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78 Cards in this Set

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Battle of Little Big Horn
Turning Point, Custers Last Stand
defeated by Indians (Sioux, Sitting Bull)
James A Garfield
1880 Won election against Winnfield Hancock
Halfbreeds vs. Stalwarts (Liberals vs. conservative)
2nd President Assassinated
Chinese Exclusion Act
Economic Nativism - Concern for jobs
Working Man Party, CA
Suspended immigration of chinese labor for 10 years
Chisholm Trail
Western Cattle drive led by John Chisholm where cows were sold in herds of two to three thousand
Chivington Massacre
SandCreek, CO
John Chivington commander of militia against Cheyenne Indians, white population was growing and wanted Indian Land.
George A Cluster
Battle of Little Big Horn was his last stand.
Sent by the Army for gold, found it all over the hills and the rush was on
Dawes Sevaralty Act
Assimilate Indians - an attempt to civilize them into farmers
160 acres of land to heads of family
25 years residency requirement
abandon tribal allegiance
Joseph Glidden
Barbed wire
Great Plains
First Settlement if the west, 600 miles
Indian group of nomadic hunters
Buffalo, Sioux, Crow, Cheyenne, Commanche
Homestead Act
Get 160 acres of public land in the west
Live on for 5 years and cultivate a farm
Chief Joseph
Largest group of Northwest Indians
Fisherman and hunters, Nez Perce
Joseph McCoy
Livestock shipper from Illinois
Shipped the first train of 20 cars of longhorn cattle
Timber Culture Act
Get 320 acres and must plant 40 acres of trees within 4 years.
Frederick Jackson Turner
Claimed the existence of the frontier and of the free land "explained American development."
Shaped Customs and Character, gave rise to independence, self-confidence and individualism, and fostered invention and adaptation
Wounded Knee
Wovoka, South Dakota
Ghost Dance, Chief Bigfoot and 350 followers
Chief Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse of Sioux's against Custer
American Federation of Labor
Trade Union for skilled workers
Improving in practical ways; higher wages, shorter hours and better working conditions
Samuel Gompers
Bread & Butter Issues
Pragmatic & moderate
Race restrictive - Whites only
Alexander Berkman (The Homestead Strike)
Shot & Stabbed Clay Frick in his office
Frick Survived and he was arrested
Bessemer Process
Henry Bessemer & William Kelly Transformed the industry
Discovered that a blast of air through molten iron burned off carbon and other impurities, resulting in steel of a more uniform and durable quality
Andrew Carnegie
Steel Production (Gospel of Wealth)
Rags to Riches; 1848 Scottish Immigrant
From Factory to RR's Steel
Bessemer Method
Careful Management System
Vertical Integration - Investment and Control
Imaginative Marketing - creative plans
Thomas A Edison
Over 1,000 US Patents - lights, phone, motion picture
Pearl St. Station - 1st electric generating plant in New York
Samuel Gompers
Founder & longtime President of the American Federation of Labor
Determined to better the material of lives
Haymarket Riot
Knights of Labor
Chicago, 11 killed
Free Silver
US Mints would coin all the silver they wanted.
A social movement when unemployment rose
Farmers income and prices fell
Homestead Strike
Carnegie Steel Plant in Pennsylvania
Manager Henry Clay Frick
Pinkerton agents vs. Strikers
12 killed, 60 wounded
Knights of Labor
Industrial Union
Terrence Powderly
HayMarket Riot
JP Morgan
J Pierpoint Morgan
1. Corporate Finance; Investment Banking
2. Marketed corporate stocks and bonds
3. Bought Carnegie's Steel empire in 1900, became US Steel
Nations 1st Billion Dollar Company
John D Rockefeller
Oil - Standard Oil Company, Ohio
Monopoly - Pools, holding companies and trusts
Controlled 90% of all oil production in America, by ruthless ways
Standard Oil Company
Ohio, John D Rockfeller
Controlled 90% of all oil production in America
Standard Oil Trust, Samuel Todd attorney set up 9 trustees empowered "to hold, control, and manage" all companies
Vertical Integration
Investment and Control
Type of organization in which a single company owns and controls the entire process; from raw material, to manufacturing and selling.
