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8 Cards in this Set

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‘’The wrath of Achilles and it’s consequences are made to represent the whole story”.

Agamemnon- “uneasy and disturbed his self-esteem” in the presence of Achilles.

Paris and Helen- “story as a tragedy”


“A mere spicy tale”- Paris and Helen

Agamemnon- “the anxious brother of Menelaus, the admirer of the wise Nestor, is a different man from the excitable and overbearing one who wrongs Achilles”



“The character of Paris in the Iliad involves constant contradictions”

William Allan

“As with Hector, Agamemnon’s and Achilles’ portrayal throughout the poem explores the potential conflict within heroism between individual ambition and collective good, and the dangers of putting personal honour above all else’

‘The Achaeans martial pre-eminence reminds us that to fully understand the Iliad we must balance the suffering caused by war against the glory that comes from the success in it.’


‘Perhaps the most alien feature of Homer’s people is that, in general, they seem to show no capacity for development: character is conceived as static’

‘It is clear that Achilles is an uncomfortable and even destructive presence in the heroic world’


‘There is tension at the heart of the Iliad between the hero’s natural desire for the honour and status to be gained by winning.’

‘Heroic behaviour and it’s consequences in the person of Achilles are the central subject around which Homer builds the Iliad.’

‘Issues of self-control, power, authority and compromise (or lack of it) which resonate far beyond the military context in which they are set.’

Achilles- ‘Magnificent figure’, ‘obsessive, complex, extreme, austere’

‘It is not Patroclus’ fighting ability that will be his undoing... it will be his desire to go too far and refusal to rein himself in that will kill him.’



‘The character of Achilles is not good in any other sense than that he excels others in physical prowess and is the best fighter.’


‘The main difference between the two heroes is that Hector is represented as quintessentially socially and human, while Achilles is inhumanly isolated and daemonic is in greatness.’