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15 Cards in this Set

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Classify anemia according to morphology

1) microcytic hypochromic anemia( disorders of hemoglobin synthesis)

2) macrocytic anemia( impaired maturation of erythroid cells)

3) normochromic,, normocytic anemia( diverse etiologies)

Classification of anemia according to underlying mechanism

1) blood loss

2) increased red cells destruction

3) decreased red cell production

Blood loss can be

ACUTE... Trauma

Chronic... GIT lesions, gynecological disturbance

Pentad of HUS and TTP


2) Fever

3)kidney failure

4) thrombocytopenia

5) neurological symptoms

Intravascular haemolysis of red cell may be caused by

1) mechanical injury

2) complement fixation

3) intracellular parasite eg falciparum malaria

4) Exogenous toxic factors

Intravascular haemolysis is manifested by

1) anaemia

2) hemoglobinuria

3) hemoglobinemia

4) hemisiderinuria

5) jaundice

Splenomegaly is seen in extravascular haemolysis. TRUE or FALSE

False... It is not seen

In all types of uncomplicated haemolytic anaemia, the excess serum bilirubin is unconjugated TRUE OR FALSE


Excessive bilirubin excreted by the liver into the GIT leads to increased formation and fecal excretion of ueobilin and often leads to gallstones derived from hemoglobin pigments



Classify haemolytic anaemia

1) INHERITED... Hereditary spherocytosis, sickle cell, thalassemia syndromes

2) ACQUIRED... PNH, immunohemolytic anaemia, haemolytic anaemia due to trauma to RBC

List the examples of anaemia of diminished erythropoiesis

1) megaloblastic anaemia

2) anemia of chronic dx

3) aplastic anemia

Renal pathology can be divided into

Into four

1) glomerular pathology

2) tubular pathology.

3) interstitial pathology

4) vascular pathology

Special stains in renal pathology are

1) PAS(periodic acid schiff) and methenamine silver jones stain .....FOR GLOMERULAR BASEMENT MEMBRANE,which appears black and nuclei blue

2)TRICHOME STAIN(massons trichome) to demonstrate immune complex in glomerular pathology OR you use HISTOCHEMICAL TECHNIQUES in which u use antibodies directed against humanity products like human Ig as well as complements.

In immunofluorescence microscopy, is the sections are fixed in formalin T OR F

False... They are rather frozen using liquid nitrogen at -70°C

In electron microscopy, a special fixative is used, what is it

It is 3% glutaraldehyde, after 1-2 hrs, transfer specimen into 1% osmium tetraoxide.

It has d advantage that u see the pathology in greater details.