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48 Cards in this Set

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School Based Services (Academic + Social)

School Social Workers

School Counselors

School Psychologist

-Been around for 100 years


-Huge explosion if immigrants to the U.S.

(Resulted in urbanization)

Jane Adams

Mother of social work and reform

-settlement houses

-food, shelter

-helped people learn English

-Job Search

Individuals Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 1975

Free and appropriate education (public education)

-Education, independence employment.

- 3-22 years old

Case Management

A collaborative process that assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates options and services required to meet an individuals health needs using communication and available resources to promote quality, cost effective outcomes.

School Counselor (Guidance Counselor)

Deals with...

-College/Post Grad plans

-Time Management



-peer relationships

-monitor academic performance


Elderly Services

1. Retirement- Social Security

2. Housing- Long Term Care

3. Health Care

-Increased Rates of dementia


-"Baby Boomers" -76 Million

-1 of 2 people under 25

- medical technology diagnosis

- healthy lifestyles

- medical discoveries

Average Age of Death

1900- Age 47

2000- Age 78

Issues of Older Americans



-Elder Abuse

2. Finances

3. Dementia, Alzheimer's

4. Isolation

Intellectual Disabilities

Onset in developmental period


-Genetic Mutation






What % of the population has an intellectual disability?


Effects of having an intellectual disability:

-Bullying/made fun of

-Learn slower



Human Services Skills/Knowledge

1.informed consent


3.Release of information

4.Self disclosure

5.Perform Assessments

6.Active Listening

7.Non-verbal communication

8.Convey Warmth


- Lots of rural country. Most people lived on farms and had many children.

- Primary purpose for children was to work on the farm not school, until urbanization.

Issues of Adolescents

1. Developing brain

2. Rebellion

3. Conformity

4. "Live forever" - Risks

5. Moody

6. Self Centered

7. Work Activities

8. Peers More Important

Adolescents Encounter:

-Substance Abuse





-Depression/ Anxiety

-Self Injury

Eating Disorders

95% Female

Professional Ethics

Code of Ethics- Standards

6 principles

1.Autonomy- independence, freedom of choice

2.Benefience- to help others

3.Fidelity- to keep promises, trust

4.Justice- fairness

5.Nonmaleficence- Do not harm

6.Veracity- honesty, truthful

Dual Relationships/ Boundaries

-Time Limits

-Friendships- time limited, context specific

-Gifts, cost culture

-motivation of client

Homicide/ Suicide

In a confidentiality standpoint, human service providers must break this if client is dangerous to self or others. (Tarasoff Case) 1972

Two Types of Violence

Impulsive- not planned

Targeted- planned

Suicide Risk Factors





-Eating Disorder

What percent of people who commit suicide have a mental health diagnosis?


Males commit..

More Suicides

Females attempt..

More Suicides

Disclosing the nature and risks of the counseling relationship to clients prior to their engaging in these derives is called:

informed consent

Keeping information shared by clients in the counseling relationship confidential is:

mandated by law

Limits of confidentiality refers to:

the laws that determine how and when client information can be disclosed to other treatment providers, insurance companies, and governmental agencies.

A counselor's duty-to-warn and duty-to-protect relate to situations where though direct disclosure clients share:

that they are a threat to themselves (suicidal) or others (homicidal)

Setting boundaries with clients encourages clients to

Develop relationships with other counselors and rely on themselves and newly developed skills to cope with their struggles.

Patience, active listening, and observational skills are all aspects of:

the clinical assessment

One of the first theorists to study the stage if adolescence and who in 1904 described adolescents as possessing a "lack of emotional steadiness, violent impulses, unreasonable conduct, lack of enthusiasm and sympathy" was

G. Stanley Hall

When considering the normative nature of adolescent behavior, what contexts must one keep in mind?

Historical, cultural, and regional

Oppositional defiance disorder is an emotional disorder commonly diagnosed in adolescence and is characterized by:

Negative , hostile, and defiant behavior

Human service professionals working with the adolescent population should look for signs of self-mutilation, which may include:

wearing long sleeves and pants on warm days, parallel scars on the forearm or thighs, or wounds that tend not to heal.

A majority of adolescents who committed suicide also had a history of involvement with:

drugs and alcohol

A 2001 study found that African America adolescents were more commonly diagnosed with ________ whereas Caucasion adolescents were more often diagnosed with __________ .

Conduct disorder/depression

Human service professionals who work in practice settings dealing with domestic violence, sexual assault, gang activity, and criminal justice agencies such as police departments, probation, state, and county prosecutor office, and within correctional facilities are considered:

forensic human service providers

Domestic violence includes

1. Violence between heterosexual intimate partners

2.violence between same sex partners

3.violence between siblings

Approximately ____ percent of sexual assault victims knew their assailant.


Myths about rapists include assertions that

1. only truly evil or insane men commit rape

2.men just cannot control their sexual desires

Most victims and victim advocates state that a primary goal of the victim;s movement is to ensure that:

1. crime victims have a voice within the community, specifically within the criminal justice system

2.the rights of defendants are minimized

3.defendants charged with violent crimes are not released on bond.

Macro practice involves addressing and confronting social issues that can act as a barrier to optimal functioning by working:

on an organizational level by creating structural change through social action.

According to Calkin (2000), human service organizations and professionals can easily be "seduced" into colluding with violations of human rights, including:

1.Disrespect toward people already struggling with mental illness or substance abuse

2.acceptance or resignation in the face of deprivations of basic human rights

3.ACtively advocating for the oppression of marginalized populations.

Of the 120 million children forced into full time labor, the majority reside in


Rape as a weapon of war

1.Is a systematic tactic used in armed conflict targeting the civilian population (primarily women and girls)

2.involves sexual violence during war time that is officially orchestrated

3.is a purposeful policy to humiliate, intimidate, and instill fear in a community or ethnic group

Refugees who are housed in camps for long periods of time are referred to as:

Long-term diaspora groups