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350 Cards in this Set

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This structure connects the epididymis withthe urethra.

Ductus deferens or vas deferens

Describe the structure of the vas deferens

folded tunica mucosa withoutmuscularis mucosae and a thick tunicamuscularis

What is the distinguishing feature betweenvas deferens and ureter

the lining epithelium (pseudostratified columnar ciliated in the vas deferens but transitional in the ureter)

This is an expanded portion located at the junction of the pelvic urethra of the male RS

ejaculatory duct

What is the function of the ejaculatory duct

it is where the semen is collected prior to the ejaculation.

This is the common duct for the urine and semen


What tissue and glands are found in the wall of the urethra of male RS

Wall contains erectile tissue; tubular mucus glandscalled urethral glands or glands of Litter.

2 parts of the urethra of male RS

pelvic and penile urethra

This division of the urethra of the male RS is located inside the pelvic cavity where it is closely associated with the accessory glands, has less erectiletissue and more glands

Pelvic Urethra

What epithelium is found in the L.E of the pelvic urethra of male RS

transitional epithelium

What tissue is found in the LP of the pelvic urethra of male RS

erectile tissue

TRUE OR FALSE. The pelvic urethra of male RS has no MM


This tunic of the pelvic urethra blends with lamina propia and presents erectile tissue

Tunica submucosa

how many layers of smooth muscle fibers is found in the neck of the bladder in the male RS


Beyond the neck of the bladder, how many layers of the tunica muscularis is present in the male RS


TRUE OR FALSE. The tunica muscularis of the pelvic urethra of male animals has both smooth and skeletal muscles


This tunic of the pelvic urethra of the male animal is present in the part of the urethra which is not inside the pelvic cavity.

Tunica adventitia

This division of the urethra is embedded in the ventral portion of the penis and isseparated from it by a thin tunicaalbuginea which contains circularly arranged muscle fibers.

Penile urethra

what separates the ventral portion of the penis and the penile urethra

thin tunica albuginea

What epithelium is found ln the LE of the penile urethra

transitional or stratified squamous

what are the erectile tissue found in the LP of the penile urethra

corpus cavernosum or corpus spongiosum

What gland present in the LP of the penile urethra is found in the stallion and boar

urethral glands

This tunic of the penile urethra blends with lamina propia andalso contains erectile tissues

Tunica submucosa

This tunic of the penile urethra is represented by inner circular layer of smooth muscle

Tunica muscularis

This tunic of the penile urethra is represented by tunica albuginea

Tunica adventitia

What are the accessory glands of the male RS

Ampullary glands, Vesicular glands or seminal vesicle, Prostate glands, Bulbourethral gland or Cowper’s gland

What gland is present in ruminants, horses and dogs, not well developed in pigs and absent in cats.

Ampullary glands

what accessory glands is absent in dogs

Seminal vesicle and bulbourethral glands

What accessory gland is present in all male species

prostate gland

Where is the location of the ampullary gland

Located in the wall of the ampulla

this accessory gland is a branched, tubular serous glands with sac-like dilatation and with no excretory duct.

ampullary gland

What is the epithelium of the ampullary gland

simple columnar epithelium.

What is the appearance of the vesicular glands or seminal vesicles in horse

appears like a vesicle

What is the appearance of the vesicular glands or seminal vesicles in ruminants and swine

appear as contact glands without a central gland

Where does the main excretory duct of the seminal vesicle of horse opens into

pelvic urethra near its junction with the vas deferens.

What is secreted byvthe seminal vesicles

Seminal fluid

what is the epithelium of the main excretory duct of the seminal vesicles

stratified columnar epithelium.

