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48 Cards in this Set

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Give up completely ( a course of action, a practice, or a way of thinking ). 1 have they made a strategic decision to abandon their unclear ambition?. 2 we can not go wild and start attacking with total abandon.



(Of language ) open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning. 1 the constitution is an ambiguous document open to interpretation by all. 2 but if the political climate is ambiguous, there’s still reason to celebrate.


append and appendix

Add (something) as an attachment or supplement. 1 relevant extracts are appended to this article for easy reference. 2 only a few states append a list of recommended readings. 3. A list of such activities was published as an appendix to the report.

الحق. أضاف


Understand ( a situation) fully; recognise the full implications of. 1 it was a look and feel that for many years few people appreciated and even fewer recognised. 2 they expected the house to appreciate in value.

قدر. زاد في قيمة شئ


Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system. 1 his mealtime were entirely arbitrary. 2 any system of classification is arbitrary and thus frail, subject to the contradictions of experience.



convert ( a process or facility ) to largely automatic operation. 1 these tools automate manual processes and substantially streamline our business. 2 the IT department decided to look for a solution that would automate this entire process.

شغل اوتوماتيكيا


A sheet of information in the form of a table, graph, or diagram. 1 do not you have a chart or graph somewhere that tells you when you have repeated yourself. 2 volunteers will get a designated area to chart starting at 12 noon and all are welcome to go along to help.

جدول. خريطة


Make ( a statement or situation) less confused and more clearly comprehensible. 1 could you pleas clarify which of these days it is ?. 2 but the rules changed several times, and he did not clarify which set he relied on.



A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee. 1 after all, it is precisely because music is a commodity that producing it is such a struggle. 2 time is the most precious commodity everyone has in life and how it is used is vital.



comply with rules, standards, or laws. 1 but if we think God must conform to one or the other picture, we really have a limited view. 2 I could never conform to what other people wanted me to be for the sake of fitting in.



A thing that completes or brings to perfection. 1 he is working on his off-speed pitches to complement his fastball and splitter. 2 movement and grace must complement what has been left unsaid by the music.



deny the truth of ( a statement) , especially by asserting the opposite. 1 now no one will speak candidly about him or take him in or contradict him. 2 I hesitated to contradict him, but I believed he was missing the point.

تعارض. تناقض


Decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something. 1 the chemistry so crucial to the success of any screen romance is absent. 2 if you want to lose weight, it is crucial to maintain low insulin levels.

حاسم. مهم


A system of money in general use in a particular country. 1 the dollar was a strong currency. 2 That attitude has no currency in this country.

عملة. تداول


Be a sing of ; indicate. 1 X and Y are not a formula; they are a pair of mathematical symbol to denote elements of the set. 2 each month had name, denoting some natural feature or event.



discover or identify the presence or existence of. 1 in truth, she had thought that they would have detected each other’s presence sooner. 2 even the fact that there is the ability to detect murder it is committed is a complex issue.



Depart from an established course. 1 how much can you deviate from a standard and still function. 2 sometime members deviate from the course, and commanders must take corrective actions.



Take over the place, position, or role of ( someone or something). 1 at a stroke, numerous critical teacher educators were removed or displaced. 2 he says it will simply displace American workers.

أزاح. حل محل


An exciting , emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances. 1 the drama of the event had the staffers buzzing but drew shrugs from the children. 2 I really enjoyed getting my head around the drama and the emotions.

حالة. مسرحية


Occurring at the end of or as result of a series of events; final; ultimate. 1 it may make it difficult to accept and process eventual failure to cope. 2 the eventual aim is to provide a courts complex suitable for modern needs.

نهاىي. ناتج


Publicly display ( a work of art or item of interest) in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair. 1. the exhibit presented one hundred black women who changed America. 2. different species also exhibit different patterns of activity over the course of a year.



make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource). 1. 500 companies sprang up to exploit this new technology. 2 regions in the east are able to exploit natural resources such as forestry to provide for prison labour.



Rise and fall irregular in number or amount. 1 trade with other countries tends to fluctuate from year to year. 2 volume levels fluctuate wildly , leading to constant struggle with the remote.

تقلب. تذبذب


A general rule , principle, or piece of advice. 1 the general guideline for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed. 2 I had written something to say about her, just as a basic guideline for me to work from.

