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13 Cards in this Set

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At a high rise fire, what floors can the 1st Engine make fire attack?

Floor 4 and below

As the first in driver, when can you state, “Supply Established”?

When water from a hydrant is delivered to 2 inlets at the FDC

What equipment does the 1st Engine position 3 and 4 take to the staging floor after capturing the elevators?

200 ft. 1 3/4, and standpipe bag

Where is the staging floor at a High rise fire?

2 floors below fire floor

Prioritization of a primary search on the fire floor of a High rise, goes like what?

1. Fire Floor Hallway

2. Adjacent Units

3. Unit across the hallway

4. Remainder of the floor

Who is RIT at a High rise fire?

Rescue 1 and A14

What is considered a high rise building?

A building 75 feet above lowest level of FD vehicle access. (7 floors or above)

When and What are actual assignments based on at a High Rise fire?

Physical arrival into the lobby *bonus (should be announce over radio)

If fire pump is absent, what should the 3rd in driver get?

A redundant supply

Describe the duties of all Engines at a high rise fire for a fire above floor 4?

1st- supply fdc, lobby control, capture elevators, shuttle to staging (officer is command)

2nd- get a supply, tandem pump, Fire attack (officer is FA team leader)

3rd-join fire attack, driver monitors standpipe (office is division sup)

4th- Deploy Line 2, drive monitors standpipe, (officer is LIne 2 Team Leader)

5th- Line 2

6th- exposure line

7th- manage staging

When should the stairs be used at a High Rise fire?

Floors 4 and below

When should the elevator be used at a High Rise fire?

Floors 5 and above

Where does RIT stage at a High Rise fire?

1 floor below fire floor