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114 Cards in this Set

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Hello! How are you?

Nyob zoo! Koj nyob li cas lawm?

I am doing fine, thank you, and you?

Kuv nyob zoo, ua tsaug, koj ne?

I am pleased to meet you.

Zoo siab tau ntsib koj.

Excuse me, what is your name?

Thov txim, koj lub npe hu li cas?

My name is ____, and you?

Kuv lub npe hu ua ____, koj ne?

What is your last name?

My last name is _____.

Koj lub xeem yog dab tsi?

Kuv yog xeem _____.

Count to ten in Hmong, then count in increments of ten (i.e: 20, 30, 40) to 100

1 - ib, ob, peb, paub, tsib, rau, xya, yim, cuaj, 10 - kaum, nees nkaum, . . .

Who is he/she?

Who are you?

Nws yog leej twg?

Koj yog leej twg?

Who did this?

Leej twg ua no?

Who said it?

Leej twg yog tus hais?

Who does that belong to?

Ntawd yog leej twg li?

What is this?

What is that?

No yog dab tsi?

Ntawv yog dab tsi?

What did you say?

Koj hais dab tsi?

What are they doing?

Lawv us dab tsi?

What does he/she have?

New muaj dab tsi?

I want to eat rice/food.

I want to drink water.

Kuv xav noj mov.

Kuv xav haus dej.

I want to sleep.

I want to rest (lie down) a bit.

Kuv xav pw.

Kuv xav tsaug zog ib pliag.

I want to play.

I want to dance.

Kuv xav ua si.

Kuv xav seev cev.

I want to have money.

I want to have friends.

Kuv xav muaj nyiaj.

Kuv xav muaj phooj ywg.

I want to have a car.

I want to have a house.

I want to have a job.

Kuv xav muaj ib lub tsheb.

Kuv xav muaj ib lub tsev.

Kuv xav muaj hauj lwm.

Goodbye! Will see you again!

Sib ntsib dua! Mam rov ntsib koj dua!

See you tomorrow.

Sib ntsib tag kis.

Have a good trip. We will meet next time!

Mus zoo koj. Peb mam ntsib lwm zaus.

Please, come again.

Thov mus rov tuaj.

She is a Hmong lady.

Nws yog poj niam Hmoob.

I am a Chinese man.

Kuv yog txiv neej Suav.

They are not Mexican.

Lawv tsis yog neeg Mev.

This baby is Thai.

Tus me ab no yog Thaib.

The two old men are black.

Ob tus yawg laus yog dub.

Those boys and girls are American kids.

Cov tub ntxhais ntawv yog me nyuam Mes Kas.

There are eleven people total in my family.

Kuv tsev neeg tag nrho muaj kaum ib leeg.

My sister is married. (if you are male)

Kuv tus muam yog yuav txiv.

My two brothers have not married. (if you are male)

Kuv ob tus kwv tsis tau yuav poj niam.

When is it?

When will they do it?

Yog thaum twg?

Lawv ua thaum twg?

When will we go?

Thaum twg peb mam mus?

When will we get there?

Thaum twg peb mam txog?

When did he say it?

Yog thaum twg nws hais lawm?

Where is it?

Where do you live?

Nyob qhov twg?

Koj nyob qhov twg?

Where do you guys do it at?

Nej ua qhov twg?

Where did he/she go?

Nws mus qhov twg lawm?

Where is this place?

Qhov chaw no nyob qhov twg?

How old are you?

Koj muaj pes tsawg xyoo lawm?

I am ______ years old.

Kuv muaj ______ xyoo lawm.


Kuv yog _______ xyoo.

You are two years older than me, and I am four years younger than her/him.

Koj hlob kuv ob xyoo thiab kuv yau nws paub xyoo.

Where is the hospital?

Lub tsev kho mob nyob qhov twg?

Where is the bank?

Lub tsev tso nyiaj nyob qhov twg?

Where is the police station?

Lub tsev tub ceev xwm nyob qhov twg?

Where is the hotel/motel?

Lub tsev tos qhua nyob qhov twg?

Where is the restaurant?

Lub tsev khw noj mov nyob qhov twg?

Where is my book?

Kuv phau ntawv nyob twg lawm?

Where is my shirt?

Kuv lub tsho nyob twg lawm?

Where is my ring?

Kuv lub nplhaib nyob twg lawm?

Where are my shoes?

Kuv txhais khau nyob twg lawm?

Where is my spoon?

Kuv rab diav nyob twg lawm?

What time is it right now?

Tam sim no yog tsawg teev?

