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Today we’ll talk about the Polterabend custom in Germany.

Something you usually do.

Wed - Affair

Just before couples are wed, their families and close friends meet for an informal affair.

Wed : To get married

Affair : an event

Request - Dinnerwares

Then, all guests are requested to break things such as dinnerwares and flower vases, anything except glass.

Request : The act of politely or officially asking for something.

Dinnerwares : somethings like plates, spoons etc...


As soon as the entire place is in disarray, the couples clear up the broken things.

Disarray : The state of being confused and having no organization or of being untidy.

Significant - Significance

This tradition teaches the couple the significance of being united and of hard work.

Significant "ADJ" : Important or noticeable

Significance "Noun" : Importance

Rocky start

At least, the rocky start is now over, things can only improve from here.

بداية "مش لطيفة "متخبطة"

Decade - Warn - Infectious - Threat

Over the past decade, Bill Gates has been warning about the lack of preparation and systems in place to deal with infectious disease threats that could lead to a pandemic

Decade : Ten years

Warn : To make someone realize a possible danger or problem.

Infectious : Of a disease able to be passed from one person, animal, or plant to another.

Threat : A suggestion that something unpleasant will happen, especially if a particular action or order is not followed.

In the midst - Accuse

Now that the world is actually in the midst of a pandemic, some people on social media have been accusing Gates of starting it

In the midst = In the middle

Accuse : To say that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal or unkind.

Multiple - Occasion - Effort - Prevent

Gates has been - on multiple occasions - pushing for more efforts to prevent this possibility, such as in his 2015 TED talk

Multiple : "Very many" of the same type, or of different types.

Occasion : A particular time, especially when something happens or has happened.

Effort : Physical pr mental activity needed to achieve something.

Prevent : To stop something from happening or someone from doing something.

Accusation - Implant

There were some accusations that he wants to implant microchips into people to track them.

Accusation : The noun of "Accuse"

Implant : to place something into someone's body

Patent - Fund

A coronavirus strain is patented by The Pirbright Institute, which is partially funded by the Bill.

Patent : a legal right that a person or company receives to make or sell a particular product so that others cannot copy it.

Fund : An amount of money saved, collected, or provided for a particular purpose.

Vaccine - Profit

According to some activists on social media, the entire pandemic is just to create a need for a vaccine from which Gates will subsequently profit.

Vaccine : A substance that is given to people to stop them from getting a particular disease.

Profit : Money that is earned in trade or business after paying the costs of producing and selling goods and services.

Victim - Conspiracy

Or is he simply a victim of conspiracy theorists who have a bit too much time on their hands?

Victim : Someone or something that has been hurt, damaged, or killed or has suffered, either because of the actions of someone or something else.

Conspiracy : Secret plans by group of people to do something bad or illegal.

Invention - Transaction - Bartering

Before the invention of money, people used to make transactions by bartering.

Invention : Something that has been designed or created for the first time.

Transaction : The buying or selling of something, or an exchange of money.

Barter : To exchange goods or services for other goods or services, without using money.


there were some difficulties in using this method.

Method : A way of doing something, often one that involves a system or plan.

Excess - Cross

If I had an excess of bananas and I wanted to cross the river, how would I pay for this service?

Excess : More of something than is usual or needed.

Cross : To go from one side of something to other side.


I’d have to find someone who owns a boat, and is willing to exchange his service for some of my bananas.

Willing : To be happy to do something.

Eventually - Replace - Metal

The use of bartering was eventually replaced by the use of metals, animals, sea shells and anything with an agreed upon value.

Eventually : In the end, especially after a long time.

Replace : To start using another thing or person instead of the one that you're using now.

Metal : A usually hard, shiny material such as iron, gold or silver which heat and electricity can travel through.


In time, the use of coins became inconvenient, especially when it came to situations in which we needed to use large amounts of coins.

Inconvenient : Involving or causing difficulty, such as unexpected changes or efforts.


This came into the form of IOU, which is an abbreviation for “I owe you”.

Abbreviation : A shorter form of a word or phrase, especially used in writing.

Precious - Trade

This eventually led to rare and precious metals such as Silver and Gold being used in trade.

Precious : Very important to you.

Trade : The buying and selling of large numbers of goods or services, especially between countries.

Trusted - Vault

The way that worked is that you’d carry your gold coins and deliver them to a trusted party who owns a very well guarded vault.

Trusted : To believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you.

Vault : A special room in a bank where money, jewelry, and other valuable objects are kept.

