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38 Cards in this Set

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Who shall have the responsibility to determine the movement of companies out of storm strike zones?

Fire chief

Station may ne evacuated because of what 3 things?


Storm damage

Operational need

Stations mayborovide lodging for who?


Heavy equipment operation

Mutual aid

USAR may be mobilized and pre positioned because of the need for what?

Vast life safety assessment

Wide area search

Who will ensure swing personnel are accounted for?


Who shall keep a current roster of assigned personnel?

Shift commanders

Who has knowledge of available space to house personnel and storage area for apparatus at each station?


Who will staff the miami dade county EOC?

Fire officer

Beginning with fire watch, all company officers, DC, BC are to complete what form?

Ics 214 activity log

Hurricane watch is expected to hit within

36 hours

Announcement of hurricane watch will be made by?

National hurricane center

Off duty personnel with call who and leave their phone numbers where they can be reached

Company officer

Who will document phone numbers and time if call into the station journal?

Company officer

Swing and unassigned will call who?

Station where DC is assigned

Who will be responsible for keeping a list in the journal of all personnel calling in? And who will assure this takes place

Shift Commander


Who will prepare a written detailed procedure to secure items in the station?

Station Commander

Hurricane watch cat 1 or 2, R days?

Maybe canceled atbthe discretion of fire chief

Hurricane watch cat 3 Rday?

R day will be canceled

If hurricane watch is announced after 1800, the next on duty shift will report no later than?


Hurricane warning us when it is expected to hit within?

24 hours

Who will assure that additional supplies are delivered to stations by logistics division?

Shift Commander

Who will keep a detailed lig of all events and activities taking place in the station?


In a hurricane warning without a preceding watch, who shall prepare a list of on duty personnel needing relief to secure property?

Shift Commander

Who will provide proper relief when the warning is announced before 1800?

Next onduty shift

Who will provide proper relief when the warning is announced at or later 1800?

Shift last on duty

Relief for on duty personnel shall not exceed?

4 hours unless permission granted by relief nember and company officer

Wbo has ultimate responsibility to determine when it is no longer safe to respond?

Fire chief

Which will be determined im the eoc

Who will work closely with the alarm office to determine dispatch priorities?

Eoc staff

Who will conduct radio checks? And how often?

Alarm officer every hour

What will you consider to protect yourself from flyong objects?

Full bunker gear

Who shall asses damage to the station, equipment and apparatus? Who ensures that takes place?

Shift Commanders

BC and DC

Territories shall be surveyed for damages along with? And priority be given to what?

Status of water sources

Survey area hospitals for status and access

If the hurricane is still in progress at shift change, personnel will report

As soon as safely possible

Ics shall be initiated and maintained by?

Company officers prior to end of shift

Who will submit conpleted ics 214? And to who?


ERD operations officer

Who ensures ics 214 is completed?


Who will be responsible for all hurricane response documentations?

Documentation unit leader

Activities log ics 214bwill be used for?

Federal reimbursement and after action report