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24 Cards in this Set

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Integere meaning

In (Inward) Tegere (Cover)

Skin/Cutaneous Membrane

is the largest external organ with the size of 2m^2

Accessory structures

Hair, Nails, Glands, Blood vessels, Muscles, Nerves

Functions of the skin

1. Cutaneous sensation

2. Protection

3. Regulation of body temperature

4. Excretion and Absorption

5. Stores blood

6. Synthesis of Vitamin D

Major Layers

Epidermis, Dermis, Hypodermis

A. Epidermis

outer, thinner layer

Cells of the Epidermis

1. Keratinocytes (90% of the cells; a tough fibrous protein; keratin that protects and decrease water loss; water proof)

2. Melanocytes (melanin that protects against damage by ultraviolet radiation and shields the nucleus)

3. Langerhan Cells (immune responses and engulf microorganisms, they protect against acne and bacteria)

4. Merkel Cells (sensation of touch with the adjacent tactile discs)

Layers of the Epidermis (the old is the outermost and the young is the innermost layer; by order from the old to young)

Stratum Corneum

Stratum Lucidum

Stratum Granulosum

Stratum Spinosum

Stratum Basale


excess of keratinized cells from the scalp

B. Dermis

inner and thicker layer

2 layers of Dermis

Papilary Region (Upper Layer)

Reticular Region (Lower Layer)

Papilar Region

-superficial layer

-1/5 portion

consists of:

-areolar connective tissue containing thin collagen and elastic fibers

-dermal papilae

-Meissner's corpuscles

-free nerve endings

Reticular Region

-deeper layer

-4/5 portion

consists of:

-dense irregular connective tissue

-collagen and elastic fibers

-adipose cells

-hair follicle


-oil glands and sweat glands

-stretch marks

Epidermal Ridges

-underlying dermal papilae and basis for fingerprints and increasing grip by increasing friction


study of pattern of epidermal ridges


study of integumentary system

Structural Basis of Skin Color

1. Melanin (yellow-red or brown-black pigment)

a. Albinism - lack melanin

b. Vitiligo - patches of skin wherein there are no melanin

2. Carotene (yellow-orange pigment found in stratum corneum, dermis)

3. Hemoglobin (red pigment found in erythrocytes)

Skin color as Diagnostic Clue

1. Bluish: Cyanosis (Lack oxygen)

2. Reddish: Erythema

3. Yellowish: Jaundice

Skin Melanoma

-one of the worst types of cancer

A Skin Melanoma (Asymmetry)

B Skin Melanoma (Border)

C Skin Melanoma (Color)

D Skin Melanoma (Diameter)

C. Hypodermis

-attaches the skin to the underlying tissues and organs

-areolar and adipose tissues

-storage of fat and supply blood

Accessory Structures of the skin (Hair or Pili) function


-reduction of heat loss

-sensing light touch

-dead, keratinized epidermal cells

Parts of the hair:

1. Shaft (above the surface of the skin)

2. Root (into the dermis)

3. Hair follicle

4. Epithelial Root Sheath

5. Dermal Root Sheath

6. Hair root plexus (generate nerve impulse)

Skin Glands

1. Sebaceous gland (Oil Gland)

-sebum prevents dehydration of hair and skin and inhibits growth of certain bacteria

2. Sudoriferous gland (Sweat Gland)

a. Eccrine (puberty)

b. Apocrine (since birth)

3. Ceruminous Gland

-produce cerumen in the ear

Clinical Significance

1. Pimple/Acne

-clogging of pores from excess sebum production

-inflamamation causes swelling, redness and formation of pus

2. Blackheads aka Open Comedones

-once the pore is exposed to the air, it will oxidize and turn into black

3. Whiteheads aka Close Comedones

-debris that's trapped in the pore