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51 Cards in this Set

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Indo-Aryan Civilization

Location- Ganges River Plain

They wrote the 4 vedas (books of sacred hymns written in Sanskrit

What we know comes from Vedas


Social class based on birth with strict rules of behavior


Caste groupings based on skill

Top are the Brahmins (priest)


Caste groupings based on occupation


Outside the caste, low social status, work considered impure

Like if they work with hide/leather which was not considered pure they belonged there or if they were a child from an unmarried couple for example


How it began: Brahmanism-focused on priests limited to rituals


God(s) -one supreme being or spiritual force

Source of all things

All gods are a form of Brahman

Sacred texts

Vedas : 4 books of sacred hymns in Sanskrit by Indo-Aryans

Upanishads : writings of the gurus - connections to peoples lives

Bhagavad-Gita : part of epic poem Mahabharata


4 Books of sacred hymns written in Sanskrit by Indo Aryans


Writings by gurus

Connection to peoples lives

Bhagavad Gita

Part of epic poem Mahabharata

Goal of Hinduism

By following your dharma (path) and doing good deeds (kharma), you can end the cycle of reincarnation and your soul will rejoin Brahman (moksha)


Hindu teacher, thought and discussed religious ideas


A person‘s duty or righteous action


Effect of a person‘s action in this and in previous lives


Rebirth of a soul in a new body


Liberation from reincarnation

Soul rejoins Brahman

Buddhism - no gods

How it began: pampered Hindu prince Siddharta Gautama discovered suffering in the world and left to find the truths about life, suffering and death

Sacred texts of Buddhism

The teachings of Buddha recorded by his students

Goal of Buddhism

To live the Middle Way by accepting the 4 Noble Truths and following the Eightfold Path to reach Nirvana

4 Noble Truths

Life is suffering

(Caused by by selfishness)

You can end suffering

You can give up suffering by giving up selfish desires (by following the Eightfold path)

Nirvana is the end

Eightfold Path

8 steps to develop 3 qualities to reach enlightenment-





The enlightened one


A state of perfect wisdom


A state of blissful peace

No desire or suffering


Religious communities

Place to study and meditate


Spread Buddha‘s teachings throughout SE Asia

Mauryan Empire

1st emporer

How it began: Brahmin Kautikya helped Chandragupta drive out Greek invaders


Brilliant military leader

Constant fear of his enemies- spy network

Many of his ideas came from his advisor Kautilya

Who Wrote Arthrashastra - a book about how to rule

Important facts

Well trained soldiers with India bow

1st state to rule all of North India

Government- 4 provinces-each with own governor (bureaucracy like the Persians)

Taxes - crops and sales tax - payment to government workers and army

End - Chandragupta became a Jain, might have left to join monastery

Mauryan Empire

3rd emporer

How it began: Asoka might have killed his own brother to gain power

Asoka the leader

He won a costly war against the Kalinga- so shocked by the war he embraced Buddhist ideals

He ruled for 40 years during which time he improves the life of the people

Important facts Mauryan 3rd emporer

Rule by dharma (a person’s duty or righteous actions) instead of rule by force

A time of peace and prosperity

Excellent road system that promoted trade with the empire

Constructed large stone columns around empire with new messages

End: Asoka died and empire weakened lost part of the empire

Eventually the final Mauryan ruler was murdered


Against harming living things


Commemorative Buddhist burial mounds

Gupta Empire

How it began: reunited northern India, 500 years after the Mauryans

Chandra Gupta I

Controlled the Ganges Basin

Chandra Gupta II


Grew empire to its largest size

Important facts about Gupta Empire

Kalidasa (author) - plays, poetry and fables in Sanskirt Invented chess

Decimal system - concept of zero and units of 10

Ayurveda - system of medicine to treat different diseases and medical problems

Iron Pillar of Delhi - tall column from a single piece of iron

government - relied instead on local leaders instead of representatives of the

(like the Mauryan)

Brahman vs Brahmin

Brahman is the almighty God the god of gods. When you reach Moksha you become one with him. The ultimate goal.

Brahmin is the upper caste where the priests and teacher belong

Indus Valley Civilization

Location - Indus & Saraswati River

Important facts - India's 1st civilization

-what we know comes from archaeological sites like Mohenjo-Daro & Harappa

-well planned cities - 1st citywide sewer

Indus Valley Civilization

Location - Indus & Saraswati River

Important facts - India's 1st civilization

-what we know comes from archaeological sites like Mohenjo-Daro & Harappa

-well planned cities - 1st citywide sewer


Seasonal winds that bring rain in the summer

Agriculture depended on it

Indus Valley Civilization

Location - Indus & Saraswati River

Important facts - India's 1st civilization

-what we know comes from archaeological sites like Mohenjo-Daro & Harappa

-well planned cities - 1st citywide sewer


Seasonal winds that bring rain in the summer

Agriculture depended on it


Fortified area

Center of government, religion or both

Refuge if the city flooded, usually built on top of an elevation

Indus Valley Civilization

Location - Indus & Saraswati River

Important facts - India's 1st civilization

-what we know comes from archaeological sites like Mohenjo-Daro & Harappa

-well planned cities - 1st citywide sewer


Seasonal winds that bring rain in the summer

Agriculture depended on it


Fortified area

Center of government, religion or both

Refuge if the city flooded, usually built on top of an elevation


Special building to hold surplus grain


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