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86 Cards in this Set

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Mass (Kg) vs Weight (N)
Weight is a force on an object that is in a gravitational field where as
Mass is the amount of matter in an object.
F = ma
F = force
m = mass (Kg)
a = acceleration (m/s)
Gravitational Field
- shows the direction a smaller mass would move if placed near a large mass
- field lines point towards a massive object
- On Earth's surface the gravitational field lines are uniform
W = mg
W = weight in N
m = mass in kg
g = acceleration due to gravity (9.8m/s-⒉ on Earth)
Factors affecting acceleration due to gravity (g)
- Height, as height increases g decreases
- Density, points of higher density will also have slightly higher g
- Mass/Radius, larger mass and smaller radius will have a larger g
Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation
- Any object that has mass, has gravity
- Larger objects have stronger gravitational fields thus more noticeable gravity
Magnitude of Gravitational attraction, where:
G = universal gravitational constant
m = mass (kg)
r = distance from centres (m)
F = force (N)
F = G m① x m②
----------- r⒉
Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE)
The work done to move an object from a very large distance away to a point in a gravitational field
- GPE is ALWAYS negative
- If we raise and object, it gets more GPE
E*p = - G m① x m②
----------------- r
E*p = potential energy (J) [Joules]
G = universal gravitational constant
m = mass (Kg)
r = distance from centres (m)
GPE at infinity distance away from any gravitational field.
- Has a GPE of 0 joules/ is no longer in a gravitational field
- Brought closer than infinity away it has less than o GPE but is now in a gravitational field
Projectile Motion
- Follows a parabolic path.
- Can be split into vertical and horizontal components.
- Vertical velocity at the peak is 0 m/s
-Horizontal velocity stays constant (V = u)
Equations for Projectile Motion
s = displacement
u = initial velocity
V = final velocity
a = acceleration
t = time
V⒉= u⒉ + 2as
s = ut + ½ a t⒉
v = u + a t
Range and Launch Angle
- At 45∘ a projectile will achieve it's maximum range.
- an angle of < 45∘ will give a projectile more horizontal velocity but less time in the air (because it doesn't have the height)
- an angle of > 45∘ will give a projectile more time in the air, but less horizontal velocity
.The velocity at which an object on the surface of a body must be propelled in order not to return to that body under the influence of their mutual gravitational attraction
Escape Velocity - definition
Escape Velocity

V*e = √ ( 2G m*planet
------------- r*planet )
- Does not depend upon the mass of the object trying to escape
- Newton's idea for escape velocity came from projective motion
G - forces
a persons apparent weight as a multiple of their true weight
- experienced when a person accelerates (changes velocity)
Human limitations in relation to G-forces.
A person can withstand between ~ ≤10 g
(this causes blood to rush towards the feet and the person may black out)
and ≥ -3 g
(this causes the blood to rush to the head and burst a capillary causing bleeding to the brain)
Rockets are launched:
with the rotation of the Earth so they have the additional rotational velocity.
Uniform Circular Motion
is circular motion with a constant speed.
a*c = v⒉
-------- r
Centripetal force
always acts towards the centre of the circle.
F*c = mv⒉
--------- r
Kepler's law of periods
r⒊ = Gm
T⒉ 4π⒉
Calculates orbital velocities
- Period is in seconds,
- radius in metres and
- radius is the distance between the centres of the object in orbit and the heavenly body it is orbiting
(altitudes needs the radius added to it)
Elliptical orbits are _ shaped
Satellites in a low Earth orbit; (LEO) - [higher than 250km, lower than 1000km]
move fast and can slow down due to atmospheric drag and crash to Earth
Satellites in a Geostationary orbit;
(where the period of the satellite is 24hrs)
remain above the same position relative to the Earth's surface
If the angle of re-entry is too high __
a spacecraft will burn up due to the heat produce on re-entry
If the angle of re-entry is too low __
the spacecraft will 'skip' or bounce off the atmosphere and back into space and may not have enough fuel to re-enter again.
Ionisation Blackout occurs during re-entry, it is __
a period where no radio communication occurs because of ionised particles around the shuttle
The heat from re-entry ionises the air particles around the spacecraft.
G-forces can be problematic for astronauts during re-entry, if the angle of entry is more vertical then __
the deceleration is greater and the g-forces experienced are also greater.
The sling shot effect is a manoeuvre designed to __
increase or decrease the velocity of a satellite or spacecraft.
- the satellite gets dragged by the planets orbital motion
The satellite goes behind the planet to increase velocity
and in front of the planet to decrease velocity
An inertial frame of reference is __
a frame of reference that is in constant motion or stationary
it is impossible to distinguish between a stationary frame of reference and a frame of reference in constant motion without obseving another frame of reference
A non-inertial frame of reference is __
a frame of reference that is not in constant motion or stationary (i.e it is accelerating)
If you are on a moving platform and throw a tennis ball forward, the tennis ball will have the throwing speed plus the platform speed as observed by a stationary observer.
