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27 Cards in this Set

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Iliofemeral ligament

Reinforces ant capsule, also called Y lig or lig of bigelow, limits hyperextension

Pubofemoral lig

At medial and inferior portion of hip joint, limits hyperextension and ABD

Ischiofemoral lig

Covers posterior capsule, limits hyper extension and internal rotation

Inguinal lig

From ASIS to pubic tubercle

Separates the anterior abdominal wall from the thigh

Iliotibial band

Anterior portion of the iliac crest, runs down superficial lateral thigh, attaches to tibia. Provides attachment site for gluteus maximus and TFL

What is angle of inclination

Angle in the frontal plane between the shaft and neck of the femur normal is 125°

What is coxa valga?

And angle greater than 125°, would make the limb longer

What is coxa vara

And angle lesser than 125°, makes limb shorter

What is angle of torsion

Angle in the transverse plane between the shaft and neck of the femur

normal is usually anteriorly rotated 15–25°

Define Anteversion

An angle greater than 25°, causes ambulation in the toe in position

Define retroversion

And angle lesser than 15°, causes ambulation in toe out position


PA: iliac fossa, anterior and lateral surfaces of T 12 through L5

DA: lesser trochanter

A: hip flexion

N: iliacus- femoral nerve

Psoas major- L2&3

Rectus femoris


DA: tibial tuberosity

A: hip flexion, knee extension

N: Femoral nerve



DA: pes anserine

A: combination of hip flexion, abduction, ER and knee flexion

N: Femoral nerve


PA: superior ramus of pubis

DA: pectineal line of femur

A: hip flexion and adduction

N: femoral nerve

Adductor longus

PA: pubis

DA: middle 1/3 of linea aspera

A: hip adduction

N: obturator nerve

Adductir brevis

PA: pubis

DA: pectineal line and proximal linea aspera

A: hip adduction

N: obturator nerve

Adductor magnus

PA: ischium and pubis

DA: entire linea aspera and adductor tubercle

A: hip adduction

N: obturator and sciatic


PA: pubis

DA: pes anserine

A: hip addiction

N: obturator nerve

Glut maximus

PA: posterior sacrum and ilium

DA: posterior femur distal to greater trochanter and to IT band

A: hip extension, hyper extension, ER

N: inferior gluteal

Deep rotator muscles

Hip external rotation

Semi membranous

PA: ischial tuberosity

DA: posterior surface of medial condyle of tibia

A: extend hip and flex knee

N: sciatic


PA: ischial tuberosity

DA: pes anserine

A: extend hip, flex knee

N: sciatic

Biceps femoris

PA: long head- ischial tuberosity

Short head- lateral lip of linea aspera

DA: fibular head

A: long- extend hip/ flex knee

Short- flex knee

N: long- sciatic

Short- common peroneal

Gluteus medius

PA: outer surface of ilium

DA: lateral surface of greater trochanter

A: hip abduction

N: superior gluteal nerve

Gluteus min

PA: lateral ilium

DA: anterior surface of greater trochanter

A: hip abduction

N: superior gluteal nerve

Tensor fascia latae


DA: lateral condyle of tibia

A: combined hip flex, abd

N:superior gluteal nerve