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15 Cards in this Set
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- Back
- 3rd side (hint)
Canadiens |
French Canadiens living in Quebec |
Sovereign |
Being a self-governing country |
Assimilation |
The absorption of a smaller ethnic group into a larger ethnic group |
Loyalists |
British ppl who remained loyal to Britain in the American War of independence |
Veto |
The right to refuse laws ti be created |
Conscientious objectors |
ppl who refuse to do what the government wants because they think it is wrong |
Impressment |
American sailors being forced to work for the British navy against their win |
Oligarchy |
A politician system in which power is held by a small member of ppl |
Clergy reserves |
Large tracts of land given to the Anglican church |
Responsible government |
Politicians who responsible because they have been elected by ppl |
Patriotes |
Radical reformers in the rebellion in lower Canada |
애국자 |
Coalition |
A temporary alliance between political parties |
Free Trade |
The exchange of trade between countries without tariffs or barriers |
Cede |
Give up power or territory |
Elected assembly |
A place where politician who have been elected make laws |