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27 Cards in this Set

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Records Management

Distribution/use/maintenance of recorded information maintained as EVIDENCE of business activities and transactions


Human resource planning, recruitment, selection

Aka employment

HR is responsible for...

Attracting, training, maintaining safety of employees of company

Primary goal of HR support system

Assist in growth, enhance work attitudes, increase commitment

Organizational accountability

Account for it's activities, accept responsibility, disclose results in transparent manner. $ too

Multifunctional HR Dept

Recruitment, employee relations, compensation/benefits, compliance, safety, training/development.

6 areas

Organizational Strategy

Sum of actions a company intends to take to achieve a long term goal.


Written declaration of an organization's core purpose/focus.

3 features of perfect mission statement

Separate what's important from what's not. Clearly state what's served and how. State intended direction to entire organization.

How is a mission different than a vision?

Mission is the cause and vision is the desired future. Mission is accomplished. Vision is pursued.

Objectives (3 characteristics)

Specific & measurable. Defined completion date. Steps to attain goal.

Organizational culture

Shared assumptions, values, beliefs which govern how people behave. Influence how employees dress, act, perform jobs.

What personalized information is included in Employee records?

Application, compensation, termination, disciplinary action, qualifications for promotion.

Name advantage and disadvantage of functional departmentalization

Promotes skill specialization. Reduces communication/cooperation between departments.

HR policies & procedures

Reassure employees they will be treated fairly. Help managers make rapid and consistent decisions. Give managers confidence to solve problems/defend decisions.

3 major purposes

Progressive Discipline Policy

Series of increasingly severe penalties for repeated offenses.

Employee Handbook describes (top 3)

Sets expectations. Legal obligations. Employer and employee rights

HR Metrics

Measurements used to determine value/effectiveness of HR initiatives.

5 employee relations metrics to track.

1. # of grievances per month/year. 2. Cost of grievances. 3. Root cause of grievances. 4. Average close time. 5 return on investment.

Reliability vs Validity

Reliability = consistentsy of measure. Validity = actually measures what it's supposed to measure.

4 areas a company can gather internal data from:

Sales, finance, marketing, human resources

4 Ps of Marketing

Product, price, place, promotional strategy

List 4 main types of organizational structure

Flat, functional, divisional, matrix


Few or no levels of middle mgmt. Advantages: elevates employees responsibility, removes excess mgmt. Disadvantage: lack specific boss to report to. May limit long term growth.


Each portion of company is grouped according to purpose. Works well for small business. Disadvantage: organizational boundaries can limit communication


Larger companies, wide geographic areas. Advantage: needs can be met rapidly. Disadvantage: communication, costly can be used in smaller scale tho


= hybrid of divisional and functional structure with corresponding benefits. Typical I. Large multinational companies. Disadvantage: can create power struggles due to dual mgmt.