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16 Cards in this Set

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Too much ultraviolet light can do what

Cause damage to tissues

Whats the two types of immunisation mechanism of protection

Passive immunisation

Adoptive immunisationhow

How to get passive immunisation

Inject killed pathogen (test vaccine( in mice)

Challange after 10 days- animal remains healthy, active immunisation

Transfer serum to other mice and challenge with lethal dose of pathogen

Animal remains healthy so passive immunisation

How to get adoptive immunisation

Inject killed pathogen and challange after 10 days, animal remains healthy so active immunisation,

Transfer spleen cells to another mouse and challange with lethal dose of pathogen, animal remains healthy so adoptive immunization

Targeting specific molecules in vivo allows us to identify specific molecules to inhibit in patients using targeted therapeutics, give an example

In arthritis we have confirmed a important role for TNF-a so now we usr a specific antibody to inhibit in patients

How can we develop therapeutics in vivo experiments

Identify specific molecules important in a given disease so we can target them

What is ficoll histopaque

Used in cell isolation

you have diluted blood on top half of test tube and ficoll hypaque specificity on bottom

Certrifugation of this leads to peripheral blood mononuclear cells on top and red blood cells and granulates on bottom

Using antibodies and magnets we can be more specific and isolate a certain type or subset of cells for further analysis, how does this work

Heterogenous population of lymphocytes is mixed with antibodies coupled to paramagnetic particles or beads and poured over and iron wool mesh

When a magnetic field is applied the coupled cells stick to iron wool, unlabelled cells are washed out, then magnetic field is removed releasing the Coupled cells

How could we identify how many cells we have isolated are B cells and how many are T cells

flow cytometry

For each mitogen whats the responding cells

PHA, Concanavalin (conA), PWM and lipopolysaccharide

Pha- T cell. ConA-T cell. PWM- T and B cell. LPS- B cells(mouse)

What are examples of mitogens

Phytogenagglutinin PHA, Concanavalin (conA), pokeweed mitogen PWM and lipopolysaccharide LPS.

Using an enzymatic approch for cell proliferation whats a MTT assay

Relies on enzymes in the mitochondria converting salt into coloured product

Only living cells have active mitochondria, amount of colour is proportional to number of cells which is proportional to amount of proliferation.

Whats the radioactive approach of cell proliferation

3H-thymidine incorportation

Source of radioactive thymidine is added to cell culture

As cells proliferate they incorporate this into the DNA of daughter cells resulting in radioactive cells

Measure the amount of crll associated radioactivity, proportional to the amount of cell division

What is the fluorescence approche for measuring cell proliferation

Label proteins of cells with a fluorescent die

If cell divides, each daughter cell is half as bright

Allows accurate quantification of the number of cells divisions within the population

Give an example of the vital dyes that enter the cell and stain them

Trypan blue, can see down conventional microscope

Propidium iodide- becomes fluorescent when binds DNA

Measuring cell functions-give an example of how to measure cell killing using radioactivity or fluorescece

Label target cells with Na2 51CrO4

Add cytotoxic T cells to labelled target cells

Killed cells release this radioactive chromium