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5 Cards in this Set

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The Digital Divide

- In an era characterized by the global expansion of mass .edia and electronic information superhighways that span the globe

- The Digital divide refers not only to the gap that exists betwee 3rd world countries and developed world.

- Global Information Highways, Information Revolution

Online Processes

- Online communication shiuld br linked not only with other communication processes in an organization but also with other online processes.

The components of the Promotional Mix for websites:

1. Online marketing includes online marketing communication techniques such as online sales Promotion and online direct marketing

2. Online advertising

3. Online PR

Push and Pull Mechanism

Push and pull theories of online communication are technology based. It is easier to reach a specific target audience if they are in an information gathering mode.

- Pull refers to: Provision of information to individuals at their request. And making it easy and open to access by providing: links to sites and directories

- Push refers to: Internet Traffic, information provided to individuals whether they have asked for it or not.aimed at persuading the target audience to revist the sitw.

The 10 Cs of Online Marketing

1. Customer

2. Corporate Culture

3. Convenience

4. Competition

5. Communication

6. Consistency

7. Creative Content

8. Customization

9. Co-ordination

10. Control

Online Crisis Communication

- A crisis can be defined as any noteworthy business disruption which stimulates extensive media coverage which could affect the normal functioning of the organisation.

- Crisis Communication involves the identification of internal a d external stakeholders who should receive up-to-date information during a crisis.

- Fast moving online communication can create repeated problems, errors, or inaccurate statements that might be seen as facts.

- An unmanaged online presence during crises can destroy the image of the organisation.

- A well executed crises plan will prevent long term damage and avert possible disasters.

- Online Communication can prove to be valuable tool during crises it should be utilized to ensure effective functioning

Crisis has 5 stages:

- Detection: Warning signs

- Prevention: Regular updates

- Preparation: preparedness

- Containment: limit the duration

- Learning: evaluation

Crisis can become a time of chaos, risk and uncertainty for companies.

Companies require timely and appropriate communication to minimize damage

- Organizations should have Crisis Management Plan: planning in advance for crisis.

Crisis Management Entails:

- Early detection

- Implementation of strategies in order to avoid or lesson impact

- Planning

- Controling the event

- Providing systematic response to crises situations

- Influencing public opinion

- recognizing post crisis efforts

Online Crisis Management involves a 3fold process:

1. Proactively Plan and prepare

2. Respond

3. Post Evaluative Efforts

A crisis allows an organization to rspknd directly and rapidly to consumers through direct interaction

Organizations can capitalize on new media trends by realising the following:

- Different audiences use different media

- New media and multi channels integrated with traditional media

- Importance of and opportunities offered through social networks should be recognized

- knowledge should be managed through knowledge creation, sharing and transfer

- Communicate effectively

- Opportunities created by Social media

Guidelines for Online Communication:

1. Develop a good online crisis plan

2. Have a Crisis communication First aid Kit

3. Respond quickly, completely, clearly and accurately

4. Accept Responsibility

5. Show consideration for all target audiences

6. Address crisis direvtly in the website

7. Address and monitor fakse rumorss

8. Ensure accessibility and availability