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51 Cards in this Set

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a member of the animal family that includes humans, neanderthals, Denisovans and arctic species like homo Erectus.


Having no fixed place of residents, moving to follow foraging animals or to find seasonal plants


the firtile lands between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.


The fertile lands between theTigris and Euphats rivers


The products and activities related to intellectual, creative and artistic achievement


Analising sources of strata of the Earth strata are different layers marking different times.

Fluorine dating

is dating by using the DNA extracted from bones the longer they are the more they absorb.

Radiocarbon dating

is more complex and accurate than stagraphy and is absolute dating meaning it is highley accurate and it uses C14 absorption of the deceased eg rings on a tree

Radiocarbon dating

is more complex and accurate than stagraphy and is absolute dating meaning it is highley accurate and it uses C14 absorption of the deceased eg rings on a tree


Tree ring dating. Date assessed by a cross section of the tree. Each ring = 1 year

Light + spring growth

Dark = autumn, summer

DNA analysis

A living organism contains DNA which eg blood which cam relate organism to other living species

Why was OTZIs dig significant

It was significant dig because they discovered a deceased man who had been shot in the back by an arrow and fallen into icy water. He is naturally preserved and found with items from every day life.


was called the ice man - found by a German tourist on the Italian - Austrian border sept 19, 1991 Dehydrated human courpse




Importance of OTZI

The investigation the man revealed a great deal Neollithic era. Showed the clothes, tools and equipment during Neolithic period. Live of ancient europeans.

Should we conserve ancient discoveries

Yes we should because it could anger those who are still in charge of the corpse eg Mungo Man.

If we leave it where it is and there are more parts of the puzzle you can find it later when you find the pieces. You can discover more with technology advancements.

Should we conserve ancient discoveries

yes as its part of a nations heritage

Historians can then explain aspects of a peoples past.

People can visit site of discovery and provide important nation tourism eg Rome

Who was Mungo Man

Lived lived 45000 years ago

Oldest skeleton found in Australia found in NSW lake mungo Villandra Lakes.

Proved aboriginals had been here twice as long as thought

Scientist studied skeleton and burial site - Cabon dating revealed his age. University of Canberra

Mungo Man description

Aged 50

196 cm 6ft 6

Buried carefully - shows that he was an important person

His removal upset the aboriginal people taken away from his spirit

Significance of mungo man

Evidence of accurate Ancient Australia

1950’s scientist thought aboriginal people only arrived 6000 years ago

But dating evidence showed it was 50000 year inhabitation

Burial site is a global significance as its shows the development of human societies

Why is the conservation of the mungo man burial site important

It is important because it was a rich archeological site which means scientific test have been Abe to be conducted

Changed our understanding of Ancient Australia

Ice-core sampling

is like stratigraphy they are long cylinf]\ders drilled from thick ice sheets it contatins ice formed over many years.


is studio of micro organisms eg pollen and plant matter

Primary sources

a things that existed or written or made during the time being studied. They have a direct link to the event period or person being studied

Types of primary sources

writing such as letters, government records, official inscriptions or trade lists.

Artefacts - made by people which have been preserved eg tools, buildings, mummies or statues.

Secondary source

ARe things that have been created after the time period being studied

A secondary source interprets and analysis a primary source.

They are one or more steps removed from the events

Examples of a secondary source

Historians rely on many other experts - form of a book

How do we investigate the past

historians rely on the work of experts eg biologist gentiticts palaeontologist and archaeologist

What is an archeologist

They are person who uncovers and interprets sources from the past eg remains of people, buildings and artefacts

The take part in digs

Name the steps of an archeological dig

. Archeologist approach the site systematically

Rope out site and mark out segments - so the exact locations can be recorded

Begin to dig VERY carefully for artefacts and bones

Then everything is photographed and recorded

Conclusions are then made about the historical knowledge of site, A dig of significance is OTZI


< Goods |and services <||

<<<<<<<<< Spend <|



< Goods |and services <||

<<<<<<<<< Spend <|










Competition base pricing

based on what compeditors

psychological pricing

charging 1 cent or $1 less

discrimination pricing

charging different prices for different people

penetration pricing

Cheaper prices to be noticed by others

price skimming

charging a high price to skim of customers who are ready to pay higher prices for new product

prestige pricing

higher prices to the reputation of a product

cost based pricing

choose a % profit you want to make and add it to the cost of the making


difrent for different people


Image result for psychological pricing

The idea behind psychological pricing is that customers will read the slightly lowered price and treat it lower than the price actually is.


Image result for penetration pricing

Market penetration pricing relies on the strategy of using low prices initially to make a wide number of customers aware of a new product. ... Penetration pricing examples

Health contious

to be contiontios of the healtgy

Enviro friend

to be contios of the inviroment

Gobal buy

buying from other contrie

socal media

buying from media


bying for the what ever

Elon musk

made testla and has helped the environment