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49 Cards in this Set

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Industrialization years

1760 to 1820

Effects of Industrialization

-Rise of modern day corporations


-Low wages, harsh working conditions and strikes


-Class conflict

Temperance Movement

Manly in middle class; no alcohol no sex

Railroad Strike of 1877

First national strike, caused by reduction of wages and hours, lasted 45 days until troops beat up strikers to break strike


Replacement workers sent in during a strike

George Pullman

Rich from making railroad cars. Founded Pullman Illinois, a company town.

Company Town

Boss controls rent, wages, hours, prices at store, and sometimes even currency.

Pullman Strike

1894 Pullman cuts wages during recession but doesn't lower prices. American Railway Union calls for national strike to support. 250,000 workers strike ends in troops beating

Ugene Debs

Sent to jail for organizing Pullman Strike

Extreme polarization of wealth

Top 1% owns 51% of wealth late 1800s Gilded Age

Gospel of Wealth

Written by Andrew Carnegie. States don't need regulations because the ones that have risen will do the write thing and distribute the money how they see fit.

Social Darwinism

The strong will conquer the weak. Thrival of the fittest

Andrew Carnegie

Immigrant from Scottland. Worked his way up from the bottom of the railroad industry.

First women's rights convention

1848 Seneca falls N.Y. Cause weren't allowed in unions and were paid half of men's salary

Women of color were usually stuck doing what type of work?

Agricultural and domestic

Children in work force

Had 3X as many injuries as adults

Dime Novels

How most Americans learned about Native Americans. Not Christians were heathens

Dawes Act 1887

Henry Dawes. Speed up assimilation, divided reservations into family farms with some plots being unfarmable. Surplus land sold

Wavoka and The Ghost Dance

Piute prophet said they should dance for 5 days and 4 nights every six weeks. White people will vanish, dead Native Americans and game buffalo will return. No more disease.

Lakota Sioux

Sends delegation to Wavoka to learn ghost dance. Evolve their dance to be around tree and have "bullet proof" ghost shirts.

Wounded Knee Massacre

Army is sent when Lakota Sioux refuse to stop ghost dance. 350 Lakota Sioux on way to Pine Ridge camping at Wounded Knee Creek when army kills 150 to 250. Caused the disappearance of Ghost dance

How did Wounded Knee escalate?

Yellowbird told Natives not to be disarmed that they are wearing bullet proof shirts. Army tries to disarm him as he throws dirt at them and flails around. A gun goes off which gets the army's hotchkiss guns to start firing.

What is called the "Last Indian Battle"?

Wounded Knee Massacre

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848

All rights of citizens given to Mexican Americans. Ended Maexican American War


Mexican Americans


Land maps made by Mexican government as proof of ownership

Las Gorras Blancas

The White Hats founded by Herrera brothers for vigilante justice on people who take Mexican Americans land. Burn hay, cut fences, and scattered livestock

Pablo Herrera

One of Las Gorras Blancas. Gunned down by sheriff for no reason and without punishment

13th Ammendment

Ended slavery

14th Ammendment

Granted citizenship

15th Ammendment

Right to vote, men only

Reconstruction Ammendments

13, 14, 15

What is the largest flaw of reconstruction?

Didn't grant any land to African Americans


Rent land. Landlord determines what you grow and about half the money goes to land lord. Creates a cycle of debt.

Lawrence Nelson

Teenager who was lynched with his mom

What percentage of African Americans lived in southern end of reconstruction?



Poll tax, literacy tests, physical intimidation, and grandfather clause

When was the end of reconstruction?


Rebecca Latimer said to

Lynch a thousand a week to protect womens dearest possession

One drop rule

One black ancestor means you are black

White man's burden

The burden on the white man to save all other races and show the the "righteous path"

Battle of San Juan Hill

African American Buffalo Soldiers did most of work but Roosevelt took all the credit.

Immigration Act of 1903

Outlawed anarchists, beggars, pimps and epileptics

Immigration Act of 1907

Outlawed idiots, insane, paupers and polygamists

Chinese Exclusion Act

1882 First time immigration was restricted based on race.

Tacoma Method

Gave Chinese til a certain day to get out then rounded those left up and put them on a train

Gentleman's Agreement 1907

Japan agreed to not let people go to U.S. instead of having a Japanese Exclusion Act

U.S. Vs Wong Kim Ark

Born in U.S. went to visit family in China, upon return they tried to say he wasn't allowed because he is Chinese. Case went all the way to supreme court and he won

Geary Act

Extended Chinese Exclusion Act and required that they carry papers at all times or face deportation