibular nerve V3
A: (Contralaterally) lateral grinding movements and elevation of jaw
BV: pterygoid artery of second branch of maxillary a.
Lateral pterygoid
O: entire roof and medial wall of infratemporal fossa
I: anterior part of the neck of the mandible and articular disc of TMJ
INV: anterior division of mandibular nerve V3
A: protraction and depression of jaw
BV: pterygoid artery of second branch of maxillary a.
Sphincter papillae
INV: parasympathetic nerve fibers of CN III
A: contraction of pupil
(circular orientation around the iris)
Dilator papillae
INV: sympathetic motor fibers of carotid plexus
A: expansion of pupil (radial orientation around the iris)
Superior rectus
INV: CN III – oculomotor nerve
A: primary elevator of eye
Lateral rectus
INV: CN VI – abducens nerve
A: primary abductor
Medial rectus
INV: CN III- oculomotor nerve
A: primary adductor of eye
Inferior rectus
INV: CN III – oculomotor nerve
A: primary depressor of eye
Superior oblique
INV: CN IV – trochlear nerve
A: depresses and abducts eye
Inferior oblique
INV: CN III oculomotor nerve
A: elevates and abducts eye
Ciliary muscle
INV: parasympathetic fibers of CN III – oculomotor nerve
A: Accommodation of lens
Levator palpebrae superioris
INV: skeletal fibers – CN III (oculomotor nerve)
A: elevates upper eyelid voluntarily
Superior tarsal muscle
INV: smooth fibers – carotid plexus – sympathetic
A: involuntary elevation of upper eyelid
Tensor veli palatine
INV: nerve to medial pterygoid?
A: tenses palate and opens mouth of the auditory tube during swallowing – changes tone of voice
Anterior belly of digastric
O: digastic fossa of mandible
I: intermediate tendon to body and greater horn of hyoid
INV: nerve to mylohyoid
A: depresses mandible against resistance; elevates and steadies hyoid during swallowing and speaking
O: mylohyoid line of mandible
I: mylohyoid raphe and body of hyoid
INV: nerve to mylohyoid
A: depresses mandible, elevates hyoid, floor of mouth and tongue during swallowing and speaking
O: short tendon from superior part of mental spine of mandible
I: entire dorsum of tongue; body of hyoid
INV: CN XII - hypoglossal
A: depresses and protrudes tongue
BV: Lingual Artery
Superior constrictor
O: pterygoid hamulus, pterygomandibular raphe, posterior end of mylohyoid line of mandible and side of tongue
I: median raphe
INV: CN X – vagus nerve
A: constrict walls of pharynx during swallowing
Middle constrictor
O: stylohyoid ligament and greater and lesser horns of hyoid
I: median raphe
INV: CN X – vagus nerve
A: constrict walls of pharynx during swallowing
Inferior constrictor
O: oblique line of thyroid cartilage and side of cricoid cartilage
I: median raphe
INV: CN X – vagus nerve
A: thyropharyngeus – constrict walls of pharynx during swallowing ; cricopharyngeus – relaxes during swallowing, allowing food and fluid to enter the upper end of the esophagus
thyropharyngeus –
apart of the inferior constrictor; constrict walls of pharynx during swallowing
cricopharyngeus –
apart of the inferior constrictor; relaxes during swallowing, allowing food and fluid to enter the upper end of the esophagus
External intercostal mm.
O: lower border of rib
I: upper border of rib below
INV: Intercostal nn (Ventral Primary Rami of T1-T11)
A: elevation of ribs
Interal intercostal mm.
O: lower border of rib
I: upper border of rib below
INV: Intercostal nn (Ventral Primary Rami of T1-T11)
A: Depression of ribs
Innermost intercostal mm.
O: lower border of rib
I: upper border of rib below
INV: Intercostal nn (Ventral Primary Rami of T1-T11)
A: Depression of Ribs
Transversus thoracis
O: posterior half of body of sternum and xyphoid process
I: costochondral junction of ribs 3-6
INV: Intercostal nn (Ventral Primary Rami of T1-T11)
A: Depression of ribs
tenses palate and opens mouth of the auditory tube during swallowing – changes tone of voice
Tensor veli palatini
Levator veli palatini
INV: pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve ?
A: elevate palate during swallowing
INV: pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve ?
A: elevates posterior part of tongue
INV: pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve ?
A: tenses soft palate
Uvular muscle
INV: pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve ?
A: wipes posterior pharyngeal wall from side to side
INV: CN XII – hypoglossal nerve
A: depresses and retracts the tongue
INV: CN XII – hypoglossal nerve
A: retracts and elevates tongue to create a trough
Tensor tympani
INV: CN V3 (trigeminal (mandibular branch)
A: dampen or attenuate vibrations of tympanic membrane
A: prevent excessive movement of stapedius ossicle
remember the sensory branches of V3 (mandibular)
B - Buccal n.
A - Auriculotemporal n.
I - Inferior Alveolar n.
L - Lingual n.
anterior division of mandibular nerve (CN V3)
mostly motor
1) masseteric nerve
2) deep temporal nerves (anterior and posterior)
3) buccal nerve (a sensory nerve)
4) lateral pterygoid nerve
Posterior division of mandibular nerve (CN V3)
mostly sensory
1) auriculotemporal nerve (a sensory nerve)
2) lingual nerve (a sensory nerve)
3) inferior alveolar nerve (a sensory nerve)
4) motor branch to mylohyoid and anterior belly of digastric muscles (mylohyoid nerve)
if only the anterior fibers contract of the temporallis m contract?
mandible will be elevated
if only the posterior fibers contract of the temporallis m contract?
mandible will be retracted, or move posterior.
Protrusion of the mandible
primarily by the lateral pterygoid.
Retraction of the mandible?
temporalis (horizontal fibers) posterior fiber
Lateral movements (or grind, side to side) of the mandible
- ipsilateral temporalis and masseter
- contralateral medial pterygoid.
Mandibular elevation
- temporalis (vertical fibers)
- masseter
- medial pterygoid muscles.
Depression of the mandible
- gravity
- anterior belly of digastric
- mylohyoid
- lateral pterygoid muscles
Constriction of pupil
Sphincter pupillae muscle (parasympathetic motor fibers supplied by CN III)
Dilation of pupil
Dilator pupillae muscle (postganglionic sympathetic motor fibers supplied by the carotid plexus)
maxillary artery is divided into three parts?
- first and third parts pass through bony canals, while the branches of the
- second part supply the muscles of mastication and the buccinator muscle.
- Provides perfusion to all muscles of mastication and upper and lower jaw (sup. and inf. Alveolar a.)
drooping or falling of the upper or lower eyelid
Muscles involved with swallowing
1) Superior constrictor (constrict walls of pharynx)
2) Middle constrictor (constrict walls of pharynx)
3) Inferior constrictor:
thyropharyngeus – constrict walls of pharynx
cricopharyngeus – relaxes during swallowing
4) Tensor veli palatini: tenses palate/opens mouth of the auditory tube
5) Levator veli palatini: elevate palate
6) Anterior belly of digastric: elevates and steadies hyoid
6.) Mylohyoid: depresses mandible, elevates hyoid, floor of mouth and tongue
CN X – vagus nerve innervates which muscles?
1) all constrictor muscles
2) Hyoglossus
3) Styloglossus
nerve to mylohyoid
1) Anterior belly of digastric
2) mylohyoid
median raphe
insertion point for all constrictor muscles
glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
1) Auricle (pinna)