What is the function of the seminal vesicle in rodents

forms vaginal plug

what is the energy source used for ejaculated spermatozoa that is produced by the seminal vesicles


What is the capsule of the prostate gland made up of

dense white fibrous connective tissue

What is the glandular epithelium of the prostatic adenomere

simple cuboidal epithelium with apical blebs

These are stored secretions of the prostategland typically found in the lumens of adenomeres

prostatic concretions

2 parts of the prostate gland

Parsdisseminate and Corpus prostate or body ofprostate

this part of the prostate gland is located in the wall of thepelvic urethra and best develop in the dorsalwall

Pars Disseminate

this part of the prostate gland is located outside of and covers part ofthe pelvic urethra

Corpus prostate or body of prostate

in what animals is the pars disseminate of the prostate gland well developed

bull and boar

what animals have a well developed corpus prostate

carnivores and horse

what animal has a non-distinct corpus prostate


this accessory gland occurs in pairs and are located in thedorsolateral aspect of the pelvic urethra

Bulbourethral or Cowper’s gland

what lymphatic tissue is frequently seen in the connective tissuesurrounding the adenomeres.

Diffuse and nodular lymphatic tissues

What is the capsule of the cowpers gland made of

dense whitefibrous connective tissue

What is the appearance/ structure of adenomeres

columnar or pyramidal withpalestaining basophiliccytoplasm with basally located round or flatnucleus.

Adenomeres are similar to structureto ____________________

mucous adenomere

What is the epithelium of the cowper's gland

simple or pseudostratified columnar ortransitional epithelium.

The copulatory organ of the male species


three parts of the penis

root, body and glans

What part of the penis anchors it to theventral body wall

Root of penis

this part of the penis is the main part

body of penis

this part of the penis is the tips

glans penis/ glans of penis

what animals have a well developed glans penis

stallion and dog

What do you call the bone of the penis

Os penis

Histologically, penis may contain ___________, ____________ or __________ or _________

erectile tissue, bone (os penis), cartilage, DWFCT

What do you call the covering of the glans penis which is a reflection of the skin


what covers the body of the penis superficially


What tunic is found beneath the dermis of the skin of penis

tunica albuginea

The tunica albuginea of the penis is made up of ___________


what forms the capsule of the penis


What is the main substance of the penile body

erectile tissue(corpus cavernosum penis)

The corpus cavernosum of the penis is rich in __________________ and ______________

elastic fibers and blood sinuses

TRUE OR FALSE. In animals with a fibrous type of penis that tunica albuginea is thin with an extensive erectile tissue. While in animals with a vascular type of penis, the tunics albugenia is thick.

FALSE. (Tunica albuginea is thick inanimals with fibrous type of penis. In vascular type of penis, the erectiletissue is extensive while the tunica albuginea is thin)

what are animals with a fibrous type of penis

boars and ruminants

what are animals with a vascular type of penis

horse, carnivore, man

two types of penis

fibrous and vascular

What are the functions of the female RS

Production of ova, Transport of male and female gametes for fertilization, Accommodation and nourishment of the developing organism, Parturition at appropriate time, Secretion of hormones, Complement the function of the urinary system- urethra

what are the organs of the female RS

Ovary, oviduct, uterus, vagina, vulva, mammary gland

this organ of the female RS is the counterpart of the testis in males


is the ovary both an exocrine and an endocrine organ? Yes or no


what is the exocrine function of ovary

production of ova

what is the endocrine function of ovary

secretion ofestrogen and progesterone

What covers the ovary

surface epithelium

The surface epithelium of the ovary is continuous with the ______________


What is the epithelium of the embryonic ovary


During the later stages of life, what epithelium is found in the ovary


What capsule is found beneath the germinal epithelium of the ovary


This tunic of the ovary is thinner than its counterpart in the testis

tunicaalbuginea ovarii

Two zones of the ovary

outer cortexand an inner medulla

This zone of the ovary contains follicles, corpus lutea, interstitial cellsand stromal elements


