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30 Cards in this Set

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Charles I:

disbanded Parliament from 1629–1640

The stockholders who invested in the Virginia Company were motivated primarily by:

financial profit

For the English preparing to colonize America, one model of settlement was provided by their country's prior experience in:


One outstanding characteristic of Jamestown in its initial years was:

the high mortality rate among its settlers

One of the important factors aiding the survival of the early Jamestown settlers was

the assistance they received from the Indians

As Jamestown's leader, Captain John Smith:

made the colonists work in order to eat

The headright system adopted for the Virginia colony consisted of:

giving fifty acres of land to anyone who would transport himself to the colony and fifty more for any servants he might bring

In 1624, a British court dissolved the struggling Virginia Company, and Virginia:

became a royal colony

Sir William Berkeley:

arrived as Virginia's royal governor in 1642

Which of the following was NOT true of Nathaniel Bacon

He had a close relationship with governor Berkeley

Bacon's Rebellion:

brought indentured servants and small farmers together against the colony's rich planters and political leaders

Maryland was much like Virginia in that it:

had a tobacco-based economy

The early settlers of New England differed from those of the Chesapeake by being primarily:


The English Puritans:

opposed Catholic elements in the Church of England

All of the following are true of the Pilgrims EXCEPT that they:

were a sect of radical Catholics

The leader of the Pilgrims who established the Plymouth colony was:

William Bradford

When Massachusetts leader John Winthrop spoke of "a city upon a hill," he was referring to that colony's desire to:

serve as a model christian community

After 1644, the right to vote in Massachusetts Bay was restricted to those who:

were members of a Puritan church

Anne Hutchinson was kicked out of Massachusetts for:

challenging the authority of local ministers

Puritans viewed the Indian belief in nature filled with spirits as:


For the Pequots, the result of the 1637 war that they fought with New England settlers was:

slaughter and enslavement

The major cause of King Philip's War was:

Indian resentment over forced conversions to Christianity

The English Civil War affected the American colonies by:

permitting the colonies to essentially govern themselves

During Oliver Cromwell's rule, defeated English Royalists would most likely seek refuge in:


In the Southeast, the profitability of Indian captives prompted a frenzy of:

slaving activity

The first Jews in the colonies:

arrived in New Netherland

The Iroquois:

controlled much of eastern North America during the second half of the seventeenth century

The British colonies differed from the Spanish in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

they were in a more compact geographical area

Which of the following is NOT true of Georgia?

It succeeded in keeping out slavery.

By the early eighteenth century, the English colonies in North America:

were the most populous and prosperous on the continent