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26 Cards in this Set

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The gift that keeps on giving - to talk about a thing or situation which has benefits that are repeated over a long period of time.

That subscription to the video-streaming site you gave me is the gift that keeps on giving.

That marketing campaign went viral, and people are still watching the video ten years later.

It's the gift that keeps on giving.

My investment in shares is the gift that keeps on giving. I get dividends every month.

Slay - can mean 'kill', but it can also mean 'to be amazing' or 'impressive'

He looks amazing today! He's wearing a really smart suit - he slays!

Their house is incredible - decorated with true style and taste! And don't get me started on the furniture - it slays!

She really slayed last night at the award ceremony - she looked amazing!



I stand corrected

اعترف بخطئي

Today of all days

اليوم بالذات من بين كل الأيام

open the door to (something) - (idiom) allow something new to start, or make it possible to happen

My concern is that it really will be opening a door to something much more than those tests

Get a grip تمالك نفسك


eyes bigger than your belly - (idiom) used when someone has taken more food than they can eat

It sounds like your eyes were bigger than your belly, or stomach - a phrase describing someone who has taken more food than they can eat.

A flying start - means 'an excellent beginning'.

We often use it with the words 'have', 'make' or 'get off to'.

Your son has made a flying start in the class. He's a brilliant student.

The athlete got off to a flying start. She set a record in the swimming event.

A flying start on a diet and losing a few kilos early on can really boost someone's confidence.

More bang for your buck(s)

If you get more bang for your buck(s), you get a better result for the amount of effort or money that you have put into something.


Know the score - means understand the situation or know what is really going on.

You know the score - you can't leave work until you've finished all your tasks.

I think she knew the score - she didn't have the right grades to get into university.

We know the score - money is tight, so we won't be getting a bonus this year.

to take an idea and run with it...

We use this expression in situations where we have an initial idea for something and then further develop it in a much bigger way.


Thanks a bunch! - can be used as a sarcastic reply to someone who is being unhelpful or not doing what they said they would do. A similar phrase is 'thanks for nothing'.

You've used all the milk in the fridge. Thanks a bunch!

Thanks a bunch for telling everyone I'd split up with my boyfriend - I was trying to keep that secret!

Thanks a bunch! You said you'd do the shopping, and you didn't - now we've got nothing to eat.

Spend a penny - means 'go to the toilet'

It's an old idiom from the days when it cost a penny to unlock the door of a public toilet.

Can you wait a second, Rob? I have to spend a penny.

I'm 'raring to go'

متشوق للذهاب/ الانطلاق

Hold your horses

I'll reveal the answer at the end of the programme, so just hold your horses for now!

jump the shark - (usually of television shows) to reach a point where something stops becoming more popular or starts to decrease in quality

The show jumped the shark a few years ago.

The show jumped the shark a few years ago.Will Twitter soon jump the shark?

The show jumped the shark a few years ago.Will Twitter soon jump the shark?

Will Twitter soon jump the shark?

Groundhog Day - meaning a situation in which events that have happened before, happen again in exactly the same way.

Once again, we had an agreement, we all shook hands, and once again they come back and say no. I guess this is Groundhog Day.

ubiquitous - seeming to be everywhere

The mobile phone, that most ubiquitous of consumer-electronic appliances, is about to enter a new age.

breaking the internet - causing so much excitement about something online that too many people visit the website at the same time, making it crash.

This cute kid basically broke the internet, with his video getting almost a billion views.

first-world problems - a trivial problem that does not seem very important when compared to the serious problems faced by people in poorer parts of the world.


Throw in the towel' which means 'give up', or 'surrender'.

Three of the original five candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination have now thrown in the towel.

Pull someone's leg - means to try to persuade someone to believe something that is not true, as a joke

Is it really your car or are you pulling my leg?

caught red handed - they are discovered doing something wrong, and there's no doubt.

Jorge was caught red-handed having a sneak peek of his presents before his birthday!We caught Svetlana red-handed eating chocolate as she said she was giving it his presents before his birthday!

Down in the dumps

She is a bit down in the dumps because she failed one of her exams

Stand a chance - to have a chance of success

He doesn’t stand much of chance in the election