You observe the tennis ball move at only the throwing speed because you are in motion with it.
This is Newtonian relativity (but light doesn't conform to it - light is a hipster)
The Aether Model states that the properties of the aether are:
* It was the medium that light propagated through*
- The aether filled all of space
- It has a low density
- It was perfectly transparent
- it was perfectly non viscous
- It was very stiff, allowing light to travel very fast through it
Michelson - Morley Experiment
aimed to _
find the relative motion of the aether.
They did this by racing two light beams, one with the aether and one across at 90∘ to the aether.
When the two light beams met at the interferometre if they were out of phase then the light would destructively interfere, if in phase they would constructively interfere.
- The experiment found that there was no relative motion of the Earth to the aether.
Einstein's theory of light states that __
- Light travels at the same speed in all frames of reference.
- Light does not need a medium to travel through, it is self propagating.
- If light travels at the same speed in all frames of reference then distance and time will be different in both frames of reference.
Relativity of simultaneity states that __
- Simultaneous eventsin one frame of reference are not necessarily simultaneous in another frame of reference.
- Both observers are correct in their observations (even if their observations seen contradictory)
In a moving frame of reference, time dilates - equation
t*v = t*o
----- √ 1-(v⒉/c⒉)
In a moving frame of reference, time:
- appears to run as normal as seen from this frame of reference
- on Earth time runs faster as seen from this frame of reference
In a stationary frame of reference, time:
- appears to run as normal as seen from this frame of reference
- in a moving object runs slower as seen from this frame of reference
Experiment to test the relativity of time:
Two atomic clocks are syncronised, one remains stationary while the other is placed in a high speed jet. The atomic clock in the jet travels at high speeds for a period of time and brought back to rest. The two atomic clocks are compared and the one that was in the high speed jet has 'lost time'.
The length of a moving object contracts (it gets shorter) - equation
ℓ*v = ℓ*o √ [1-(v⒉/c⒉)
In a moving frame of reference, length:
- appears as normal as seen from this frame of reference
- length of the Earth is shorter as seen from this frame of reference
In a stationary frame of reference, length:
- appears as normal as seen from this frame of reference
- length of a moving object is shorter as seen from this frame of reference
No experiment to test this as of yet.
The mass of a moving object dilated (it gets heavier) - equation
m*v = m*o
----- √ 1-(v⒉/c⒉)
Experiment to test relativity of mass:
Beta particles (electrons) that are emitted from a radioactive source travel at speeds of near the speed of light.
When the q to m ratio of these beta particles is measured it is different to that of a slower electron. When the beta particles speed is factored into the equation it's q to m ratio is the same as other electrons.
Relativity of simultaneity states that __
- Simultaneous eventsin one frame of reference are not necessarily simultaneous in another frame of reference.
- Both observers are correct in their observations (even if their observations seen contradictory)
In a moving frame of reference, time dilates - equation
t*v = t*o
----- √ 1-(v⒉/c⒉)
In a moving frame of reference, time:
- appears to run as normal as seen from this frame of reference
- on Earth time runs faster as seen from this frame of reference
In a stationary frame of reference, time:
- appears to run as normal as seen from this frame of reference
- in a moving object runs slower as seen from this frame of reference
Experiment to test the relativity of time:
Two atomic clocks are syncronised, one remains stationary while the other is placed in a high speed jet. The atomic clock in the jet travels at high speeds for a period of time and brought back to rest. The two atomic clocks are compared and the one that was in the high speed jet has 'lost time'.
The length of a moving object contracts (it gets shorter) - equation
ℓ*v = ℓ*o √ [1-(v⒉/c⒉)
In a moving frame of reference, length:
- appears as normal as seen from this frame of reference
- length of the Earth is shorter as seen from this frame of reference
In a stationary frame of reference, length:
- appears as normal as seen from this frame of reference
- length of a moving object is shorter as seen from this frame of reference
No experiment to test this as of yet.
The mass of a moving object dilated (it gets heavier) - equation
m*v = m*o
----- √ 1-(v⒉/c⒉)
Experiment to test relativity of mass:
Beta particles (electrons) that are emitted from a radioactive source travel at speeds of near the speed of light.
When the q to m ratio of these beta particles is measured it is different to that of a slower electron. When the beta particles speed is factored into the equation it's q to m ratio is the same as other electrons.
E = mc⒉
As an object is accelerated some of the __ (work) used to accelerate it is changed into __ this is why it is impossible to go faster than the speed of light (__), because you can't put in infinite __ to accelerate an object of infinite __.
energy, mass, (3x10⒏m.s-⒈), energy, mass.
- If mass is destroyed as it is in a nuclear explosion, that mass is changed into __.
The Twins Paradox says that when two twins, one stationary and one moves away at near the speed of light and comes back - what happens?
The moving twin is younger, than the stationary twin that remains on Earth.
