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38 Cards in this Set

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The reproductive cells are referred to as ____________ cells.
the male gametes
(singular, spermatazoan)
the female gametes
(singlular, ovum)
all non-germline cells
somatic cells
__________ - a large specialized structure within a cell that performs a specific function; analogous to an organ
____________ – the cell substance between the plasma membrane and the nucleus, containing the cytosol and organelles
____________ - the fluid component of the cytoplasm
The cytosol is also known as the _______________.
intracellular fluid (ICF)
the membrane that surrounds the cell
plasma membrane
___________ - stores most of the cell's DNA and coordinates the cell's activities by regulating the production of proteins
the nucleus
____________ - the site of ribosome assembly and RNA processing
Where is the nucleolus found?
within the nucleus
_________ - a double-stranded nucleic acid that stores encoded hereditary instructions for synthesizing proteins
_________ - a single-stranded nucleic acid that mediates the transfer of genetic information from the cell nucleus to ribosomes in the cytoplasm, where it serves as a template for protein synthesis.
messenger RNA (mRNA)
_________ - a sequence of nucleotides within a segment of DNA that provides the coded instructions for synthesizing a specific protein.
____________- the process by which the genetic information encoded within a gene is copied as a molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA)
Transcription is activated by binding of a ________________ to the promoter region of the gene.
transcription factor
______________ - the process by which the genetic information encoded in a molecule of messenger RNA is translated to protein
Where in the cell does transcription occur?
in the nucleus
Where in the cell does translation occur?
in the cytoplasm
____________ - the cell's machinery for manufacturing protein
_____________ - the primary site in the cell for ATP production
______________ - a three dimensional network of interconnected closed membrane sacks and tubes continuous with the nuclear membrane
endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
_____________ - the part of the endoplasmic reticulum associated with fixed ribosomes
rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)
_____________ - the site of protein synthesis for proteins destined for the endomembrane system or export from the cell
rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)
____________ - tubular shaped part of the endoplasmic reticulum not associated ribosomes
smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)
The site of lipid synthesis in the cell.
smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)
The site of glycogen synthesis and catabolism in muscle and liver cells.
smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)
Which organelle, as part of the endomembrane system, modifies, sorts and separates proteins according to their destinations?
Golgi apparatus
__________ - lipid vesicles within the cell filled with digestive enzymes
The organelle that breaks down material taken from outside the cell by endocytosis.
__________ - an organized network of protein fibers within the cell that supports and reinforces the plasma membrane, determines and maintains cell shape, and gives cells mechanical strength to resist deformation
__________ - small finger-like projections that increase the surface area of the apical cell membrane of absorptive epithelium
___________ - minute hair-like organelles extending from the surface of a certain epithelial cells that beat in rhythmic waves, moving fluid in one direction across the cell surface
___________ - a large barrel-like protein complex within the cytoplasm used to degrade unneeded or damaged proteins
__________ - division of the cell nucleus
__________ - division of the cell cytoplasm following mitosis. The final step in cell division.
List the 3 protein fibers of the cytoskeleton.
actin microfilaments
intermediate filaments