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15 Cards in this Set

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Q: List as many objects or substances you can think of and put them in the following 3 categories: SOLID, LIQUID, and GAS.

Solids: rock, desk, paper, chairs, buildings, pencils, erasers, softball, agenda, bows, plastic, buttons, signs, metal.

Liquids: water, dye, soda, juice, rubbing alcohol, blood, gasoline, milk, ink.

Q: What exactly is matter? In your definition, also list the 3 states of matter.

Matter- anything that takes up space.The three states of matter are solids, liquids, and gas.

Q: Describe the way particles are arranged in a solid, liquid, and gas.

Matter is anything that takes up space.

1-Tiny Particles in matter are called ATOMS and Molecules.

Solid: Particles are rigid and hardly move.

Liquid: Particles move freely, and are somewhat close.

Gas: Particles are spaced out and move anywhere.

Q: Find a picture with your lab partner in Google that shows the properties of a solid, liquid, and gas. Get Mr. Oste approval, then copy and paste that picture into your warm-up templates.

Rigid: Hard, compact, Difficult to bend.

Volume: An amount of space something takes up

Q: What can you tell me about the motion of the molecules in cold water?

Liquids Particles move and have the ability to flow. Particle move a bit slower to cold water.Particles start to move closer together- they are starting to form ice.

Q: List the variables and controls in the Mixing Colors Lab.

Controls- A condition that stays the same throughout an experiment.

Lab Examples: Same size beakers, amount of water, and the amount of food coloring+color.

Variables- A condition that changes in an experiment.

Lab Examples: Water temperatures.

Q: What can you tell me about the motion of the molecules in hot water?

They are somewhat close they move faster than solids but slower than a gas. Hot water molecules are moving quick, Are farther apart, and move past each other rapidly.

Q: Why is it so easy for me to put a dent in a ping pong ball or a tennis ball, but not easy for me to put a dent in a soda can?

In general gases have molecules that are fast, and are farther apart.In general liquids have molecules that are closer together and slower than gases.Tennis ball + ping pong have a lot of empty space. The soda has less empty space.

Q: What do you think is happening in the giant barrel at the moment of the crush?

Observations:-Hot water in barrel- cold water in the kiddie pool-cold water coming from hose-Heat source from propane tank and grillWater molecules being heated spread out and are moving really fast. Once cooled water molecules clump together again and moving a lot slower.

Q: Look at the picture in our Schoology UPDATE of deflated gold helium balloons outside. Why would balloons deflate outside in this type of weather?

Observations: Snow on the ground, No leaves on any of the trees, Wearing a winter jacket, Drinking something warm.Balloons are deflating because the molecules in the balloon are moving closer together, She needs to go back inside to spread the molecules out again.

Q: In celebration of Thanksgiving Day on Thursday, list 2 things you are thankful for.

I’m thankful for my education and My family.

Q: How do you think ice cubes change from a solid to a liquid? Hypothesize what you think is happening in a few sentences.

If we put a heat Or energy source near the ice cube then, it will start to melt. The ice cube is starting to MELT. This is called PHASE CHANGE

Q: Describe what happens when a PHASE CHANGE occurs.

During a phase change molecules start to change speed and can be farther and closer together.A phase change is any change in the states of matter- solid, liquid, gas.Phase changes occur when there is an increase or decrease in heat, pressure, or energy.

Q: What are the two types of vaporization?

Vaporization occur when a liquid becomes a gas.The two types are: Evaporation- Vaporization only occurs on the surface of the liquid.Boiling- Vaporization occurs on the surface and below the surface of the liquid.

Q: View the two links attached to your Daily Update and describe what “Sublimation” is in a couple sentences.

Sublimation is a phase change. This is where a solid changes directly into a gas. The liquid phase is skipped.The molecules have to move very fast and getting very far apart.