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20 Cards in this Set

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REVIEW K.I.P.S. (random pick)

What is National Debt?

Definition: Money owned by the United States.

Sentence: As secretary of treasury, Hamilton’s biggest challenge was paying of the national debt.

1.What does the United States own?

2. What is green and people have in order to buy things?

REVIEW THE “Expectations of Americans” GRAPHIC ORGANIZER (random pick)

What were the three expectations of the farmers?

1. Farmers wanted fair taxes

2. They wanted the right to settle in western lands

3. They expected the government not to interfere with their daily lives

(for #1) - what did farmers want for tax?

(for# 2) - what right did they want to have that includes settling?

(for # 3) - what did they expect from the government not to do?

REVIEW THE “Hamilton/Jefferson” GRAPHIC ORGANIZER (random pick)

What did Hamilton want to have for tariffs? What did Jefferson want and worried about for having tariffs?

Hamilton: He wanted to pass higher tariffs.

Jefferson: He worries about depending too much on business and manufacturing. He wanted the tariffs to be low to help farmers for goods.

REVIEW THE “Challenges for the New Nation/ Washington’s Presidency” GRAPHIC ORGANIZER (random pick)

What was one of the advice Washington gave on his farewell address?

pick one, two, or three...

1. do not form alliances with other countries

2. do not form political parties

3. keep the country out of debt

What three items were Americans expecting from the new government of George Washington?

Americans had high expectations for the new government. Americans expected the government to protect them, to keep the economy stable, and to improve trade.

*If needed look back in the “Expectations of Americans” Graphic Organizer*

What were the two reasons Alexander Hamilton wanted to create a national bank?

Hamilton wanted a national bank for the government, so that way the government can...

1. Make safely deposits of their money

2. To make loans for the government and business

How did Alexander Hamilton tackle the problem of settling the national debt?

1. Taking on the foreign and domestic debt by replacing creditor’s old, low-value bonds with new, interest-bearing bonds.

2. Take over most of the state’s $25 million revolutionary war debts

3. Pass a tariff (tax on imported goods) to both bring in money and help American manufacturers.

There are three ways that Hamilton tackles the problem.

What was the Neutrality Proclamation?

The Neutrality Proclamation is a public announcement that stated that the US would not take sides with any European countries that were at war.

*If needed look back on K.I.P.S*

What was Jay’s Treaty?

Jay’s treaty settled disputes that had arisen between the United States & England. England agreed to abandon all their forts in the US and the US agreed to pay all debts the US owed the England prior to the Revolutionary War.

What was Pinckney’s treaty?

Pinckney’s treaty settled disputes that the US had with Spain. With this treaty Spain agreed to re-open the lower Mississippi River to the US farmers.

What was General Anthony Wayne’s task in the Northwest Territory?

General Wayne’s task was to bring troops to the frontier to fight against the Native Americans.

What was the treaty of Greenville?

The treaty of Greenville gave the US to claim to most Indian lands in the Northwest territory.

What was the Whiskey Rebellion?

Farmers in western Pennsylvania were angry about the Whiskey tax. These farmers argued that they could not afford to pay the tax, and attacked the tax collectors.

How did George Washington respond to the Whiskey Rebellion?

Fearing that these farmers were a threat to the US, president Washington led an army of 13,000 soldiers to western Pennsylvania to end this threat.

What three warnings did George Washington give to the American people in his Farewell Address?

1. Do not form any alliances with other countries

2. Do not form political parties

3. Keep the country out of debt

*If needed look back on flash card #4 or the Graphic Organizer “Challenges for the new nations chart/ Washington’s presidency”*

What two political parties were formed before the election of 1796 and who formed each party?

1. The Federalists party; founded by Alexander Hamilton

2. The Democratic Republican Party; founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

What was the XYZ Affair and how did President Adams respond to this affair?

The XYZ affair occurred when France agreed to talk to the US only if the US pay $250,000 tribute to the French. President Adams tried to seek peace with France and he was able to secure it with France.

Why did the Federalist Party create the Alien and Sedition Acts?

The Federalist Party intentionally created these acts to crush the Democratic Republicans.

What was the Sedition Act?

It forbade anyone from publishing or voicing criticism of the federal government.

How did states and the Democratic-Republican party view the Sedition Act?

Jefferson and Madison pressured the congress to repeal (stop) the Alien & Sedition Acts, even Kentucky and Virgina passed resolutions that stated the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional.