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49 Cards in this Set

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What is the triad of MM?
-back pain
-renal insufficiency
An Alkaline urine is caused by what/
The discharge of Gonrrhea is ______________ and discharge of chlamydia is __________

The Whiff test is for which STDs?

What are 3 causes of Balanitis?
-candida albicans
-allergic reaction
-Reiter's Syndrome
Rusty colored suptum with lobar consolidation is caused by what?
-Strep. Pneumoniae
What are some diseases that Strep Pyogenes can cause?
-necrotizing fascitis
-toxic shock
Tell me about the rash of Scarlet Fever
strawberry tongue and rash on trunk that spreads to extremities
1-a CD4 count <200 leads to what?

2-a CD4 count <100 leads to what?

HIV pt presents with dry cough for 1 week. he denies night sweats, fever, and chills. White count is normal Think what?
Mycoplasma pneumonia
There can be only _____ acid-base disorders at the same time.
What can't the body do when it comes to acid-base disorders?
overcompensate the primary acid-base disorder
What are the tx for hyperK
-insulin glucose
Acute pancreatitis can be precipitated by what electrolyte disorder?
What type of kidney stones can be treated with thiazides?
Calcium Oxylate stones
Know these 3 things about Struvite stones
-proteus UTIs
-Alkaline Urine
Exudative PEs have greater than 30g protein. What are some examples?
What are some causes of Transudative PEs (less than 30g protein)
RESTRICTIVE lung disease has an FEV1/FVC of what?
greater than 0.7
MCCs of chronic cough are what?
For penumothorax, which type of chest film is more specific?
RA affects which joints of the hand?
-PIP (Bouchard's)
SLE is associated with which HLA's?
What drugs are associated with drug induced lupus?
40 y/o african american presents with dyspnia, malaise, visual distrubance, rash and CXR shows bilateral hilar adenopathy THINK what?
How do embolic strokes usually present?
-suddenly, often in discrete steps and most often in waking hours
How do thrombolic strokes usually present?
relativiely slow progressive onset often during sleep
How do intracerebral strokes usually present?
-over minutes and invariably during waking hours
How does a transtentorial herniation usually present?
pts present with enlarged pupil on ipsilateral side of herniation as well as contralateral hemiparesis
Central herniation is usually the rest of what?
Tonsillar herniation often results in compression of what?
lower brain stem
What drugs can precipitate a myasthemia crisis?
What are 3 causes of painless vision loss?
-central retinal artery occlusion
-central retinal vein occlusion
-retinal detachment
What are 3 causes of painful vision loss?
-acute angle glocoma
-giant cell arteritis
-optic neuritis
what is the NPH triad?
-gait disorder
-urinary incontinence
What type of brain lesion is usually benign and slow growing?
What brain lesion is the MC cranial nerve tumor?
What are some causes of erythema nodosum?
What are the S/S of erythema multiforme?
characterized by target lesions, multiforme refers to the wide variety of lesions that may be presetn, including, papules, vesicles, and bullae. Affected sides include dorsa of hands, palms and soles, penis, feet, and face
What skin disease is characterized by extensive targetlike lesions and mucosal erosion covering <10% of the body?
Sevens-Johnson's Syndrome
What is the inability to perform previously learned activities?
Just know these 5 things about Menier's Syndrome
-comprising of attacks of vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus
-accumulation of excessive endolymphatic fluid in endolymphatic sac
-usually btw ages 35-55
-hearing loss may precede attack
-tx is antiemetics, beta-histidine, low salt, and diuretics
Know these 3 things about Gout
-decreased viscosity of joint fluid (ow hyaluronate)
-initiate allopurinol and or probenecid tx only after acute gout attck is resolved, or it may prolong the attck
-allpurinol: use in OVERproduces and this with renal insufficiency
The wheeze of asthma tends to be what in compared to the wheeze of COPD?
tends to be higher pitched than the wheeze of COPD
Transudative PE have less than 30 grams of protein and what are some causes?
-pulmonary emboli
Exudative PE have greater than 30 grams of protein and what are some causes?
-collagen vascular disease
-pulmonary infarction
-asbestos exposure
-(tumor, trauma, infection)
What is an effortless cause of vomiting?
What are some pre-hepatic causes of jaundice?
-hemolytic anemia
-autoimmune hereditary spherocytosis
What are some hepatic causes of jaundice?
-hydatid disease
-drugs like halothane
-autimmune disease