Issue - Document - Collect

They would count your gold coins and issue you an IOU document stating the amount of coins you have in their vault with the promise that you or anybody who holds such a document could collect the stated amount of gold any time.

Issue : To say something officially.

Document : A piece of paper with official information on it.

Collect : To get things from different places and bring them together.

Provider - Print out

Which led the providers of those IOUs to realise that they could print out more of those IOUs.

Provider : Someone who provides something.

Print : To produce writing or images on paper or other material with a machine.


A devilish idea was then born, where would it take the world from here onward?

Onward : Beginning at a time and continuing after it.

Quantum Theory

Dr. Moustafa published 25 original papers in distinguished scientific journals about quantum theory, the theory of relativity, and the relation between radiation and matter.

Distinguished : مميز

Scientific : علمي

Journal : مجلة

Quantum theory : نظرية الكم

Relatively : النسبية

Radiation : إشعاع

Matter : المادة

Astronomy - Mathematics

He also translated 10 books of astronomy and mathematics into Arabic.

Astronomy : علم الفلك

Mathematics : الرياضيات


He died on the 15th of January 1950, under mysterious circumstances and the case was never subject to proper investigatio

Circumstances : ظروف

Subject : يخضع

Proper : مناسب

Investigation : تحقيق


Albert Einstein eulogized his death saying: “I cannot believe that Mosharafa is dead, he is alive through his research.



I used to follow up his research in atomic energy, definitely he is one of the best scientists in physics.

Atomic energy : الطاقة الذرية

Physics : الفيزياء

Fallacy - Encounter

Today we’ll talk about one of the most common fallacies that you are most likely to encounter on a regular basis in day to day conversations.

Fallacy : a belief that is not true or correct.

Encounter : A meaning, especially one that happens by chance.

Argument - Misrepresent - Distort

That is the straw man fallacy. The straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based around misrepresenting or distorting someone’s

argument to make it easier to attack.

Argument :

1 - an angry discussion with someone in which you both disagree.2 - A reason or reasons why you support or oppose an idea, action, etc...

Misrepresent : To describe falsely an idea, opinion, or situation, often in order to get an advantage.

Distort : Change meaning" to change something so that it is false or wrong, or no longer means what it was intended to mean. 2 - "Affect" to change or affect something, especially in a way that makes it worse.

Present - Premise - understaffed

Person A presents the following argument :

Premise : Having understaffed schools leads to a weaker state of education

Present : To give something to someone, often at a formal ceremony.

Premise : an idea that you use to support another theory.

Understaffed : If a shop, company, business is understaffed, it does not have enough employees.


Conclusion : We should put more money into education

The opinion you have after considering all the information about something.

Respond - Defenceless

Person B responds saying the following:

Person B: I can’t believe that you hate our country so much that you want to leave it defenceless by cutting military funds.

Respond : to say or do something as an answer or reaction to something that has been said or done.

Defenceless : Defenceless people, animals, plants or things are weak and unable to protect themselves from attack.


Person B distorted Person A’s argument to make it easier to attack.

Change meaning" to change something so that it is false or wrong, or no

longer means what it was intended to mean. 2 - "Affect" to change or affect

something, especially in a way that makes it worse.

Point STh out

A good way to respond if you’re faced with a straw man argument, is to simply point it out by saying something

Point STh out : to tell someone about some information, often because you believe they do not know it or have forgotten it.


Let me restate the argument that I actually did make

Restate : to say something again or in a different way.


He was born into a well-educated family and developed an interest in computer programming at a young age.

Develop : To grow or change and become more advanced, or to make someone or something do this.


You might know him from his most famous creation, the largely used social media website, Facebook.

Creation : The act of creating something, or the thing that is created.

Communicate - Dental

At the age of 12, he built a software program that he called «ZuckNet» that allowed all the computers between their house and his father’s dental office to communicate with each other.

Communicate : To share information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals.

Dental : Relating to teeth.

Enroll - Prep school

they enrolled him in a prep school in New Hampshire.

Enroll : To become or make someone become an official member of a course, college, or group.

Prep school : In the US a private school for children over the age of eleven that prepares them to go to college.


By his sophomore year, he had already built two other programs.

Sophomore : A student studying in the second year of a course at a US university or high school.

Partner up

Later on, Zuckerberg and his friends partnered up to create what we now know as Facebook.

Partner up : To join with another person or organization in a business activity.


Early on after it’s conception, it produced one of the 3 computers credited with creating the home computer market.

Conception : The beginning of point or idea.


computers were not accessible to the average consumer.

Accessible : Easy to find or reach.


