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18 Cards in this Set

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Primary function of HSO

1. Provide hydrographic service to the nation.

2. Provide advice to the Government.

3. Provide maritime geospatial information to defence.

4. Support the development of national maritime infrastructure and maritime trade.

5. Support the protection of marine environment.

3 P's, 2 S's

What is the international maritime organisation (IMO)

Is a specialised agency of the United nations. It's main function is to develop and maintain comprehensive regulatory framework for shipping.

Maintain, shipping

What is SOLAS responsible for

1. Hydrographic survey for safe navigation

2. Issue nautical charts and publication

3. Promulgation of notice to mariners

4. Provision of data management

Horses. Ingest. Pickled. Pumkins

Key organisations that support RAN HSO

1. International hydrographic organisation (IHO)

2. Geospatial Australia

3. Australian geospatial intelligence organisation (AGO)


Name the ships of Leeuwin class

1. Leeuwin

2. Melville

Located cairns

Name the ships in Paluma class


1. Paluma

2. Mermaid

3. Benalla

4. Shepparton

Located cairns

Name the SMB

1. Sir John Gowlland (Located Penguin)

2. Geographe, casuarina, fantome, duyfken, Tom thumb (Located cairns)

LADS location


Name and location of maritime geospatial warfare unit

DGST. 2x I Waterhen, 2x in Cairns

In what year did the hydrographic service commence


When did RAN take responsibility for chart production


The cabinet made naval board responsible for surveying and charting in what year


Aus became a member of the international hydrographic organisation in what year


Who is director general navy hydrographer

Commodore Fiona Freeman

Located Canberra and Wollongong.

HSO areas of responsibility

1. Australian area of charting responsibility (AACR)

2. Exclusive economic zone (EEZ)

3. PNG and Antartica

4. Shipping routes

5. National development

6. Areas of defence interest

HSO capabilities

1. Hydrographic survey

2. Information management

3. Charting service

4. Standards and product development



To represent AHS and charting program for the next 3 years

Charting program

Duties of HSO at sea

1. Survey suit watch keeper

2. SMB bowman

3. Stores

4. Charthouse Yeoman

5. Deployable shore team

6. Seamanship

4 S's, D, C