What time will it begin?

Tsawg teev mam pib?

What time will it end?

Tsawg teev mam xaus?

What time will it happen?

Tsawg teev mam tshwm sim?

What time will it arrive?

Tsawg teev mam txog?

What time will it return?

Tsawg teev mam rov los?

What time will it go?

Tsawg teev mam mus?

Do you know the way to California?

Koj paus paub kev mus California?

Please tell me the way to Sacramento.

Thov qhia kev rau kuv mus Sacramento.

How do you go to the store?

Mus tom kiab khw mus li cas?

Why is it?

Why did you say that?

Yog vim li cas?

Vim li cas koj hais li ko?

Why did you do that?

Vim li cas koj ua li utawd?

Why don't you understand?

Vim li cas koj tsis to taub?

Because . . .

Yeeb vim . . .

How is it?

Do you know how to say it?

Yog li cas?

Koj paus paub hais li cas?

How are they doing?

Lawv nyob li cas?

Do you know how to do it?

Koj paus paub ua li cas?

How is he/she like/doing?

Nws zoo li cas?

I am American.

I live in America, and I know how to speak American.

Kuv yog neeg Mes Kas.

Kuv nyob teb chaws Mes Kas, thiab kuv paub hais lus Mes Kas.

I like to read.

Kuv nyiam nyeem ntawv.

I always like to draw.

Kuv ib txwm nyiam kos duab.

When there is nothing to do, I like to dance.

Thaum tsis muaj dab tsi ua, kuv nyiam seev cev.

I like to listen to music.

Kuv nyiam mloog nkauj.

I always like to watch TV.

Kuv ib txwm nyiam siab this vis.

When there is nothing to do, I like to sing.

Thaum tsis muaj dab tsi ua, kuv nyiam hu nkauj.

I like play games.

Kuv nyiam tua game.

I always like to take pictures.

Kuv ib txwm nyiam thaij dua.

When there is nothing to do, I like to garden.

Thaum tsis muaj dab tsi ua, kuv nyiam ua teb.

Play soccer,

Play basketball

Play baseball

Ncaws npas,

pov npas

ntaus npas

I want to go shopping at the store.

Kuv xav mus yuav khoom tom kiab khw.

Do you want to go with me to the store?

Koj puas xav nrog kuv mus kiab khw?

I want to buy a set of clothes.

Kuv xav yuav ib ce khaub ncaws.

I want to buy a pair of shoes.

Kuv xav yuav ib nkawm khau.

I want to buy a plate of food and a glass of water.

Kuv xav yuav ib tais mov thiab ib khob dej.

Do you sell fruit?

Nej puas muag txiv hmab txiv ntoo?

Do you sell clothes?

Nej puas muag khaub ncaws?

Do you sell toys?

Nej puas muag khoom ua si?

Do you sell furniture?

Nej puas muag rooj tog?

Do you sell food and drinks?

Nej puas muag zuab mov thiab dej haus?

Do you sell pets?

Nej puas muag tsiaj?

Do you sell snacks?

Nej puas muag khoom txom ncauj?

The car is red.

Lub tsheb yog kob liab?

Your shirt is white.

Koj lub tsho yog kob dawb.

I like the color blue.

Kuv nyiam kob xiav.

My favorite color is green.

Kob uas kuv nyiam tshaj plaws yog kob ntsuab.

The car is yellow.

Lub tsheb yog kob daj.

Your shirt is brown.

Koj lub tsho yog kob kas fes.

I like the color purple.

Kuv nyiam kob paj yeeb.

Chicken is very delicious.

Nqaij qaib qab kawg nkaus.

I like beef more than pork.

Kuv nyiam nqaij nyuj dua nqaij npuas.

He/she doesn't like duck as much as lamb.

Nws tsis nyiam nqaij os npaum nqaij yaj.

Barbecue fish is better than boiled fish.

Nqaij ntses ci qab tshaj nqaij ntses hau.

This peach is very sweet.

Lub txiv duaj no qub zib heev.

Lemon is sour.

Txiv maj naus qaub qaub.

Those bananas are not ripe yet, still bitter.

Cov txiv tsawb tsis tau siav, tseem iab iab.

This orange is juicy and has a very refreshing taste.

Lub txiv kab ntxmv no muaj kua thiab qab laj siab kawg.

This watermelon is very salty.

Lub dib liab no qab ntsev heev.

Spicy/hot . . .

Ntsim . . .

Pineapple is sweet.

Lub txiv poov luj qab zib.

Coconut is sour.

Txiv maj phaub qaub qaub.