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21 Cards in this Set

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Performance management is

a process that includes all activities related to improving employee performance.

describe the Significant shift in performance management–

-continuous real time feedback,

-ongoing dialogue fueled by the current organizational climate

– rapid change in the demographics.

-The focus is talking “with people”

Performance appraisal is

the process by which an org evaluates employee job performance.

It is the foundation of performance management and provides a concrete basis for analyzing an employees work performance

Goal of appraisal - provide an honest assessment of performance to mutually develop a plan to improve the individual effectiveness

What are appraisals used for?

1.Provides information for salary and promotion decisions

2.Opportunity for managers to review each employees work related behavior

3.Central to career planning as it provides a good opportunity to have this discussion

4.Motivational tool

5.To assess job design inaccuracies Legal - appraisal must be accurate/ well documented records to avoid issues relating to discrimination, etc.

The performance appraisal process

Define Performance expectations

Establish measures & performance related criteria

Appraise Performance Assess Performance relative to these standards

Conduct appraisal Interview/SeekEmployee Feedback

Employee Records& HRDecisions

the Current performance process includes

1.Ongoing Coach throughout the year

2.Define Performanc eexpectations

3. Establish measures & performance related criteria

4. Ongoing Appraise Performance Assess Performance relative to these standards Continuous feedback

5.Ongoing discussions appraisal Interview/SeekEmployee Feedback

6.Employee Records& HRDecisions

Appraising performance is

a process whereby an employees actual performance is compared to a set of standards that have been set, usually involving some type of rating form.

Appraisal methods 2 types

comparative or non comparative

Comparative compares

one person’s performance with that of co-workers.

Non comparative

not compared to coworkers but used

» Rating Scale- /graphic rating scale

»Critical Incident method

» Behaviorally Anchored rating scale

» Performance tests and behavioral observations


» Mixing the methods (hybrid)PM enterprise wide system

Alternative Sources of Appraisal- 360 degree

all towards the self and self appraisal

possible errors to effective measurement

1- Rater errors

2- halo

3- – error of central tendency

4– leniency and strictness

4– personal prejudice

5– recency

6– contrast error

Effective Performance Appraisal Systems are

Relevant (valid) and consistent (reliable)

Acceptable standards and goals and control of these standards

rater and ratee training

frequency of feedback

input into the process/ different sources

appraisal consequences

Appraisal interview tips

» Be direct and specific

» Focus on job related behaviors

» Encourage the person to talk

» Develop an action plan

Halogen, Oracle, SAP

These new HR technology tools are..

1.– Enabling goal making to be more social and transparent, mobile and digital

2.– Enabling easy progress tracking

3.–– Providing instant information Providing continuous feedback

4.– Deploying data/analytics

5.– Supporting career development

6.– Offering easy integration with otherproductivity tools

Characteristics of Effective Managers

1.Direct Attention to Causes

2.Empower Worker Solutions

3.Talk About Performance

Managing Employees Performance

Important to take into account -

management’s right to manage &

employees right for fair and equitable treatment

Key ways of managing performance related issues (discipline types)

Preventative discipline

Corrective discipline

Progressive discipline

Positive discipline

Progressive Discipline

1.Verbal Notification

2.Written Notification

3.monitor performance

4.Suspension &/or reasonable action


Dismissing an Incompetent Employee

Requirements to Dismiss

1.Document failure to meetstandards

2.Evidence of warnings

3.Show that employeewas given time, trainingetc.

4.Reasonable time given for improvement

5.Reasonable & objective performance standards

guidlines for effective performance evaluation interviews

1. empisize positive aspects of employee

2. tell employee don't discipline

3. provide immediate positive feedback

4.review performance formally

5.make criticisms specific

6. focus criticism on performance

7. stay calm

8. identify specific actions to employee

9. emphasize your willing to help

10. end by stress on positive aspects