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100 Cards in this Set

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Define "hazardous material"
Any material that possesses an unreasonable risk to the health and safety of persons and/or the environment if not properly controlled and contained.
What are "hazardous materials" called in Canada?
Dangerous Goods
What does CBRNE stand for?
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or Explosive (materials)
Define "Dangerous Goods"
Any product, substance, or organism included by its nature or by regulation in any of the 9 U.N. classifications of hazardous materials.
In what context is the term "dangerous goods" used in the United States?
To refer to hazardous materials aboard aircraft. Used in Canda in this context and to refer to hazardous materials in general.
What are some causes of hazmat incidents?
human error, mechanical breakdown or malfunction, container failure, transportation accidents, deliberate acts of vandalism or terrorism
What are the two levels of training required for first responders with respect to hazmat and WMD incidents, as recognized by OSHA, NFPA, and the Office of Domestic Preparedness?
Awareness Level

Operations Level
A responder trained at the Awareness Level are expected to be able to:
Recognize a hazmat or terrorist incident
Protect self from hazards at incident
Call for additional help
Secure the incident scene
A responder trained at the Operations Level is expected to:
All Awareness Level tasks, plus
initiate defensive actions to protect public, environment, and property from effects of the hazardous materials.
All responders must be trained to meet the legal requirements of the health and safety regulations of _____?
the local authority having jurisdiction (the local AHJ)
What body parts and capabilities must appropriate PPE protect?
skin, eyes, face, hearing, hands, feet, body, head, and respiratory system
What manual provides guidance on hazard-appropriate PPE?

What color is the border of the PPE section pages?
Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG), in the orange-bordered pages.
The Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) provides guidance on what topics?
Identifying hazmat placards
Initial actions to be taken at hazmat incidents
Hazard-specific PPE
What does CPC stand for?
Chemical protective clothing
What PPE ensemble will protect against all hazmat hazards?
No single set of PPE will protect against all hazards.
PPE is designed to prevent exposure to hazardous materials by guarding the ______ __ _____ into the body
routes of entry
Protective breathing equipment protects against what types of hazardous materials?
Protects from inhalation of chemical, biological, and radiological materials.
What are the basic types of protective breathing equipment?
SCBA - closed circuit and open ciruit
SARs - supplied air respirators
APR - air purifying respirators
PAPRs - powered air-purifying respirators
What two organizations in the US must certify SCBA for use in immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) atmospheres?
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and
Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)
In addition to certification by NIOSH and MSHA, what NFPA standard must SCBA comply with (if adopted by one's jurisdiction)?
NFPA 1981, Standard on Open-Circuit Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) for Emergency Services
Although there are three types of SCBA currently being manufactured in closed- and open-circuit designs, only one is allowed for personnel exposed to hazmat. What type is allowed?
Only positive pressure SCBA (open- or closed-circuit) is allowed for personnel responding to hazmat incidents.
Demand and pressure demand SCBA are NOT allowed.
What is the only type of SCBA allowed in hazmat incidents?
Only positive-pressure open-circuit or closed-circuit SCBA
Advantages of SCBA type respiratory protection include:
independence and maneuverability
Disadvantages of SCBA type respiratory protection include:
weight, limited air-supply duration, changed profile can hinder mobility, limited vision caused by facepiece fogging, limited or muffled communications (unless there's a mic)
NIOSH, NIST, OSHA, and NFPA jointly developed a certification for SCBA to be used to protect against WMD. Which of the CBRNE hazards does it protect against?
CBRN: chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear.
SCBA approved for use in WMD incidents is listed on an approved list maintained by what agency? What is the name of the list?