This zone of the ovary contains large vessels, lymphatics, nerves and loose connective tissue rich in elastic and reticular fibers


in mare, where is the cortex of the ovary located

deep zone of the ovary

in mare, the cortex of the ovary connect with the surface via the _______________

ovulation fossa

Where is the site of fertilization in female animalz


what are the four regions of the oviduct

infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus, intramural part

what is the shaped of the fimbriae of the infundibulum

funnel shaped

this is the longest region of the oviduct and is the actual site of fertilization


this is the short narrow part of the oviduct and is located next to the uterus


This part of the oviduct extends thru the wall of the uterus

intramural part

other name of oviduct

uterine tube

What is the epithelium of the oviduct

simple columnar intermittently ciliated

In cow and sow, what is the epithelium of the oviduct

Pseudostratified columnar with intermittent cilia

What do you call the cells without cilia

peg cells

what is the function of the cilia in the oviduct

movement of the ova along thetunica mucosa

This process occurs in reaction to circulating levels of estrogen


What is the muscularis mucosae of the oviduct

N/A. The oviduct has no MM

what is the tissue of the LP submucosa of the oviduct

loose connective tissue

Which part of the oviduct is the tunica muscularis best developed


What is the cell found in the testes

spermatogenic cells

What is the function of the spermatogenic cells

produce sperm

During ejaculation, sperm leave system via ________________________ and ______________________

ductus (vas) deferens and penile urethra

Where is the site of semen deposition in mare


where is the site of semen deposition in sow


where is the site of semen deposition in dog, cats, and other animals


where is the site of implantation of fertilized ovum and later growth of the embryo.


Three regions of the uterus

the horn, the body and the cervix

what are the walls of the uterus

endometrium, myometrium, and perimetrium

This wall of the uterus corresponds to the tunica mucosa of tubular organs.


what is the epithelium of the LE of uterus

simple columnar epithelium

in the sow and cow, what is the epithelium found in LE of the uterus

pseudostratified columnar epithelium

what is the gland found in the uterud

uterine gland

in what animal is the lamina propia of the endometrium is extremely vascularized and devoid of uterine glands


functions of the male reproductive system
replication of each species, Production and transport spermatozoa, Secretion of required fluids, deposition of semen in the female tract, and transport urine outsid the body
what are the organs of the male reproductive system
2 testes, ecretory duct, accessory glands, penis
what organs is responsible for the production of male gametes or spermatozoa
what organ transport the spermatozoa from the testes to the outside environment
excretory duct
the secretions of this organs helps in the formation of semen
accessory glands
this organ in males serves both as copulatory organ and passage way of urine
During the embryonic stage, testes are located_____________-
near the kidneys
when does the testes descend to the scrotum
Just before or immediately after birth
this is a specialized pouch of the skin where the testes is located
TRUE OR FALSE. The testes may be classified as both exocrine and endocrine gland
what is the exocrine function of testes
production of spermatozoa
what is the endocrine function of testes
secretion of testosterone/ androgen
what secretes testosterone in the testes
interstitial cells of Leydig.
histologically, what is the shape of the testes


