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20 Cards in this Set

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Types of spleen

● Sinusal/Defensive spleen

● Non-sinusal/Storage spleen

Which spleen is found in human?

● Sinusal spleen (possess venous sinuses)

White pulp is predominant in what kind of spleen

Sinusal spleen (that's why it is called defensive because WBCs in white pulp defends against non-viable cells)

What fraction of cardiac output does the spleen get?

1-10% of cardiac output (about 6% in humans 300ml/min)

Weight of spleen

Weight about 135g

What is the weight of the spleen when completely drained of blood


The sinuses of the spleen are surrounded by what?

Reticulum (reticular fibres and cells)

The cords of the red pulp are called

Cords of Bilroth

Function of spleen

Immune functions (white pulp)

Clearing old and non-viable cells (red pulp and macrophages)

Storage of platelets (in Cords of bilroth)

What fraction of total platelet is stored in SPLEEN

1/3 of total platelets

Causes of hypersplenism

Appropriate increased activity of the spleen due to hereditary spherocytosis (to clear bad red cells) and ITP

Inappropriate increased activity of the spleen due to portal hypertesion (blood pools in the spleen, causing spleen to be engorged and by default, blood cells not taken up by sinuses are destroyed)

Treatment for hypersplenism is


Hypersplenism causes cytopenia. T/F

True. Hypersplenism causes increased destruction of RBCs and other cells (WBCs), higher than normal meaning rate of destruction of cells is higher than rate of production, hence CYTOPENIA

How does hypersplenism cause bone marrow hyperplasia

Hypersplenism causes cytopenia leading to increased production of cells by bone marrow to compensate for loss. This leads to bone marrow hyperplasia.

Causes of splenomegaly

Hereditary disease (eg Thalassemia, Hereditary spherocytosis)

Metabolic disorders (glycogen storage diseases, Niemann-picks disease, Amyloidosis)

Malignancies (CLL, CML,leukaemia)

Connective tissue disorder (eg Lupus)

Idiopathic cause (Tropical Splenomegaly syndrome)

Cardiovascular disorders (eg splenic/portal vein obstruction

What is Tropical Splenomegaly Syndrome

● aka Hyperactive Malarial Splenomegaly

● It is due to continuous/recurrent malaria infection that induces overstimulation of B cells to produce immunoglobulins majorly IgM.

● IgM is produced because it is non-specific to malaria parasites and can attack any.

It occurs in regions endemic with malaria like the tropics (hence tropical)topical

● Seen in Africa and India

Clinical findings of Tropical splenomegaly syndrome

● Splenomegaly

● Hepatomegaly (together with splenomegaly cause abdominal distension)

● Elevated serum IgM

● Elevated antimalarial antibodies

● Marked phagocytosis of RBCs by macrophages and lymphocytic infiltrations

● Marked dilated sinusoids

● Anaemia

● Thrombocytopenia

Does blood smear usually reveal the malarial parasite in Tropical splenomegaly syndrome (Hyperactive Malaria Splenomegaly)

No, it usually doesn't show the parasites

Is there thrombocytopenia in TSS


Management of TSS

● Prevent malaria reinfection by given Antimalarial drugs (since that's what causes the whole process)