If we observe this situation from the moving twin's frame of reference, s/he is __ and the twin that remains on Earth is __ so the aging effects should be __ but it is not.
- why?
stationary, moving, reversed
This is because one is in an inertial frame of reference (the stationary twin) the other is in a non-inertial frame of reference (not constant speed)(the moving twin).
Magnetic field lines go from __ to __.
The number of field lines represents the __ of the magnet.
(x) represents __ the page ⨀ represents __ of the page.
north, south,
into, out
Magnetic field lines never cross, except __
in a galvanometre (radical magnetic field).
The magnetic field around a current carrying conductor is found by the __
right hand grip rule (thumb points in the direction of conventional current).
Conventional current flows from _ to _.
Electrons flow from _ to _.
'+' (positive) '-' (negative)
'-' (negative) '+' (positive)
A solenoid is __
a coil of wire that makes a magnetic field (more coils, stronger field).
The motor effect
When a current is placed in a magnetic field it will experience a force.
The direction a current carrying conductor will move when place in a magnetic field can be determined by __
the right hand palm rule.
thumb indicates __
fingers show __
palm moves __
direction of conventional current (I).
magnetic field lines (B).
in the direction of the force it experiences (F).
Factors that affect the magnitude of the force on a current carrying conductor are:
- Strength of the magnetic field.
- Amount of current flowing through wire
- Angle between conductor and magnetic field (elaborate)
- Length of the conductor
If the angle of the wire is parallel to the field lines then the force experienced is zero.
If the wire is at 90∘ to the field lines then the force it experiences is a maximum.
Calculate force using equation -
F = B I ℓ sinθ
F = force (N)
B = magnetic field strength (T)
I = current (A)
ℓ = length of the conductor in magnetic field (m)
θ = angle between conductor and the field lines (∘)
Parallel wires that have current flowing in the __ direction will attract.
Parallel wires that have current flowing in the __ direction will repel.
Factors that affect the force on parallel conductors:
F = k x I①x I②
ℓ ---- d
F = force on wire (N)
ℓ = parallel length of conductors (m)
k = 2x10-⒎ magnetic force constant
I① = current through wire ①
I② =current through wire ②
d = distance between wires (m)
The main parts of a DC motor are:
Stator - the stationary part of the motor (usually the magnets)
Rotor - the rotating part of the motor (usually the coil)
Split Ring Commutator - a ring that allows the current to be reversed
Brushes - allows contact from the power to the commutator
Torque is __
a turning force.
t = Fd
t = torque (N.m)
F = force (N)
d = distance (m)
Calculating torque in a motor equation -
t = nBIAcosθ
t = torque
n = number of coils
B = magnetic field strength (T)
I = current (A)
A = area of the coil (m⒉)
θ = angle relative to magnetic field
When a conductor is moved relative to a magnetic field __
then an electric current is produced.
Magnetic flux is __
a measure of the amount of magnetic field permeating a space - measured in weber (Wb)
Magnetic flux density is __
the amount of magnetic flux passing through a square metre - measured in tesla (T) - also known as magnetic field strength
- magnetic flux = flux density x area
- flux density = magnetic flux/area
ɸ = BA
B = ɸ/ A
An eddy current is a __ current induced in a conductor that is in a __ magnetic field. The direction of the eddy current can be determined using the ___.
right hand grip rule
Eddy currents need a ___. If there is no ___ then their size is restricted.
connecting pathway
__ motors have a ___ commutator, allowing the direction of the current to be changed so that the motor can continue to spin.
__ motors have a ___ commutator because the direction of the current is already changing so it doesn't need to be changed.
DC, split ring
AC, slip ring
A generator uses __ energy to make __ energy. A motor is the same in structure as a generator but __ in what we do with it.
Transformers are:
devices that increases or decreases AC voltages
Consisting of:
a primary coil and a secondary coil wound onto a soft iron core.
To calculate primary and secondary voltage equation -
-- V(primary) = n(primary)
V(secondary) n(secondary)
V = voltage
n = number of coils
High current means __ energy changed into heat.
Low current means __ energy changed into heat.
Step Up Transformers make output voltage __ than the input voltage.
Step Down Transformers make output voltages __ than the input voltage.
- explain the use of each
Step up used to transmit electricity across large distances so energy loss is minimised.
Step down used to run in houses for most appliances.
Like DC motors, DC generators and AC generators, AC motors are made with a __ and a __.
Most AC motors use a ___ commutator and have a ___ rotor that rotates around the axis of the shaft.
rotor, stator, slip ring, cylindrical.
*The slip rings used in AC motors (and generators) consists of two full rings which are __ connected to one end of the coil.
- What does this do to the direction of the current?
*This ensures that as AC input changes, the direction of the current flow through the coil remains constant and so will the direction of the torque.
How does an induction motor work?
By using a changing magnetic field to induce a current in the rotor.
A ____ consists of a number of conducting bars joined together by 'end rings'
'squirrel cage'