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26 Cards in this Set

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What are the four sources of law?

Statutory Law

Administrative laws and ordinances

Constitutional law

Case law


What source of Laws regulates government action?

Constitutional Law

Which source of law regulates individual or private actions?

Statutory Law

Which source of law governs the creation and operation of public regulatory agencies?

Administrative Laws/Ordinances

Which source of laws establishes legal precedent as a result of the court’s interpretation of the other source of law?

Case Law

The supreme source of law in the US that is applicable in every state.(Each state has there own constitution based off the US constitution)!

Constitutional Law

This source of law that can be either federal (enacted by Congress) or state (enacted by state governments) laws/statues!

Statutory law

What is substantive law?

Law governing behavior.

Example : what a person may or may not do, including rights and responsibility.

What are the 2 primary ways to categorize law?

Substantive and procedural

What is procedural law?

Laws defining rule by which legal proceedings are conducted.

What are Two main groups of procedural law?

Civil procedure

Criminal procedure

What does criminal procedure describe?

The rules used by the courts to preside over a case in which the state is prosecuting an individual for violation of criminal law.


What does civil procedure describe?

The rules and judicial practices used by the courts to conduct civil trials.

What are 3 types of law and dispute resolutions?




The parties meet with an *objective* third-party go between to attempt to resolve their differences. The decision is mutual and binding.

What method of dispute resolution is this?



The parties agree to let an *impartial* third party determine the outcome of the dispute. The decision can be binding or non binding.

What method of dispute resolution is this?



The parties attempt to settle their differences in a court of law via a lawsuit.

What method of dispute resolution is this?



43,560 SQ FT is equivalent to what?

1 Acre

Common land measurements

5,280 feet ➡️ Mile

43,560 square feet ➡️ Acre

Three feet ➡️ yard

640 Acre➡️Square mile

144 inches➡️square foot

What’s the area of a triangle with a base of 14 cm and a height of 10 cm?

70 centimeters squared

14 / 2 = 7

7 x 10 = 70


How many acres are in a square mile?


According to the national standards, under what circumstances may a pool house be included in the total square footage?

If it is attached to the main house by a hallway or stairway

What Unit if measurement is used when determining volume?

Centimeters cubed

How large is this area of a rectangular survey: The SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 6 in a township?

10 acres

A section in the rectangular survey system is 640 acres. Looking at the NE 1/4 of the section narrows the size to 160 acres (640 ÷ 4). The NW 1/4 of that area is 40 acres (160 ÷ 4). The SE 1/4 of that are is 10 acres (40 ÷ 4).

What type of measurement is used with three dimensional shapes?


Foreclosures increase and prices fall during what Phase of the real estate cycle?