American Protective Association
Religious Nativism
Anti-Catholic views
Eliminating Immigrants
Economic - concern for jobs (Chinese Exclusion Act)
Racial - Racism
Religions - Anti-Catholic (American Protective Association)
New Immigration
NW European - 37%
SW European - 67%
Non-English Speaking
Political Machine
City Bossism, City Machine
New York Mayor, William Marcy Tweed
Clannish solidarity
Appeal to the poor
Informal Welfare System
Helped with jobs and legal assistance
Social Darwinism
The theory that the laws of evolution by natural selection and social structure
Society and Institutions evolve
Louis Sullivan
Built 1st skyscraper in Chicago
Keynotes of modern architecture
William Graham Sumner
Professor at Yale
Social Darwinism
Argued with government actions and influenced journalists, ministers, and policy makers
William M Tweed
New York Mayor
Political Machine (City Bossism, City Machine)
James G Blaine
1884 Lost election against Grover Cleveland
William Jennings Bryan
Youngest nominated at 36 years old
1st to Campaign
Lost election to William McKinley 1896
He was rural, traditional, agrarian, Gold & Silver, spent 300k
Grover Cleveland
1st Democratic President 1884
Only president re-elected non-consecutively, ran 3 times (elected 1st and 3rd)
Interstate Commerce Act
Rum, Romanism, Rebellion (3R's)
Panic of 1893
Jacob Coxey
Led the 1st march on Washington with 400-500 unemployed workers
Calling for Federally Funded Highway Program to put people to work
Leaders were arrested for trampling on Capital grounds
Gold Standard
President McKinley declared Gold as the Standard of Currency
Grandfather Clause
Louisiana demanded literacy test for all voters except the sons and grandsons of those who had voted in the states before.
Benjamin Harrison
1888 - Won Presidency over Grover Cleveland
Key Issues were Tariffs
Sherman Antitrust Act
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
McKinley Tariff
Rutherford B Hayes
1876 won presidency over Samuel Tilden
Concessions & Reconstruction period ended 1877
Southern States received Financial Aid
William Dean Howells
Realism Literature
Happier side of life, and grew worried about the impact of industrialization
Interstate Commerce Commission
1st regulatory body 1887
To investigate and oversee RR activities and outlawed rebates and pooling agreements
Mary E Lease
A prominent Populist noted for her rallying cry to "raise less corn, more hell"
Farmers needed to become politically active
Literacy Test
Not the same;
Had to take this test to vote, unless you fell under the grandfather clause
William McKinley
1896 - won presidency over William Jennings Bryan
Urban, modern, industrial, Gold only, spent $7 million
Munn vs. Illinois
1877 - State Governments could regulate business that affected public interests
Established maximum rates and preventing rate discrimination
Stephen Crane, Jack London
Pendleton Act
1883 - Civil Service Commission
Poll Tax
Pay to vote
Forced voters to pay annual tax for the right to vote
Populist Party
Third Party Politics
1st Mass Movement against Social Darwinism & Laissez Faire
James Weaver - Populist Platform of 1892
Pullman Strike
1894 Shutdown RR
Wage Reduction 25%
Eugene V Debs - President of American Railway Union arrested for defying court junction
President Grover Cleveland sent in troops
Mark Twain, William Dean Howels
Sherman Antitrust Act
Break monopoly control
President Benjamin Harrison
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
Currency Debate and Silver
President Benjamin Harrison
Placed 4.5 million ounces of Silver on reserve monthly
Mark Twain
Samuel Clemens - renamed "Two Fathoms"
Realism Literature
Major change in literary style
The most outstanding realist writer
Wabash Case
1886 Wabbash RR vs. Illinois
States could not regulate rates on interstate traffic
James B Weaver
Populist Platform
Free & Unlimited coinage of Silver
Graduated Income Tax Laws
Government ownership
More Direct Democracy
Farmers Alliance
Largest in Texas, Southern, Northwest
More Political, joined the Greenback Party
2.5 million members
Eugene V Debs
President of American Railway Union
Socialist Presidential Candidate
1912 - 6% popular votes, 1920 - 3% popular votes
The Pullman Strike, was arrested
Main Factors of Growth
1. Transcontinental Railroad
2. Military conquest of the Indians
3. Liberal Land Distribution
Goodnight Loving Trail
1st trail on Cattle Drive
Social Darwinism
Defense of Economic inequality
Herbert Spencer (Philosopher)
William Graham Sumner (Professor at Yale)
1st city to install was Los Angelos
Frederick Olmstead
Central & Golden Gate Parks
Louis Henri Sullivan
1st built in Chicago
Cable Cars
1st built in San Francisco
1st built in Boston
Issues that united Farmers
Financial hard times
Status anxiety
Resource mobilization
Rum - against prohibition
Romanism - anti-catholicism
Rebellion - blaming Republicans for Civil War
Panic of 1893
20% Unemployment
25% RR Bankrupt
1,600 Banks Closed
William Jennings Bryan
Conservative Christian & Liberal Politician
Anti-Gold Standard
Anti-Imperialism (Starting Colonies)
Anti-Evolution (Forbid Darwinism)
John Hopkins University
1st graduate school in Baltimore