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9 Cards in this Set

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God taking on human form in the condition of Jesus he was fully manned and fully God

Quotes for incarnation

In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God” John 1:1

“The word became flesh and lived among us.”John 1:14

The seven sacraments

-Baptism -confirmation -Eucharist -marriage -ordination -reconciliation

For religious art

-God took on finite limitations when he became human

-we don’t have evidence on watches look like he was a human man and any representation holds value

-God became human for all nations so it’s reasonable to show him in as any ethnicity

-artistic representation can help focus on prayer and worship.

Against religious art

God has no limitations and art has limitations

Jews and some Christians believe it goes against the second commandment

They can give the wrong idea about God

If people pray to a statue others might get the impression that the images being worshipped

Religious art can distract you from prayer

What is Saint Irenaeus is teaching about Jesus

He stresses that the incarnation is not just teaching about the importance of gods love but also the human race

Quote from Saint Irenaeus

“He revealed God to man and presented men to God”


Gods free gift of love to the believer

Message to Joseph

God sends an angel to not divorce her explains how she got pregnant through the Holy Spirit

“For The child conceived in her from the Holy Spirit”

Joseph obeys God’s plan