histologically, the testes is enclosed by a capsule of _______________
DWFCT (tunica albuginea.)
where can you usually find tunica albuginea in the testes
at highly vascular layer (stratum vasculare)
the tunica albuginea is located _____________ in the dog and ram
the tunica albuginea is located ____________________ in the stallion and boar
deeply among the seminiferous tubules
what do you call the branches given off by the tunica albuginea
septuli testis
what is the function of septuli testis
divides the testis into lobules and connect with the loose connective tissue of the mediastinum testis at the anterior pole of the testis.
these are tiny coiled tubules found in the testes which radiate from the mediastinum testis to the periphery
Seminiferous tubules
what is the other name of semineferous tubules
tubuli contorti
what epithelium is foundin the walls of semineferous tubules
multilayered special epithelium
enumerate the cells types found in the semineferous tubules from the outside inward
spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes, secondary spermatocytes, spermatid
this is the supportive cells of the testis which nourish the spermatids
sertoli cells
what is the shape of sertoli cells
where is the sertoli cells located
interspersed between the multilayered epithelium of the seminiferous tubules.
where is the leydig cells located
outside the seminiferous tubules
what structure fill up the spaces between seminiferous tubule
Interstitial cells of Leydig
what is the shape and appearance of the nucleus of leydig cells
Polyhedral in shape with large spherical nuclei
TRUE OR FALSE. The leydig cells is abundant in the boar, stallion, and ox
FALSE. (Boar and ox only)
what is secreted by the leydig cells
these are straight tubules which connect the seminiferous tubules with the rete testis
Tubuli Recti
what epithelium is present in the tubuli recti
simple cuboidal epithelium
this results from the anatomosis of many tubules and connects with the first part of the excretory ducts of the male reproductive system
Rete Testis
where is rete testis located
Located in the mediastinum testis
what is the epithelium of the rete testis
simple cuboidal epithelium
what does rete mean
what are the excretory ducts of the male reproductive system
Ductuli efferentes, Ductus epididymis, Ductus deferens or vas deferens, and Urethra
these structure are coiled and connect the rete testis with the ductus epididymis.
Ductuli efferentes
how many ductuli efferentes is present on each testis
6 to 20
why is the ductuli efferentes difficult to locate in histological sections
they are frequently disengaged during the separation of the testis from the epididymis
what is the epithelium of the ductuli efferentes
simple columnar intermittently ciliated
these are long coiled tube closely related to the testis.
Ductus epididymis
what is the appearance of the ductus epididymis in histological sections
Appears as many separate tubules in the tissue section
what is the epithelium of the ductus epididymis
pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium.
what cilia is present in the ductus epididymis
what is the function of stereocilia in the ductus epididymis
increase the surface area for absorption or secretion.
TRUE OR FALSE. Stereocilia are motile
FALSE. (non-motile)
in ruminants, what is the ultimate sites at which maternal tissues make contact with the fetal cotyledons
where is the caruncles located in ruminants
lamina propria of endometrium
this wall of the uterus corresponds to the tunica muscularis of visceral organs
the myometrium consists of a ______________ and ___________________________
thick inner circular; thinner outer longitudinal smooth muscle
what structure occurs between the myometrium and endometrium
stratum vasculare
this wall of the uterus corresponds to the tunica serosa of visceral organs
this organ of the female RS Serves as a valve to close off the uterus from the vagina
TRUE OR FALSE. The cervix of animals except for the bitch possesses glnads similar to the glands that occur in the uterus
FALSE. (only the bitch possesses glands similar to the glands found in the uterus, other species/ animals are devoid of it)
what is the epithelium of the LE of the cervix
simple columnar epithelium
what influences the secretions of the cervix
stages of estrus cycle
what substance is secreted by the cervix during estrus
clear mucus
what substance is secreted by the cervix during pregnancy
thick cervical plug
what feature of the cervix distinguishes it as glandular
Numerous longitudinal folds
the lining cells of the cervix may present _____________
what is the tunica submucosa of the cervix
What tunic of the cervix is well developed and rich in elastic fibers
Tunica muscularis
what is the epithelium of the vagina
stratified cuboidal-stratified squamous non-keratinized
in what animals can you find isolated foci of goblet cells in the cranial portion of the organ.
in wha animals is the intraepithelial glands pragmatic during estrus.
2 parts of the vulva
vestibule and labia
what structure is presented/ found in the vestibule of the vulva
the clitoris and the urethral opening
this part of the vulva is alike in structure to the caudal portion of the vagina.
what is the epithelium of the LE of the vulva
stratified squamous non-keratinized with extensive lymphocytic infiltration.
the LP submucosa of the vulva is consists of _______________________________
loose and dense c.t. rich in elastic fibers
in cows, where are the vestibular glands concentrated
near clitoris
2 distinct muscles of the tunica muscularis of the vestibule of vulva
constrictor vestibuli and constrictor vulvae.
this organ is homologue of penis
three parts of the clitoris
body, glans and prepuce
what are the tissues and muscles found in the corpus clitoridis/ body of clitoris
cavernous or erectile tissue, adipose tissue and smooth muscle
the capsule of the clitoris is made up of ____________-
What tissue or connective tissue may or may not be present in the glans of clitoris
erectile tissue or areolar c.t.
what animals may have an erectile tissue in the glans of clitoris
bitch and mare
what part of the clitoris is defined as a glandular and hairless reflection of the skin of the vestibule rich in sensory nerve endings.
prepuce of clitoris
which part of the clitoris is sensory nerve endings located
prepuce of clitoris
this part of the vulva contains folds of integument composed of typical integumentary structure
in domestic animals, what sole pair of labia is developed
labia majora
the outer surface of the labia is enclosed with _____________________________________
skin which presents hairs, sebaceous and sweat glands
what is the epithelium of the inner surface of the labia
stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium
what animal has a simple develoment of the labia minora
these are slight elevations of the skin lateral to the labia majora
labia minora
2 parts of the labia
labia minora and majora
this refers to the vaginal changes in animals
estrus cycle
what are the cells present during anestrus
non-cornified, round to oval epithelial cells with large, distinct and uniform nuclei.
during this cycle of estrus small numbe of neutrophils is present and only minimal number of cellular debris can be seen

