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22 Cards in this Set

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A psychological condition or behaviour that departs from the norm or is harmful and distressing to the individual and those around them.
Behavioural approach
(learning theory)
All behaviour is learned through experience, as a result of either classical or operant conditioning.
Biological approach
The view that behaviour can be explained in terms of biological mechanisms (such as hormones, neurotransmitters, brain activity and influences inherited via genes).
Cognitive approach
The key influence on behaviour is how an individual thinks about the situation.
Cultural relativism
The view that behaviour cannot be judged properly unless it is viewed in the context of the culture in which it originates.
Deviation from ideal mental health
Ideal mental health is a 'checklist' devised by Mary Jahoda identifying six categories of ideal mental behaviour (such as a positive self attitude). Individuals who do not make the majority of these categories could be considered abnormal.
Deviation from social norms
Abnormal behaviour is defined as the deviation of implicit rules about how one 'ought' to behave.
Diathesis-stress model
A belief that, in case of certain disorders, individuals inherit a susceptibility for the disorder (diathesis) which develops only if the individual is exposed to difficult environmental conditions (stress). The greater the underlying vulnerability, the less stress is needed to trigger the disorder.
Dopamine and Seratonin
These are neurotransmitters which have been associated with a number of behaviours (dopamine is linked to Schizophrenia). Low levels of seratonin are related to depression and high levels are linked to anxiety.
This is the administration of a controlled electrical current through electrodes placed on the scalp. This induces a convulsive seizure which can be effective in relieving an episode of major depression.
This is the conscious rational part of the personality. It develops by the end of the infant's first year, as a child interacts with the constraints of reality. Governed by a reality principle.
Ego defences
These are unconscious methods, such as repression and displacement, which help the ego deal with feelings of anxiety and thus 'defend' them.
Failure to function adequately
If behaviour interferes with normal daily functioning (for example the ability to go to work, hold relationships), then it may be considered abnormal.
A unit of inheritance which forms part of a chromosome. Genes control the characteristics that we inherit from parents.
Genetic Inheritance
The reception of genetically encoded traits through transmission from parent to offspring.
This is the irrational, primitive part of the personality. It is present at birth, demands immediate satisfaction and is ruled by the 'pleasure principle' - an innate drive to seek immediate satisfaction.
This is a form of psychotherapy which was originally developed by Sigmund Freud. It is intended to help patients become aware of long-repressed unconscious feelings and issues by using such techniques as 'free association'
Psychodynamic approach
This explains the dynamics of behaviour - what motivates a person. Unconscious forces and early experiences are the prime motivators.
The scientific study of psychological disorders, their nature and causes.
This is a cognitive behavioural treatment that helps people change dysfunctional emotions and behaviours by making them aware of self-defeating beliefs and then modifying these in order to remove the unwanted states.
This develops between the ages of three and six, and embodies our conscience and sense of right and wrong
Systematic desensitisation
This is a form of cognitive behavioural therapy used to treat phobias and other behavioural problems involving anxiety. A client is gradually exposed to the threatening situation under relaxed conditions, until the anxiety reaction is extinguished.