1977 was the first time they were marketed to consumers as affordable and accessible

Affordable : Cheap enough for most people.

Founded - Management - Conflict

That company is Apple. It was originally founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak and was managed by them until Steve Jobs was forced out of Apple due to management conflicts in 1985.

Founded : To start an organization.

Management : Being in control of an office, shop, team, etc...

Conflict : "Disagreement or Fighting" - a serious disagreement or fighting between groups or countries.


Apple first introduced the iPod which prompted them to start focusing more on creating software for personal digital devices.

Prompt : To cause someone to do something.

Manufacture - Generation

Until today, Apple has manufactured 11 different generations of iPhone.

Manufacture : To produce something, usually in large numbers in a factory.

Generation : All the people in a society or family who are approximately the same age.

Awarded - Field - Prestigious - achieve

In 2004 she became the first woman to be awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize, the field’s most prestigious award, to be the first female ever to achieve such an honor.

Award : a prize given to someone for something they have achieved.

Awarded : Got an award.

Field : an area of study or activity.

Prestigious : Respected and admired, usually because of being important.

Achieve : to succeed in doing something good, usually by working hard.

Heighten - Exhibit

This impression of her heightened when some of her designs were exhibited as works of art in major museums.

Heighten : to increase or make something increase.

Exhibit : to show objects such as paintings to the public.


Her last triumph, before she leaves this world at the age of 65 after a heart attack.

Triumph : "Success" - an important success, achievement, or victory.

Carve - Outstanding - Architecture - extraordinary

Zaha Hadid has carved her name deep in history with her outstanding architecture and extraordinary accomplishments

Carve : to make an object, a shape, or a pattern by cutting wood, stone, etc...

Outstanding : excellent and much better than most.

Architecture : The design and style of buildings.

Extraordinary : Very special, unusual, or strange.

Hardship - Utmost

People may not know all the hardships she faced to get her name where it stands now, but they, certainly, know that she is a figure worthy of utmost respect.

Hardship : a problem or situation that makes you suffer a lot, especially because you are very poor.

Utmost : used to emphasize how important or serious something is.


Persuasion runs through many human endeavors.

Endeavor : To try to do something very hard.

Politician - Persuade

Politicians persuade people to support and vote for them.

Politician : Someone who works in politics, especially a member of the government.

persuade : To make someone agree to do something by talking to them a lot about it.

Knack - Convince

Some people seem to have a knack for convincing others to see things their way.

Knack : A special skill, or the ability to use or do something easily.

Convince : To make someone believe that something is true.


However, much like a language, anyone can be fluent at it with the right amount of dedication.

Dedication : A willingness to give a lot of time and energy to something because you believe it is important.


Manipulation is coercion through force to get someone to do something that is not in their own interest.

Coercion : To make someone to do something that they do not want to do.


As the prophet Mohammed {PBUH} said: “In some eloquent speech there is magic”.

Eloquent : Expressing ideas clearly and in a way that influences people.

Sculptor - Approach

In the late 1860s, the French sculptor Frédéric Bartholdi approached Isma’il Pasha, Khedive of Egypt.

Sculptor : Someone who makes sculpture.

Approach : to speak or write to someone, often asking to buy or offering them work.

Propose - Entrance

and proposed a project named “Egypt Carrying the Light to Asia”, also known as “Progress Carrying the Light to Asia” at the entrance to the Suez Canal.

Propose : To suggest a plan or action.

Entrance : A door or other opening that you use to enter a building or place.

Peasant - Lantern

featuring a veiled Egyptian peasant woman holding a lantern

Peasant : A poor person who works on a land as a farmer, usually in a poor country.

Lantern : A light that can be carried, usually with a candle inside it.

Decline - Statue - Construct

The project was declined due to the expensive cost and the statue was never constructed.

Decline : If you decline something, you refuse it politely.

Statue : A model that looks like a person or animal, usually made from stone or metal.

Construct : to build something from several parts.

Civil war - historian

Around 1865, as the American Civil War came to an end, the French historian Edouard de Laboulaye proposed that France create a statue to give to the United States.

Civil war : A war between groups of people who live in the same country.

Historian : Someone who studies or writes about history.


Bartholdi was inspired by Laboulaye’s comment and later on created the statue itself out of sheets of hammered copper.

Inspire - Inspiring : Giving you new ideas and make you feel you want to do something.

Commemorate - Abolition

The statue was originally intended to commemorate the abolition of slavery, and later became a symbol of celebration for immigrants.

Commemorate : To do something to show you remember an important person or event in the past with respect.