what cycle of the estrus is classified with pykonotic nuclei, absent leukocytes, numerous erythrocytes, and various types of bacteria thata re free, on, or within epithelial cells


TRUE OR FALSE. Leukocyte are absent by the middle of proestrus
What causes the increase of erythrocytes during the proestrus
result of diapedesis from the underlying vascular bed
what cell is found during the proestrus
cornifying superficial epithelial cells
what cell is found during the estrus
cornified epithelial cells with straight cytoplasm border and pyknotic nuclei
Late estrus is described as ____________________
epithelial cells without nuclei.
what stages of the estrus cycle is classified with a reduce number of erythrocytes, presence of a variety of bacteria, and numerous cellular debris
what causes the increase of cellular debris during the estrus
breaking up of epithelial cells
what phase of the estrus cycle does the female becomes receptive to mating
when does the neutrophils reappear prior to diestrus
1-2 days
what stage of the estrus cycles is classifies with small and abundant neutrophils, and disappearance of cellular debris and erythrocytes
what cell starts to reappear during the diestrus
cornified epithelial cells
TRUE OR FALSE. Birds lay eggs in clutches
How long is the rest period of birds before they lay another egg
1 day
TRUE OR FALSE. Clutch size is species-specific and is held within fairly tight limits
when does the ovulation for the enxt egg of the clutch occues
within an hour of laying the previous one
what is the difference of the follicles of birds compared to mammals
no antrum, and no follicular fluid; instead the entire follicle is filled with a very yolky egg
what do you call the whitish area that develops at the time of ovulation of birds which appears in the surface of the follicle
where is the egg expelled in birds
upper end of the reproductive tract/ upper end of oviduct
these are finger like projections covered with cilia in the infundibulum in birds and mammals
what do you call the expanded upper end of the oviduct in mammals and birds
what is the epithelium of the fimbriae of birds
ciliated simple columnar epithelium
what is the function of the cilia in the fimbriae of birds
moving the egg into the funnel shaped upper end of the tube
what is secreted by the infundibulum in birds
what do you call the whitish string-like structures on either side of the yolk,
what is the function of the chalazae
keeps the embryo in proper position during development.
what is the nature of the mucosa of the bird's infundibulum
rugated with extensive folds
which part of the bird's RS does fertilization takes place
in birds, what helps the egg go down the reproductove tract
Contractions of the muscular oviduct and body movements
what is the largest portion of the oviduct of birds
what is secreted by the magnum
egg white/ albumin
what is the epithelium of the mucosa of the magnum
simple cuboidal or columnar epithelium
what is the third portion of the oviduct in birds
what is the mucosal lining of the isthmus
ciliated simple columnar epithelium
what is secreted by isthmus
soft shell membrane
what is the source of the soft shell membrane secreted in the isthmus
basophilic glands
what is the last of the secretory portions of the oviduct
shell gland/ uterus

