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18 Cards in this Set

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Who was Heinrich Himmler in charge of and what did he do in 1935

He was Hitler’s right hand man

Was in charge of the SS

Was responsible for police security and intelligence in Germany

Enforced race rules

How did Hitler become Chancellor in January 1933 (5)

Franz von paper was appointed chancellor in June 1932

Nazis won 230 seats in the reichstag in July

Von papen was replaced by Schleicher in November

Von papen worked with Hitler to get rid of schleicher

Von papen persuaded Hindenburg to make Hitler Chancellor

Who was Ernst Rohm

Leader of the SA which grew to over 2 million members

Opposed by other leading Nazis

Killed in the night of the long knives

Who was Hermann Göering

Minister of the interior

Ran Prussia’s state government

Created an economy ready for war

Commanded the Luftwaffe

Who was Joseph Goebbels

Minister for popular enlightenment and propaganda

Established the Reich Chanber of Culture

Organised a German Home Defense Force

Why did Hitler become Chancellor? (4)

He built effective leadership with those he trusted

Backstairs intrigue

The Weimar failed to govern properly

He exploited the German peoples angers and fears

What emergency law did Hitler create to help him gain power

The decree for the protection of people and state


The right to speak freely

The right to meet or form groups

The right to print opinions on newspapers

The right for private post and phonecalls

What was the reichstag fire, How did Hitler consolidate his power (4)

The burning of the reichstag on 27th Fedruary 1933

Dutch communist Van Der Lubbe was captured at the scene

Hitler said that the commies were planning a rebellion which scared Hindenburg into approving the law for the protection of people and state

He continued to imprison and intimidate communists

What was the enabling act

Hitler wanted to change the constitution to bypass the reichstag and make laws of his own for up to four years

He needed 2/3 of support from the reichstag to get the act passed

How did Hitler get the support of the catholic centre party

He promised to cancel the decree for the protection of people and state

Agreed to protect the rights of the Catholic Church within Germany


What was gleichschaltung? (7)

The coordination of all aspects of life to fit in with nazi ideals



Young people




Why did the army not trust hitler

They thought they would be replaced by the SA

What happened on 30th June 1934

The night of the long knives

Hitler killed or imprisoned everyone he suspected of opposing him

Who was in charge of concentration camps

Deaths head unit

How did Hitler control the press? (5)

Non nazi newspapers taken over

Newspaper editors were aryan

Daily briefing for newspapers

Many newspapers were owned by Alfred hugenburg

Editors law

How did Hitler control the radio (4)

He made 50 broadcasts in his first year

Loudspeakers in public

Mass produced peoples receivers

All radio stations brought under nazi control

How did Hitler use rallies and campaigns (3)

To increase loyalty to the nazis

An annual rally at Nuremberg brought 100s of 1000s of people together

Hitler youth groups campaigned to raise money

How did Hitler use ‘control through culture’ (4)

A law against malicious gossip

Propaganda films displayed nazi ideaology

During the 1936 Olympic Games an effort was made to display Germany as modern

Whisper propaganda included rewriting children’s schoolbooks