How are CBRN certified SCBA identified?
By a NIOSH approval label placed on the SCBA backplate.
What special tests must CBRN certified SCBA pass?
Under NIOSH 42 CFR 84.63, chemical agent permeation and penetration resistance against distilled sulfur mustard and sarin; and Laboratory Respirator Protection Level (LRPL)
What is a SAR?
Supplied Air Respirator or airline respirator. User does not carry the breathing air source.
What does a SAR apparatus typically consist of?
facepiece, regulator (on belt or facepiece), voice communication system, up to 300 ft supply hose, an emergency escape pack or emergency breathing support system, and a breathing air source (cylinders on a cart or a portable breathing air compressor).
What is an EBSS? What kind of apparatus is it used with?
Emergency Breathing Support System. An EBSS accompanies a Supported Air Respirator in the event that the air supply hose fails somehow.
An EBSS provides how many minutes worth of emergency air supply?
5 to 15 minutes.
SAR are certified for firefighting operations, TRUE or FALSE?
False, due to potential damage to air-supply hose by heat, fire, and debris.
SARs are classified as what Type of respirator, according to NIOSH?
Type C
A SAR with EBSS is used in what types of environments?
confined space
IDLH or potential IDLH environments
SARs used in hazmat or terrorist incidents must provide ________ ________ at the facepiece.
positive pressure
Advantage(s) of SARs include:
reducing stress caused by weight of SCBA
Disadvantage(s) of SARs include:
potential damage to air line
limited length of air line
fogging facepiece
muffled communications
What is an APR?
Air-Purifying Respirator
How do APRs work?
As ambient air passes through air-purifying filter, canister, or cartridge, specific contaminants are removed.
Name the three general types of APRs, according to the type of contaminant(s) each removes
Particulate-removing APRs
Vapor- and gas-removing APRs
Combination APRs
APRs do not supply oxygen or air from a separate source, TRUE or FALSE?
APRs can have either full facepieces or half facepieces, TRUE or FALSE?
APRs with half facepieces are effective at protecting against CBR contaminants, TRUE or FALSE
False. They leave skin and eyes vulnerable, and therefore are not recommended for use at terrorist incidents (unless dust from explosives is the primary or only hazard).
What removes the contaminants from the air in an APR?
A filter, sorbent, catalyst, or combination of these elements contained in a filter, canister, or cartridge.
What should a firefighter consider before choosing APR as a means of protection at a hazmat or terrorist incident?
What is the hazard?
Is it particulate or vapor/gas?
Is it a combination?
What concentrations are present?
APRs must not be used in what type of environment?
any Immediate Danger to Life or Safety
(IDLH) environment
APRs are adequate protection in oxygen-enriched atmospheres. TRUE or FALSE?
False. APRs do NOT protect against oxygen-enriched OR oxygen-deficient atmospheres.
What are the three primary limitations of APRs?
• limited life of canisters and filters
• need for constant monitoring of contaminated atmosphere
• oxygen content must be normal before they can be used (19.5 - 23.5%)
Use of APRs requires that the hazards present are completely understood and there is at least 19.5% oxygen in the atmosphere. TRUE or FALSE?
True. If atmospheric conditions are unknown and oxygen levels aren't within the normal range, SCBA should be worn.
In what contexts are APRs worn at hazmat incidents?
• after emergency operations are over
• law enforcement or EMS on perimeter of scene
• escape situations
During such operations, an organic vapor/high-efficiency particulate air (OV/HEPA) cartridge is generally used with the APR
What are the three levels of filtration in particulate-removing filters of APRs?


HEPA filters for medical emergencies must have what level of filtration?
Provide some examples of particulates that particulate-removing filters protect against.
• toxic dusts
• mists
• metal fumes
• asbestos
• some biological hazards
Particle masks or dust masks protect the respiratory system from particulates such as concrete dust and asbestos particles. TRUE or FALSE?
False. They provide protection against large particles, such as those in concrete dust, but are not effective against small particles, such as asbestos.
Vapor and gas-removing cartridges typically use some kind of _________ material to remove the targeted vapor or gas from the air.
What is sorbent?
Granular, porous filtering material used in vapor- or gas-removing respirators
Individual cartridges and canisters used in APRs are usually designed to protect against related groups of chemicals. Name two such groups.
organic vapors