what is secreted by the uterus in birds

hard calcareous shell of the egg

what epithelium is found in the crypts of the uterus in birds
stratified cuboidal epithelium
what mineral makes up the bulk of the shell
calcium carbonate
what is the last portion of the ovidcut
This a muscular tube through which the egg is expelled to the outside world
what is the epithelium of the vagina
ciliated tall columnar epithelium
what is the epithelium of the sperm host gland
simple columnar epithelium
where is the sperm host gland located
junction of the uterus and vagina
what is the function of the sperm glands
store sperm for long periods of time after copulation

what do you call the glands found in the junction of the uterus and vagina in birds

sperm host gland

how long can sperm be stored in the sperm host gland
10 days to 2 weeks
TRUE OR FALSE. The temperature of the scrotum is 1 to 2 degrees celcius lower than the body temperature
FALSE. (2°C to 3°C lower)
Why is the temperature in the scrotum lower than the body temperature
because of sweat evaporation and pampiniform plexus
what mechanism cools the arterial blood as it enters the testes
Countercurrent heat-exchange mechanism
this tunic surrounds the testes and forms mediastinum testis
tunica albuginea
what seperates the testis into testicular lobes
Thin connective tissue septa from mediastinum testis
what cells are found in the germinal epithelium of the testes
spermatogenic cells and Sertoli (supportive) cells
what type of stem cells is formed from the mitotic division of spermatogenic cells
type A and type B stem cells
this is the mitotic divisions of spermatogenic cells to form type A and type B stem cells
what spermatogenic cells give rise to primary spermatocytes,
Type B
What is the largest cell of the semineferous tubules
Type B
what give rise to smaller secondary spermatocytes
Primary spermatocytes
what happens when spermatocytes undergo meiosis
reduce number of chromosomes and amount of DNA
Secondary spermatocytes divide to form _______________
what do you call the morphological transformation of spermatids
what is the function of the cilia in ductuli efferentes
move sperm and fluid from seminiferous tubules to ductus epididymis
what is the function of the nonciliated cells in ductuli efferentes
absorb much of the testicular fluid as it passes to ductus epididymis
what is the lining epithelium of the ductuli efferentes and epididymis
Pseudostratified epithelium
what are the cells present the ductuli efferentes and epididymis
principal and basal cells
what cilia lines the surface of cells in ductus epididymis and vas deferens
what is the function of the sterocilia in the ductus epididymis and vas deferens
absorb testicular fluid
what are the functions of the principal cells of the ductus epididymis and vas deferens
phagocytose residual cytoplasm, produce glycolipid decapacitation factor
what is the cell foud I the ductus epididymis and vas deferens
principal cells
this process inhibits the fertilizing ability of sperm until removed in the female reproductive tract
this process is the activation of sperm which allows sperm to bind to the ovulated oocyte and fertilize it
what is the enzyme released by the acrosomal reaction
acrosomal enzyme/ hydrolytic enzyme
what is the function of the acrosoaml enzyme
assist sperm penetration of the ovum
what is the function of the sertoli cells
Physical support, protection, nutrition, and release of mature sperm into tubules
what protein is released by the sertoli cells to concentrate testosterone in tubules and testicular fluid for sperm transport
androgen-binding protein
what is the function of the androgen-binding protein released by the sertoli cells
to concentrate testosterone in tubules and testicular fluid for sperm transport
what are the hormones secreted by the sertoli cells
inhibin, activin, and anti-Müllerian hormone
what hormones stimulates spermatogenesis
luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones
which part of the rbain produces luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones
pituitary gland
what hormonal secretion is stimulated by the LSH
Testosterone secretion
what hormonal secretion is stimulated by the FSH
stimulates sertoli cells to produce androgenbinding hormone
what hormone is vital for spermatogenesis and accessory gland function
what is the function of the hormone inhibin
inhibit FSH
what is the function of the hormone activin
activates release of FSH in the pituitary gland
what type of feedback is used by activin to release FSH from the pituitary gland
negative feedback
what structure separates the vagina from the uterus
this is the cyclic monthly changes that occurs in the organs of the female RS
Menstrual cycle
what do you call the start of the first menstrual cycle
what do you call the end of the menstrual cycle
what hormone controls the release of FSH aNd LSH
gonadotropin-releasing hormone
when does the first mitosis division of the oogonia occurs
during embryonic development
Oogonia enter first meiotic division and remain as _____________ in primordial follicles
primary oocytes
when does the primordial follicles grow to become primary, secondary, and mature follicles
TRUE OR FALSE. Ovarian follicles can undergo degeneration or atresia at specific stage of development
FALSE. (any stage of development)
what cells surrounds the primordial follicles with primary oocyte
squamous follicular cells
what factors determines the initiation of development and activation of the primordial follicles
local growth factors and gonadotropin stimulation
what type of cell layer is exhbited by the primary follicle
exhibit simple cuboidal or stratified granulosa cell layers
these follicles exhibit liquid accumulations between granulosa cells or antrum
secondary follicles

