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10 Cards in this Set

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STI with urethritis, cervicitis and discharge? (Dunn 761-763, Tin 989-92)
Gonorrrea (most common STD in Australia)
Chlamydial (3rd most notifiable disease in Australia)
Trichomonal vaginalis (protozan infection)
Others mycoplasma, ureaplasma
STI with genital ulcers? (Dunn 763, Tin 993-99)
HSV (Mainly type 2 in genital infection)
Lymphogranuloma Venerum (from C. trachomatis serotypes)
Donovanosis (Klebsiella granulomatis)
Genital Wart (HPV)
Which is not a symptoms of disseminated disease for Gonorrhoea? (Dunn 761-2, Tin 990-2)
a. Fever
b. Assymmatric Polyarthritis
c. Tenosynovitis
d. CNS disorder
e. petechiae on erythematous base
d. CNS
Disseminated gonorrhoea also call arthritis dermatitis syndrome in 3 % on gonorrhoea infection.
Which is not ture for Gonorrhoea infection? (Dunn 762)
a. 50% coexist with Chlamydial infection
b. Penicillin alone is the durg of choice
c. It is a reportable disease
d. Gram stain of urethral discharge shows diplococci and polymorphhonuclear leukocytes
e. PCR urine and swab both had >90% sensitivity & specificity
b. increase penicillin resistant in Australia, insufficient for pharyngeal and anorectal infection even if "sensitive".
- Ceftiaxone 250mg IM stat + oral doxycycline for 7 days or azithormicin 1g single dose
- IV Ceftiaxone or cefotaxime for disseminated disease
Which is not true for primary Syphilis? (Dunn 763, Tin993)
a. Incubation period 2-4 weeks
b. Painful papule (chancre) develops
c. Associated regional lymphadenopathy
d. Ulcers heal without treatment in 3-7 weeks
e. Treponema pallidum is a spirochete
b. Chance is a painless ulcer with indurated borders
Which is not ture for secondary Syphilis? (Dunn 763)
a. Occur 4-10 weeks post primary infection
b. Papulosquamous eruption on palm is characteristic
c. Lymphadenopathy with fever and arthralgia
d. Never cause aseptic meningitis
e. Condyloata lata is a painless skin lesion that highly infectious
d. 1-3 % cause aseptic meningitis and 30% developed subclinical CNS disease
Feature for Tertiary Syphilis? (Dunn763)
Develop in 10 years
CVS - Aortic regurgitation, Aortitis,. Aneurysm formation
CNS - Dementia/ psychosis, cranial nerve palsies, spinal cord syndrome, tabes dorsalis (progressive demyelination of posterior column and dorsal nerve root, ataxia, incontinence, leg pain)
Which is false for investigation in Syphilis?
a. Dark field microscopy identified spirochaetes from chancres
b.VDRL (Venereal disease research lab) is non-treponemal antigen test for screening
c. Treponemal antibody tests are use to support the diagnosis if patient had a positive VDRL test
d. Treponemal antibody tests remain positive in 75% for life unless treatment start early
e. RPR (rapid plasma regain) is used to determine if true positive VDRL
e. RPR and VDRL are screening test for Sypjilis, both need Treponemal antibody tests e.g. IgG to confirm diagnosis.
Which is not true for HSV infecton? (Dunn757-8)
a) HSV 1 & 2 can implicated STD
b) Double stranded DNA virus
c) Routine use of Aciclovir is recommanded during pregnancy to prevent recurrent genital herpes
d) Complication in fetuses exposure includes prematurity, growth retardation & spontaneous abortion
e) Fetal renal damage is associated with IV aciclovir use
c) no control studies of the use of aciclovir during pregnancy doesn't prevent recurrence of genitl herpes, IV aciclovir potential cause fetal renal damage.
Which is not true for Bacterial Vaginosis? (Grennberg 351)
a) Due to anaerobic infection
b) Cause complication in pregnancy e.g. postpartum endometritis, miscarriage
c) Treat sexual partnets with oral metronidazole is recommended
d) All symptomatic patients and asymptomatic pregnant patients needed to be treated
e) Clue cells presence in Vaginal fluid as a diagnosis criteria
c) Treatment of sexual partners is not recommended, oral metronidazole or intravaginal metronidazole gel is used.