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5 Cards in this Set

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Viruses that use RNA as genetic material

Use reverse transcriptase to convert RNA into DNA and integrase to insert its DNA into ours

Viral Infection Cycle into Cell

1. Attachment

2. Fusion

3. Reverse transcription

4. Replication

5. Integration

6. Transcription

7. Translation

8. Migration and assembly

9. Budding off

10. Processing by protease

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

Promotes immunodeficiency by killing CD4 T lymphocytes

CD4 cells are helper T-cells that trigger the immune response by stimulating other immune cells (B cells and T cells) to fight infection

Phases of HIV Infection

1. Acute Infection—may cause Acute HIV Syndrome because of systemic inflammatory response; CD4 cells are destroyed at a rapid rate until antibodies are mobilized against them

2. Latency Infection—no clinical signs; at the start CD4 levels are higher than viral levels but eventually being to level off; lasts 10 years without treatment

3. AIDS—overwhelming stage may occur beforehand (return of symptoms with weight loss); criteria for defining AIDS is CD4 count less than 200 cells/mL and one AIDS-defining illness

Consequences of AIDS

People with AIDS have a non-functional immune system

They die of opportunistic infections