acid gases
How do manufacturers of APR canisters and cartridges indicate what contaminant their product protects against?
Many color-code the canisters and cartridges for use with specific contaminants
What is a PAPR?
Powered Air-Purifying Respirator
How does a PAPR work?
A blower passes contaminated air through a canister or filter to remove contaminants and then supplies purified air, under positive pressure, to a full facepiece
Which provides greater safety, APRs or PAPRs?
PAPRs, because they provide air under positive pressure.
PAPRs can be used at CPR incidents for decon operations and long-term operations. TRUE or FALSE?
PAPRs can be used in situations where the respiratory hazards are unknown and in oxygen-deficient environments.
False. Like all air-purifying respirators, PAPRs should only be used where the atmospheric hazards are understood and at least 19.5% oxygen is present.
PAPRs can be used in initial emergency operations. TRUE or FALSE?
PAPRs should not be used in explosive or potentially explosive atmospheres. TRUE or FALSE?
What are some advantages of supplied-air hoods over other respiratory protection?
• simple to use
• require no fit-testing
• can be worn with glasses, facial hair, and beards
• lightweight
What are some other terms for escape respirators?
personal escape canisters, escape hoods
What are escape respirators used for?
Escaping the hot zone
What are the two types of escape respirators?
• Self-contained (utilizing rebreathing technology)
• Air-purifying (with a HEPA filter and a chemical filter, such as activated carbon)
How much time does an escape respirator provide protection for?
A short duration: around 15 minutes
Escape respirators most often have a hood style design. TRUE or FALSE?
True. Fast and easy and accommodates glasses and facial hair.
APR-style escape respirators employ single-use canisters or filters. TRUE or FALSE?
List some physical, medical, or mental limitations that affect first responders' ability to use respiration protection equipment effectively
• Physical condition
• Agility
• Facial features
• Neurological functioning
• Mental soundness
• Muscular/skeletal condition
• Cardiovascular conditioning
• Respiratory functioning
What are some problems caused by skin exposure to hazardous materials?
chemical burns, allergic reactions and rashes, diseases, absorption of toxic materials into body
How much time does an escape respirator provide protection for?
A short duration: around 15 minutes
Escape respirators most often have a hood style design. TRUE or FALSE?
True. Fast and easy and accommodates glasses and facial hair.
APR-style escape respirators employ single-use canisters or filters. TRUE or FALSE?
List some physical, medical, or mental limitations that affect first responders' ability to use respiration protection equipment effectively
• Physical condition
• Agility
• Facial features
• Neurological functioning
• Mental soundness
• Muscular/skeletal condition
• Cardiovascular conditioning
• Respiratory functioning
What are some problems caused by skin exposure to hazardous materials?
• chemical burns
• allergic reactions and rashes
• diseases
• absorption of toxic materials into body
What does CPC stand for?
Chemical-protective Clothing
What two types of CPC are there?
Liquid-splash protective

What are some limitations of structural fire fighting PPE with regard to chemicals?
• It's neither corrosive-resistant or vapor-tight.
• Liquids can soak through
• Acids and bases can dissolve and deteriorate outer layers
• Gases and vapors can penetrate
• Gaps in PPE at neck, wrists, waist, and pants/boots overlap
What does "permeate" mean in terms of hazardous materials?
pass through at the molecular level
What are the dangers of chemicals absorbed into PPE?
Subject wearer to repeated exposure or a later reaction with another chemical.
In any case where skin contact is potentially hazardous, structural fire fighting PPE with SCBA is insufficient. TRUE or FALSE?
Structural firefighting PPE with SCBA is adequate protection against radiological hazards. TRUE or FALSE?
False. Protects against some types of radiological materials, but not against others.
High-temperature protective clothing can also be useful in incidents involving chemical hazards. TRUE or FALSE?
What are the two basic types of high-temperature protective clothing?
Proximity suits

Fire-entry suits
What are proximity suits used for?
Close approach to fires for firefighting operations, such as in aircraft rescue or other situations involving flammable liquids.
What are fire-entry suits used for?
Allow a person to work in total flame environments for short periods of time. Provide short duration and close-proximity protection at heat temps as high as 2,000°F.
Limitations of high-temperature protective clothing include:
Bulky; contributes to heat stress bcs body can't release excess heat; limits mobility, vision, and communication; requires frequent and extensive training; expensive
Chemical-protective equipment is intended to also be effective against biological and physical hazards during hazmat operations. TRUE or FALSE?
True (pg 1071)
Chemical-protective clothing is designed to shield or isolate individuals from what type(s) of hazards that may be encountered during hazmat operations?
chemical, physical, biological
Selection of appropriate CPC depends on which two criteria?
specific chemical to be protected against

specific tasks wearer will be performing
Because PPE is most often designed to be impermeable to moisture, what type of physiological problems may responders experience?
Heat injury due to the inability to cool body through evaporation.
What are the variables that CPC accounts for in terms of the protection it provides?
degree of protection from
> a specific chemical, in a
> specific concentration range, for a
> specific length of exposure
What are the variables that CPC accounts for in terms of the protection it provides?
degree of protection
specific chemical
length of exposure
Liquid-splash protective clothing comes in two types. Name them and identify which is more common.
encapsulated and nonencapsulated

nonencapsulated is more common
Liquid-splash protective clothing is not necessarily effective against chemical vapors. TRUE or FALSE?