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30 Cards in this Set

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To live up to

Đạt tiêu chuẩn/ kì vọng nào đó.

Ex: The play quite lived up to my expectations.

Comply with

Adhere to

Abide by

Tuân theo

To obey an order, rule

Ex: There are serious penalties for failure to comply with the regulations.

Take aback

To shock or surprise sb very much

Ex: I was take aback when I saw the bill.

Ex: Brendan was taken aback by her sudden question.

Look ahead

To decide, think about what will happen in the future.

Ex: It's time you looked ahead and made plan for your future.

Draw up s.th

Chuẩn bị, soạn thảo, hoạch định.

Ex: I think that you've drawn up some excellent plans, I must congratulate you.

Once in a blue moon

Rarely, not very often

Ex: I work out once in a blue moon.

Out of the blue


Ex: One night Jack arrived at my flat right out of the blue.

Black and white

It's easy to understand what is right or wrong(rõ ràng)

Ex: I'm really sure about s.th, I think free education for all is a black and white issue.

In the pink

In good health

Ex: John recovered from his surgery in less than 10 days, and is now in the pink of condition.

Break a leg

Good luck

Danny's family told him to "break a leg" right before he went up on the stage.

Put the cat among the pigeons

To say or do s.th that makes a lot of people very angry

Ex: Danny put the cat among the pigeons by suggesting that the company might have to make some redundancies.

Cost an arm and a leg/ a small fortune

To be extremely expensive

Ex: I'd love to buy some Truffle but it costs an arm and a leg

Put on an act

To pretend,giả bộ, làm bộ, to behave or speak in an artificial way

Ex: He' s just putting on an act for the boss's benefits

Put st at one's disposal

You are able to use st whenever you want, for whatever purpose you want

Ex: Dad has put his car at my disposal.

Give your word

To promise

Ex: He gave his word that he would marry her and she had no cause to doubt him.

Make a getaway

To escape

Ex: The bank robbers made a getaway in a stolen car.

A big fish in a small pond

An important person in a small community.

Ex: I enjoy being the boss of a small company

-> I enjoy being a big fish in a small pond.

Put sb/st on the map

To make a thing, person, or place famous.

Ex: The success of local threatre has put our city on the map.

Keep someone company

To stay with s.o so that thay are not alone

Ex: Will you please keep me company for a while.

Ex: Thank you very much for keeping us company today.

On the tip of one's tongue

Mô tả tình huống ai đó cố gắng nhớ ra st(tên, mốc t.

gian,...) và cảm thấy mình sắp nhớ ra nó.

Ex: I know her.Her name is on the tip of my tongue, but it wouldn't come to me.

Take sides

To support one person or opinion over another in the quarrel

Ex: My mother never took sides when my brother and I argued.

See eye to eye

If 2 people see eye to eye, they agree with each other.

Ex: My sisters don't see eye to eye with me about the arrangments.

Ex: Jack and Rose never see eye to eye on how to bring up their children.

Cross sb's mind

If st crosses your mind, you think of it

Ex: Giving up my career isn't even st that's crossed my mind.

Ex: It had never crossed my mind that I'd win a prize.

Keep your fingers crossed

To hope strongly that st will happen

Ex: We're keeping our fingers crossed that he'll be healthy again shortly.

Stand/Keep/Hold your (own) ground

Giữ vững lập trường, ko thay đổi ý kiến.

Ex: She can hold her ground in any agument

Come to light

If facts come to light, they become know publicy

Ex: Fresh evidence has recently came to light that suggests that he didn't in fact commit the murder.

Give an account of st

To describe st

Ex: The book give an interesting account of the life of Max as a young man.

Cry over spilt milk

To feel sad about st that has already happened

Ex: It's a waste of time crying over spilt milk, he says, you just have to move on with your life

Cast an/your eye over sth

Have a look at sth

E.g Would u mind casting an eye over over the beds at the front to see whether any of the plants need watering

Hit the nail on the head

To be exactly right about st

E.g I think Mick hit the nail on the head when he said that what's lackikg in this company is confidence