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10 Cards in this Set

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henry’s claim to the throne


came through his mother (margaret beaufort)

john beaufort (margaret’s gdad) was born prior to his parents marriage weakening the claim

henry’s royal blood

inherited from his father (edmund tudor)

henry vii was the half-nephew of the king of england

henry’s claim to the throne rested on

his victory in battle

he defeated and killed richard iii

divine right of kings- regarded as a sign from god approving his power

henry’s aims

remain king and establish his dynasty

unchallenged succession to his descendants

secure and strengthen dynasty

•establish effective gvmt

•maintain law and order

• control the nobility

•secure the crowns finances

needs good advice, friends abroad and luck


ruler was responsible for policy and closely involved in government

monarchy was personal

henry dated the beginning of his reign

a day before the battle of bosworth : 22 august 1485

so he could declare richard and his supporters traitors and their estates became property of the crown due to the Act of Attainder

henry’s coronation

deliberately arranged before the first meeting of parliament so it could never be said parliament made him king


married elizabeth of york uniting the houses of lancaster and york which dissuaded Yorkists from challenging henry


born sept 1486

heir which helped to establish the dynasty

church and foreign powers

henry enlisted the support of the church and gained control of the nobility

secured the support of the pope and kings of france and spain who recognised the legitimacy of his kingship