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128 Cards in this Set

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1. Select the cell involved in humoral immunity?
B lymphocytes
Opsonization is a term to describe what process?
Binding to cells or antigens
Select the substance that regulates the activity of other cells by binding to specific receptors?
Select the term that is associated with the B-cell response to antigens?
Humoral Immunity
Which of the following is responsible for the activation of the classic pathway of complement?
Antibody bound to antigen
The major histocompatibility complex is located on chromosome 6 and is important in all the following immune functions except:
A poor response to platelet transfusion that can be caused by antibodies to human leukocyte antigens is known as :
In a lymphocytotoxicity test, cells that take on the dye:
Are recognized by a specific antibody
In a serologic, test the term prozone is also known as
Antibody excess
What is the potential effect in a tube agglutination test if a red cell suspension with a concentration greater than 5% is used?
False Negatives
After adding antigen and antibody to a test tube, on large agglutinate was observed. how should this reaction be graded?
Select the portion of the antibody molecule that imparts the antibodies unique class function.
Constant region of the heavy chain
What portion of the antibody molecule binds to receptors on macrophages and assists in the removal of antibody bound to the red cell?
Fc Fragment
Select the region of the antibody molecule responsible for imparting unique antibody specificity
Variable Region
What immunoglobulin class is capable of crossing the placenta?
What immunoglobulin class reacts best at room temperature at Immediate spin (IS)?
An antigen that originates from the individual is termed:
Which of the following will cause an antigen to elicit a greater immune response?
Size greater than 10,000 Daltons
Extravascular destruction of blood cells occurs in the:
It was observed that an antibody identified in the transfusion service appeared to be reacting stronger following the second exposure to an antigen from a transfusion. The most likely explanation of this is:
In the complement cascade, lysis of the target cell is mediated by which of the following components:
C5 to C9
In order to enahcne the reaction of an antibody in vitro, it may be necessary to adjust which of the following ?
Increase the incubation time in the incubator
Hemolysis was observed at room temperature when testing a patients serum with reagent red cells used for screening. When this test was repeated using the patients plasma, no hemolysis was observed. What was the most likely explanation for the different reactions?.
Complement activation was inhibited by calcium in the plasma sample.
Which class of HLA antigens would be typed when matching patient and donors for platelet transfusion?
Class I only
The mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) is a procedure that has been used in HLA testing to determine:
B and D: Class II HLA antigen determination and compatibility testing for tissue typing
A patients records indicated that he had a history of an antibody to HPA-1a. What is the significance of this antibody if this patient requires a platelet transfusion?
The patient would require HPA-1a negative platelets, which are relatively rare.
HLA matching between the donor and recipient is important for progenitor cell transplantation to avoid:
A and B: graft versus host disease (GVHD) and graft rejection
Found in secretions, such as breast milk
Able to cross the placenta
Associated with allergic reactions and mast cell activation
Associated with intravascular cell destruction
Efficient in activation of the complement cascade
Has the highest serum concentration
Associated with immediate spin in vitro reactions
Has the highest number of antigen binding sites
What is the variable region of an immunoglobulin?
What imparts flexibility to the immunoglobulin molecule?
Hinge region
What is the part of antigen that the immunoglobulin binds to?
the type of immunoglobulin determined by the heavy chain?
One of the two types of light chains
Select the test that uses IgG-sensitized red cells (check cells).
Antiglobulin Test
Select the method that uses a dextran-acrylaminde matrix
Gel technology
What reagent contains antibodies to multiple antigen epitopes?
The evidence for reagent red cell deterioration may include which of the following?
Reagent antibodies prepared from human sources are:
polyclonal in specificity
Monoclonal antibodies are prepared in:
IN vitro
Which of the following is not an advantage of using a monoclonal antibody over polyclonal antibody?
All variations of the antigen can be detected
Product limitations and technical considerations for each reagent can be found in the :
Product Insert
Solid-phase red cell adherence used antibody detection has an advantage over tube testing because:
the endpoint is more clearly defined
Which of the following statements is true regarding IgG-sensitized red cells?
They must be used to confirm a negative antiglobulin tube test.
the gel technology method uses a conentration of red cells that is :
lower than tube techniques
The antiglobulin test was performed using gel technology. A button of red cells was observed at the bottom of the microtube following centrifugation. This result indicates a :
negative reaction
Which of the following statements is true regarding high-protein anti-D reagent?
How would you interpret the results if both the anti-D reagent and the RH control were 2+ agglutination reactions ?
Unable to determine without further testing
Which red cells are used to screen for antibodies in donor samples?
Pooled screening Cells
Poly specific antihuman globulin contains?
anti-IgG and anti-C3d
the indirect antihuman globulin test is incubated at what temperature?
37 degrees C
Why is incubation ommited in the direct antihuman globulin test?
The antigen-antibody complex has already formed in vivo.
In the sold-phase red cell adherence test, a negative test would appear as:
a button of cells on the bottom of the well.
Following centrifugation of the gel card, red cells are observed to be evenly dispersed throughout one of the microtubes. This reaction could be graded as:
What immunoglobulin class reacts best by antiglobulin testing?
Which of the following red cell antigens do proteoltic enzymes destroy?
Antigens Fy(a) and Fy(b) in the Duffy System
The purpose of adding antibody-sensitized red cells following the antiglobulin test is to :
Check that the wash procedure was sufficient to remove unbound antibodies
Polyethylene glycol is a reagent that can be added to the screen or panel in order to:
Increase the avidity of IG antibodies
Rouleaux is a false-positive reaction that would not likely be observed during which of the following test?