Abolition - Abolish : To officially end something, especially a law or system.

Immigrant : Someone who comes to live in a different country.

Monument - Emblem

Today, the monument draws 4.5 million visitors a year and is the most widely known American emblem worldwide.

Monument : A building or other structure that is built to make people remember an event in history or a famous person.

Emblem : A picture, object, or symbol that is used to represent a person, group, or idea.

Banknotes - Denote

Now with banknotes, anyone can exchange said paper at the bank for the denoted amount of coin.

Banknotes : A piece of paper money.

Denote : To be a sign of something

Reserve - Loan - Debt

that way the banks can print out more banknotes without gold or silver reserve and loan them out to people so that they could make money out of debt interest.

Reserve : A supply of something that you keep until it is needed.

Loan : Money that someone has borrowed.

Debt : An amount of money that you owe someone.


Which later led to everyone rushing to the bank to turn in their banknotes.

Rush : To hurry or move quickly somewhere, or to make someone or something hurry or move quickly somewhere.

Collapse - Economy

They weren’t able to return everybody’s coins which resulted in the collapse of the Swedish economy at that time.

Collapse : When someone collapse, they fall down, usually they are sick or weak.

Economy : The system by which a country produces and uses goods and money.

Particularly - Involve

He is most known for his work in quantum theory, particularly about his thought experiment involving a cat.

particularly : Especially, or more than usual. Involve : If an activity, situation, etc. involves something, that thing is a part of the activity, etc.


Schrödinger’s cat is a famous hypothetical experiment in which a living cat is placed into a steel chamber along with a hammer, a vial of acid and a very small amount of radioactive substance.

Hypothetical : A hypothetical situation or idea has been suggested but does not yet really exist or has not been proved to be true. Chamber : A room used for a special or official purpose.

Vial : A small glass bottle, especially one containing liquid medicine. Acid : Any of various usually liquid substances that can react with and sometimes dissolve other materials.

Radioactive : Having or producing the energy that comes from the breaking up of atoms.

Substance - Decay - Poisonous

If even a single atom of the radioactive substance decays during the test period, a relay mechanism will trip the hammer, which will in turn, break the poisonous gas vial and cause the cat to die.

Substance : Material with particular physical characteristics.

Decay : To become gradually damaged, worse, or less; to cause something to do this.

Poisonous : A substance that can make people or animals ill or kill them if they eat or drink it.

Organism - Simultaneously

Because it is impossible for an organism to be simultaneously alive and dead at the same time.

Organism : A single living plant, animal, virus, etc.

Simultaneously : In a way that is simultaneous ( = happening or being done at exactly the same time )

Modern - Reveal

While it is true that modern experiments have revealed that even though that doesn’t work with large living organisms like cats.

modern : Designed and make using the most recent ideas and methods.

reveal : To make known or show something that is surprising or that was previously secret.


He’s good at making hypotheses, but when it comes to providing evidence, he’s nowhere to be seen.

فرضية ( تفسير أو تخمين بدون أي دليل يثبتها أو تجارب تدعمها )


The theory of relativity is supported by many scientists.

نظرية ( مبنية على حقائق )


Stop making arguments based on false premises.

فرضية ( يتم بناء عليها جدال أو وجهة نظر )

Polymath - Numerals

He was a Muslim polymath whose major works introduced Arabic Numerals and the concepts of Algebra.

Polymath : a person who knows a lot about many different subjects.

Numerals : a symbol that represents a number.


He spent his life in Baghdad where he worked as a scholar at the “House of Wisdom”

Scholar : a person with great knowledge, usually of a particular subject. - a person who studies a subject in great detail, especially at a university.


His greatest mathematical work “Hisab al-Jabr wa-al-Muqabala” “The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing” is regarded as the foundation and cornerstone of Algebra.

Compendious : short but complete, including everything that is important.

Calculation : the process of using information you already have and adding, taking away, multiplying, or dividing numbers to judge the number or amount of something.

Balance : a state where things are of equal weight or force.

regard : to consider or have an opinion about something or someone.

cornerstone : something of great importance that everything else depends on.


Until this very day, people use algorithms to do addition and long division, principles that are found in Al-Khwarizmi’s texts.

Principles : a basic idea or rule that explains or controls how something happens or works.

Contribution - Development

His many contributions to scientific development and research are still as relevant as ever in the modern-world.

Contribution : something that you contribute or do to help produce or achieve something together with other people, or to help make something successful.

Development : the process in which someone or something grows or changes and becomes more advanced.