these follicles are mature, span the cortex, and extend into medulla

primary follicles

where are the oocytes located in maturing follicles
mound cumulus oophorus
in mammals, what structure and cell surrounds the primary oocytes
zona pellucida and corona radiata cells in follicles
what are the hormones responsible for later development, maturation, and ovulation of follicles
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)
What is the estrogen precursor
what secretes androstenedione
LH receptors
what convertes estrogenic steroid precursors to estrogen
aromatase enzyme
where is estrogenic steroid precursors convertes to estrogen
granulosa cells of the follicle
Decreased follicle-stimulating hormone levels induce ________- in other developing follicles
Ovulation site on mature follicle is the thinned bulging area called ______ that is devoid of blood flow
what happens to collapsed ovulated follicles that are vascularized
becomes temporary corpus luteum

when does the completion of second meiotic division occur in female's

when oocyte is fertilized by sperm

how long are oocytes viable
24 hours
what happens when the oocytes is not fertilized within 24 hours
it degrades (monthly cycle)
these are remnants of theca interna cells after follicular atresia
Interstitial cells in ovary
these forms after ovulation and liberation of secondary oocyte
corpus luteum
what hormone induces hypertrophy and luteinization of granulosa cells and theca interna cells
what hormone causes production of estrogen and increased amounts of progesterone
Withou fertilization, how long is the corpus luteum active
12 days
this process leads to connective scar tissue corpus albicans
if fertilization occurs, what happens to the corpus luteum
corpus luteum becomes corpus luteum of pregnancy
what produces human chorionic gonadotropin
what is the function of the human chorionic gonadotropin
stimulates corpus luteum
what structure takes over the function of the corpus luteum during the pregnancy
is the placenta an endocrine or exocrine organ
endocrine organ
what is the epithelium of the uterine tubes/ oviduct in mammals
simple columnar with ciliated and nonciliated secretory (peg) cells
what are the functions of the secretory cells of the oviduct uterine tube
nutrition for oocyte, fertilized ovum, and developing embryo
what are the functions of the uterine tube secretions
maintain sperm and enhance capacitation of sperm
what muscles provide peristaltic contractions to help capture ovulated oocyte
smooth muscles
how are ovulates oocytes captured
through the peristaltic contractions of the smooth muscles
what reaction of the oviduct uterine tubes blocks polyspermy
cortical reaction
three parts of the uterus
body, fundus, and cervix
two divisions of the endometrium
stratum functionalis and stratum basalis
what division of the endometrium is shed with menstrual flow
stratum functionalis
what hormones and factors does the endometrium responds to
estrogen and progesterone and ovarian functions
when does proliferative phase of the uterus starts
end of menstrual phase after estrogen release
Ovarian estrogen induces ______________ and formation of a new _______________
endometrial growth; stratum functionalis
when does the secretory phase of the uterus starts
after ovulation and corpus luteum formation
what arteries extend and reach the surface of endometrium
spiral arteries