Immediate spin antibody screen
Reagent derived from plants used to distinguish group A1 from group A2 red cells
Reagent used to determine the ABO antigenic composition of a patients red cells
ABO antisera
Reagent to detect the presence of red cell antibodies and B cells
Screening Cells
Reagent to identify the specificity of a red cells antibody antisera
Panel Cells
Reagent used in the identification of ABO antibodies
A1 and B cells
Incubation step is not necessary
Direct antiglobulin Test
Requires washing the cells several times before the addition of antihuman globulin reagent
Both the dierct and indirect antiglobulin test
Tests for certain clinical conditions such as hemolytic disease of the newborn and autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Direct antiglobulin Test
Detects IgG or complement red cells
Both the dierct and indirect antiglobulin test
A person whose red cells type as M+N+ with antisera would be:
a heterozygote
The children of an AB mother and a B father could phenotype as all of the following except:
Parents who are both phenotyped as group A cannot have a group O child.
In a family studied, it was determined that all four siblings in the family had different blood type: A, B, O and AB. The parents were most likely?
AO and BO
If anti-M was reacted with red cells that are M+N+, how would they compare with red cells that are M+N-?
A father carries the Xga blood group trait and passes it on to all of his daughters but to none of his sons. What type of inheritance pattern does this demonstrate?
X-linked dominant
Of the following marker that can be used to test for paternity, which marker provides the most useful statistical value?
Human Leukocyte antigen typing
Mitosis results in :
two cells with the same number of chromosomes as the original
crossing over occurs during:
When an individual is said to be group A, it refers to the individual's:
An advantage of Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) for viral marker testing is:
A small amount of DNA or RNA can be detected
What is meant by the term autosomal?
A trait that is not carried on the sex chromosomes
How is RNA different from DNA?
If two traits were found to occur higher in a population together than each occurs separately, they may be linked. This would suggest that:
The genes are close together on the same chromosome
In a relationship testing, a "direct exclusion" is established when a genetic marker is:
Present in the child but ABSENT in BOTH the mother and alleged father.
In a random population, 16% of the population is homozygous for a particular trait. What percentage of the same population is heterozygous for that particular trait?
Most blood group systems are inherited as:
Autosomal Codominant
The linked HLA genes on each chromosome are inherited as a :
In the PCR reaction, short pieces of single-stranded DNA that are complementary and mark the sequence to be amplified are called:
Hematopoietic progenitor cell engraftment evaluation following a transplant evaluates which specific markers in the recipient?
Similarities and differences of short tandem repeats of DNA
When two genes are close together on the same chromosome and are inherited as a "group" or "bundle" they are inherited as this
A gene that does not express a detectable product
Amorphic Genes
Equal expression of two or more alleles at a give gene locus
Co-dominant genes
Having two or more alleles at a given gene locus
when a gene product is expressed only when it is inherited by both parents
the binding of two complementary pairs of DNA
Marks the sequence to be amplified during PCR
Amplified target sequences of DNA produced by plymerase chain reaction
Amplicon DNA sequence
Short segment of DNa with a known sequence that can be labeled with a marker
Technique used to replicate a specific targeted
Polymerase chain reaction
What ABO phentype would agglutinate in the presence anti-A, B produced by group O individuals?
A and B
Which ABO phnotype selection contains the most H antigen and the least H antigen, respectively, on the red cells surface?
O, A(1)B
A recipient with group A phenotype requires a transfusion of 2 units of frozen plasma. Which of the following types are appropriate to select for transfusion?
AB and A
The test procedure that combines patient's serum with commercial A1 and B reagent red cells is called:
ABO reverse grouping
A group A man marries a group AB woman. The father of the group A man was group O. What possible ABO phenotypes could be expected in the offspring?
Group A, B and AB
According to Landsteiner's rule, what ABO antibody will be detected in a group A individual's serum?
Select the appropriate strategy if the results of red cell and serum testing in the ABO typing procedure have negative agglutination reactions.
Incubate tubes at room temperature or 4 degrees C with an autocontrol
What would be the agglutination reaction of red cells from a Bombay phenotype with anti-H lectin?
Given the following ABO Phenotyping data:
FOWARD Reverse
Anti-A: 2+mf A1 cells:0
Anti-B:0 B cells: 3+
What could be a plausible explanation for this discrepancy?
Group O blood products given to group A
What forward typing reagent can be used to confirm group O units before placing them in inventory?
Anti- A, B
Which of the following situations is most likely to cause intravascular hemolysis when an incompatible transfusion is given?
Group B packed cells to a group O recipient
A blood sample from a 90-year old man was submitted to the blood bank for a type and screen before surgery. The forward type demonstrates as a group A, whereas the reverse type appears to be group AB. The most likely cause of this discrepancy is:
That the patient has low-titer isoagglutinins
Most "naturally occurring" ABO system antibodies fall into which class?
What substances are found in the saliva of a group A person who also inherited the secretor gene?
A, H
What percentage of the group A population are type A2?
Approximately what is the percentage of individuals who demonstrate H in their saliva?
To distinguish between an A1 and A2 blood type, which reagent is used?
Dolichos biflorus lectin
Why is it sometimes necessary to distinguish A1 and A 2 blood types?
To resolve a discrepancy between the forward and reverse typing
The subgroup of A with the least amount of A antigen is?
What is the immunoglobulin sugar that corresponds with Group A?
What is the immunoglobulin sugar that corresponds with Group B?
What is the immunoglobulin sugar that corresponds with Group O?
What is the immunoglobulin sugar that corresponds with H antigen?
What is the immunoglobulin sugar that corresponds with Bombay?
None of the above