خط توجيهي


pick out and emphasis. A bright or reflective area in a painting, picture, or design. 1 the following sections highlight some of our findings. 2 this event was probably the highlight of my year, though.

ألقى ضوءا . العناوين الرئيسية


implied though not plainly expressed. 1 but if you agree to this , I will need your complete, total, and implicit trust. 2 this paper contains his famous deep implicit function theorem.

ضمني. كامن


Succeed in persuading or influencing (someone) to do something. 1 comfortable chairs induce us to sit, relax, converse, and become fat , fat , fat. 2 heavy meals and certain foods, such as turkey, warm milk and bananas , induce sleep.



Certain to happen; unavoidable. 1 it takes courage and wisdom to make the best of an imperfect situation and accept the inevitable. 2 nothing in politics is inevitable, not if you fight it hard enough.

لا مفر منة


Look at ( someone or something) closely, typically to assess their condition or to discover any shortcomings. 1 customs officer came aboard to inspect our documents. 2 after inspecting the equipment they discovered that there had been a leak.

فحص. فتش


Of extreme force, degree , or strength. 1 imagine someone pulling your muscles with intense force. 2 the next morning would bring more intense activities.

مكثف شديد


Control or influence ( person or situation) cleverly, unfairly , or unscrupulously. 1 nations may still be able to manipulate their own data. 2 he was too innocent to manipulate the information I freely gave him.



Reduce ( something, especially something unwanted or unpleasant) to the smallest possible amount or degree. 1 the material used are usually minimised or changed to reduce production time and cost. 2 the aim to minimised cost.



counteract ( something) by having an opposing force or effect. 1 these wheels have an offset of four inches. 2 a full frame consists of two 1920+540 line fields, offset slightly.



arrange ( a piece of writing ) in paragraph. 1This would have got 9 or 10 if it had been paragraph. 2 the concluding paragraph.



A person actively engaged in an art, discipline, or profession, especially medicine. 1 I highly recommend trying it if you can find a practitioner. 2 he is a skilled practitioner of the art of eye contact.

ممارس المهنة. طبيب


present as the strongest or main element. 1 fats in our food are categorised according to the predominant fatty acid that is present. 2 the predominant colour in this artwork is red, and the feeling is nice.



( especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough. 1 people are exhausted from the radical change that affect their way of life. 2 first, let is mandate a radical redesign of that core user of oil, the automobile.

اصولي. جذري


mode, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision. 1 the journey was relatively silent, aside from the random clearing of throats. 2 I find it impossible to not laugh at such a random guy.



bring back ( a previous right, practice, custom, or situation); reinstate. 1 developers are taking two approach to restoring their rights. 2 the government will restore land to those who lost it through confiscation.



arrange or plan ( an event ) to take place at a particular time. 1 all other events scheduled for tomorrow will go ahead as planned. 2 as the asset scheduled for makes clear, the financial resources are substantial and liquid.



Become tense, typically through anxiety or nervousness. 1 he was not feverish, but his muscles were tense. 2 when I was younger, of course I was more tense and nervous.

متوتر. تشنج


bring to an end. 1 the train will terminate at Birmingham. 2 their bosses can now terminate undocumented workers who join a union, without monetary consequences.

انهي. انقضى


not changing in form or character; remaining the same in all cases and at all times. 1 the decline in fertility was not uniform across social classes. 2 across 14 channels, it was amazing how uniform the behaviour pattern was.



Almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition. 1 eliminate any software that creates virtual disk volumes. 2 the software also supports multiple virtual desktops.



travelling through (a place) en route to a destination. 1 he donated it straight back to the community via nearby sports club. 2 a file sent via electronic mail.

بواسطة. عن طريق كذا


Of or relating to seeing or sight. 1 it is a very successful way to convert an ordinary shot into one with a lot of visual appeal. 2 the mixture of fashion and function can be seen in the bright visuals of Safari Chic.



found or distributed over a large area or number of people. 1 the news of widespread rain in the region may bring some cheer to the grim faces of farmers. 2 he is sure to garner widespread support from across all section of club rugby.

واسع الانتشار


The possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring.

1. There was no prospect of a reconciliation. 2. The company is also prospecting for gold.
