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63 Cards in this Set

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How many hours per week does the average family watch tv
50 hours
Requires certain type of social structure
certain types of communications are not needed by some (like amish)
Herbert Gans (taste cultures)
Mass Culture Makes Money - profit minded entrepeneurs
1. no authenticity
2. negative affect on high culture
3. negitive affect on audience
4. JUNK - bad for civilization
refers to groups of people
generalized other
sense of self we develope by imagining how others percive us
mediated generalized other
proper girl see's something on tv and mimics it (then considers herself old fashioned)
LOP Rule
Least Objective Programing
-not what people want to watch but what they wont shut off (price is right)
Ideal Types
Sex Role distingush - no specific - "muscle man" - no one will achieve this
jewelry, tattoos, hairstyle, clothing
Mini Mass Comm
what people would be intersted in watching
many small institutions -> small homogeneous audience
Transient Content
don't really care, faster communication, no one wants a copy, it is meant for consumption
Para-Social Interaction
Media Friends, known by many but some think they know them personally
COLK falacy
judgement on outsiders from insiders in towns - info accessible to people who know the area
quick > content is produced and put out quickly (breaking news)
-even books come out early
available to everyone, open to inspection by everyone
Minimal Direct Cost to Audience
cost of tape (for ex) most people can afford
-more accessible
Large Heterogeneous audience
a lot of different strangers watching show on their own
complex organizations of production
huge companies that people represent
-limited bounded
high cost/high profit for producers
invovles billions of dollars - only a handful of companies (media giants)ex: movei titanic
Rapid and Transient Content example
presidant in forum with questions on the news
Location - rural
Size - small (everyone knows everyone
Stability of Pop. - very stable
Central econ. - agriculture
Central Social Force - tradition
Primary Social Unit - community
Deg. of Soc. Differatioin - unified, litte division of labor
Nature of Social Rel. - cooperation
View of Indigiual - component of unified social group
Loc - urban
Pop. - to large to know everyone
Social Force - progress
Stability - unstable, many immigrants
Social differation - luxury and poverty, social = economy
Social Rel. - business, alienation
View of Indivigual - business, independant
Mediated Technology
always invovles a medium, impersonal, visual or oral mechanism
Interpersonal Vs. Group
communication w. 2 or more people vs more people then interpersonal
communication with one person, a dream, thought
what is the weekly average viewing time for indiviguals over 2 years old
approx 30 hours
Children 2 - 11 watch about ____ hrs a week of tv
20 hours
Push Media
thrusted at us (commercials)
What are the top 5 global media giants
1. time warner
2. disney
3. betelsmann
4. viacomm
5. rupert murdochs news corp.
Corporate underwrters
non commercial publications
Minimal Direct Cost to Audience
cost of tape (for ex) most people can afford
-more accessible
Large Heterogeneous audience
a lot of different strangers watching show on their own
complex organizations of production
huge companies that people represent
-limited bounded
high cost/high profit for producers
invovles billions of dollars - only a handful of companies (media giants)ex: movei titanic
Rapid and Transient Content example
presidant in forum with questions on the news
Location - rural
Size - small (everyone knows everyone
Stability of Pop. - very stable
Central econ. - agriculture
Central Social Force - tradition
Primary Social Unit - community
Deg. of Soc. Differatioin - unified, litte division of labor
Nature of Social Rel. - cooperation
View of Indigiual - component of unified social group
Loc - urban
Pop. - to large to know everyone
Social Force - progress
Stability - unstable, many immigrants
Social differation - luxury and poverty, social = economy
Social Rel. - business, alienation
View of Indivigual - business, independant
Mediated Technology
always invovles a medium, impersonal, visual or oral mechanism
Interpersonal Vs. Group
communication w. 2 or more people vs more people then interpersonal
communication with one person, a dream, thought
what is the weekly average viewing time for indiviguals over 2 years old
approx 30 hours
Children 2 - 11 watch about ____ hrs a week of tv
20 hours
Push Media
thrusted at us (commercials)
What are the top 5 global media giants
1. time warner
2. disney
3. betelsmann
4. viacomm
5. rupert murdochs news corp.
Corporate underwrters
non commercial publications
Invisible Media
billboards, bumperstickers, tee-shirts, bags, cds, food packaging
On Average ___ % of the population is tuned in during prime time
Average per day T.V. is on in household
7.5 hours
How many americans own a T.V.
Uni-Mass Comm
Invisiable media + Uni Comm
Gan's Taste Cultures
1. high
2. uppermiddle
3. lowermiddle
4. lower
5. quasi-folk
Magazine demassificitaion
Mini-Mass Comm - no longer compete with mass media
trade books
fiction or non fiction, aimed at the general reader
mass market paperbacks
books found at newsstands
professional and scholarly
made for specfic jobs and for research
often called elhi, made for elementary to high school education
Which entity is the biggest book producer in the U.S?
trade books and text books
What is the role of "small presses" in the US?
only a small # of titles, particualr genres
what types of changes in books are being fostere by electronic developments?
sound/images, less need to read
what onstraints are there on textbook content?
-protects students from poor quality texts
-helps to standarize education content and goals across state
-reduces the negitive imput of potetially inexperience
What is the "vanity press"?
Author pays the press to be his or her publisher - looked down upon
a critisim of this form of journalism for focusing too much on the negiative aspects of America
what 3 magazines have the hightest paid circulation?
1. Advance Publication
2. Hearts Corp.
3. Time Inc.