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49 Cards in this Set

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In what order did these occur: Prosimians, Hominods, Hominids, Anthropoids,
Prosimians, Anthropoids, Hominods, Hominids
Earliest primates diverging occured during the
Paleocene period, 65 million years ago
In what order are the 4 periods?
Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene
During which period did the earliest definite primates appear?
The first period where continents were not connected?
Most oligocene fossils are from where?
Fayum, Egypt
Fossils from Fayum iclude
Apidium and Aegyptopithecus
During which period was there spectacular hominoid radiation?
When was the "golden age of hominoids"
Where could Miocene hominoids be found?
Africa, Asia and Europe
How were Miocene Hominoids grouped?
The best known genus of Early Miocene Hominoid in Africa is ?
Best known European Hominoid
Best known Asian genus?
Genus that may link to an organgutan
T or F: Most miocene hominoids are derived to be ancestors to living forms
Something that has bipedal locomotion, a large bran and makes tools is a
Where were the first definite Hominid fossils found?
New discoveries show that earliest hominids date back to the end of the _____ period
Mosaic Evolutionary Pattern Means that
Characteristics did not evolve at the same time/place
After revises classification, great apes
Would be called hominids and belong to the same taxonomic family as humans
What "tribe" is a human in?
Bipedal Modification included
pelvies, foramen magnum repositioned
The study of early humans is called
Type of dating that determines only if object is older or younger than other objects
Relative Dating
Type of relative dating based on the law of superposition
Type of relative dating that involves the shifting of the geo-magnetic pole
Type of relative dating that uses fossils of better known animals
Type of dating that provides an estimate of age in actual number of years
Chronometric/absolute dating
Early hominid fossils could be found in:
Eas, Central and South Africa
Were early hominids first found in east, south or North Africa
The East Africa Rift Valley is good for dating because of
Volcanic material
In this part of Africa, fossils are in rock, difficult to date and have no volcanic context.
South Africa
Earliest hominid discovery was in
Central Africa
Set 1 Pre-Australopiths/Basal Hominids were
the earliest remains to be classified as hominids
What was significant about Chad, Central Africa?
A discovery of a pre-australopith about 7 mya there lead to a new genus
Orrorin and Ardipithecus were found in
East Africa
One of the earliest "early primitive" Australopiths in East Africa
Australopithicus Anamensis
Australopithecus Afarensis included:
Laetoli footprints, Hadar Lucy Skeleton
A late australopith that had chewing specialization was
Early Homo was found in
East Africa
Sahelanthropus tchadensis
Oldest basal hominid, found in Chad, South Africa 7 mya
Set II Australopiths
earlier primitive and later more derived forms
What part of Africa were the earliest Australopithocines found in?
East Africa
Australopithecus Anamensis
• East Africa
• One of earliest of “early primitve” Australopiths
Australopithecus afarensis
• An “early primitive”
• Includes remains found at famous East African sites:
• 1) Hadar – the “Lucy” skeleton
• 2) Laetoli - footprints
• Genus of the most derived Australopith
• Specializations related to powerful chewing
• Large deep lower jaw
• Chewing muscles attached to sagittal crest
Olduvai Gorge
-East Africa
-Australopiths and Early Homo
Homo Habillus
Tool maker, found in Olduvai Gorge, East Africa lived at same time as australopiths and likely led to homosapiens