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10 Cards in this Set

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Outcome-based research

Determines whether procedure drug treatment or strategy improve patient outcomes

National EMS research agenda

Established in 2001

Establish funding stream for EMS research within government

Established alternate funding source for ems research outside of government

Enhanced ethical approaches to research

Research and the scientific method

Science is defined as knowledge obtained through study or practice

Research is careful systematic study and investigation of the topic

The scientific method is a process by which scientists collectively and overtime Endeavor to construct an accurate representation of the world

Steps of the scientific method

Observe and ask questions

Collect analyze synthesize data

Construct a hypothesis

Test hypothesis by experimentation

Analyze results and draw conclusions

Revised hypothesis

Report results

Closer the study adhere to it the more valid the study is

Types of research

Quantitative research

describes phenomena in numbers

Most medical research is this

Objective and specific

Determines relationship between one thing which is an independent variable and another thing which is a dependent or outcome variable and describes it with numbers

Prospective research

Starts Now examines what happens from this point forward

Qualitative research

Describes it in words

Primarily seeks the Y and not the house of the phenomena being studied

Retrospective studies

Looks at existing data

Prospective studies

Use Research Forum or instrument specifically designed for the study

Studies data that starts on a given day and goes until study ends

Independent variable is a variable that affects the dependent variable under study

Dependent variable AKA outcome variable is the variable being affected or presumed affected by the independent variable

Experimental design

An experimental study will have a control group and an experimental group or treatment group

Quasiexperimental study is one in which scientists do not randomly assign subjects to the study groups

Observational study is one that does not have a control group

Are more common in medicine

Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Draw data from all these studies into a single database then they analyze the data and draw a conclusion

Most valid type of study because it represents a much larger part of the population

Labor intensive and difficult to perform

Randomized controlled trials

Single-blind study the subjects do not know whether they are in the treatment group or in the control group

Double blind study of the subjects and the experimenter are blinded as to who is in the control group and who is not

Non randomized control trials

Aka Quasiexperimental studies

Have a controlled and treatment group but assignment to these groups is not randomized

Cohort study

Observational subjects who have certain conditions and or receive a particular treatment or followed over time and compared with another group not affected by the condition

Cross-sectional study

Is an observational study similar to a cohort study and that various groups are compared without a control

Single point in time

Case series

Study that looks at a group of patients typically in a smaller number with a similar condition

Case report

Study of a single patient who is unique or interesting to the medical community

Bench research

Scientific research at its most basic level often the first step in research

Study validity

How well the study supports the conclusion

External validity

Assurance the results can be generalized which means the results will hold true for other people at other places and other times

Internal validity

Ensures that the results can be attributed to the cause

Independent variable is a variable that affects the dependent variable under the study

Ethical considerations in human research

Nuremburg code of 1947 was the first code to guide ethical practice in human research

Helsinki declaration subject makes informed decision about participating in research

Institutional review board

Committee that approves monitors and reviews human research

Principal investigator is a person who oversees the study

Overview of statistics

Statistics is the mathematics of collecting and analyzing data to draw conclusions and make predictions

Descriptive statistics

describe basic features of data obtained and study

Mean or average

Median what values in numerical order and find the middle value

Variance is when you take each value and subtract the mean from it

Standard deviation is the square root of the variance

Mode is the most common value in a set of data

Inferential statistics

Estimating parameters of the population

information from sample observed of population makes conclusion about population

Sampling error is an estimation of the difference between the value of taint from the sample and the value that would be obtained from the entire population

Qualitative statistics usually deal with data that are not numeric in nature example of female male

Quantitative statistics are numerical in nature

Format of a research paper

Abstract this is a brief paragraph that summarizes the need for the study the research methods used and the results encounter

Introduction is the first section of the paper it is a brief description of the pertinent previously published papers on the subject it should describe why the study was undertaken and what the hypothesis the author wanted to test

Methods section this describes exactly how the author conducted the study

Results come next researchers provide their data

Discussion section is where the author interpret their findings and describe their significance

Summary or conclusion is a very brief recap of the main findings of the study

Data mining

evidence based decision making

Scientific evidence based on validity and reliability

If evidence supports change in the practice changes made