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51 Cards in this Set

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I’m AML !!

> Auer rod

> myeloperoxidase!! Specific myleoid leukemia

Back (Definition)

Reasons MC anemia

>Iron deficient

>Anemia of Chronic disease


>Thalassemia ( 2condotion - mild / severe !)

Reason MC A

Iron reduced

Reduced heame synthesis

Reduced globin synthesis

Iron deficiency

> deficient diet... nalnutisguon

Vegan !

Increased requirement.. pregnancy

> blood loss.. less RBC,iron bloss

> iron sequestration .. hypersplrnism.. ( soderoblastic anemia, cytocytosis, spherocytosis..)


Iron deficiency- Feritin low

Iron low !! TIBC UP!!

- menorrhea

- small bleeding - colon cancer !

Intuition bad !!

Pregnancy !!


Iron store depleted

Iron serum low !!

Low iron serum

Ferritin UP

TIBC Low !!

Chronic inflammation !

> autoimmune disease - SLE liver disease cancer

Don’t release enough iron cause bacteria would use it !!

Reduced hem synthesis

Lead posing

Acquired / congenital sideroblastic anemia

Sideroblastic anemia

Acquired / hero terry

Shape of RBC like blasts !

Smear.. basophils stippling

Irreversible - myliduspataic subsiding

Reversible - drugs , lead Alkohol

Reduced globin prediction

Smear !!

Thalassemia.. Aloha / beta

2) mild vs. severe ( transfusion )

Others : death ( 4 aploha - hydros fwtalsi )

Asymtopmtic ( 1 alpha / 0 beta deleted )

> Hypochrom

> mucrocytitoc / teardrops !

Transfusion in thalassemia

Leads to hemosiserosis

- treat with Deferixamine!!

Hemoglobin electrophoresis -

HgA1 ( normal adult ) 2a/2b

HGF ( fetal ) 2a/2y

Iron - 1mg /2mg iron a day

Absorption in duodenum!upoer part of Jejunum!

Stored in liber., spleen, bone marrow

Usuals in Muscle, bone marrow !

Iron absorption ! Hepcidin !

Therapy : ferrous - gluconate

Fe - fumarate , sulphonate

3-6 month continue therapy !

Iron absoprtion enhanced by

Vit C

Meat , fish, orange juice

Inhibited by : cereals, tee, milk

Side effects oral iron : heartburn, braids, abdominal cramps ! Diarrhea !

Parenteral iron if


Gastrointestinal disorder ( chron, absipruon Problem )

Losses iron at rapid rate ( bleeding )

Side effects : pain flushing, lymph node enlarged, discoloration metallic taste

Hypothesis, headache malade ! Urticaria nausea anaphylactic shock !!

Management of iron deficiency




Front (Term)


Front (Term)

Reduced intake .

Loss high - bleeding

Higher requirements . Pregnant

Physical signs

Pallor, Jaimdice, ( hemolysis )



Bone pain


Rectal / occult bleeding

Physical anemia

Pallor - Skin, lips, nail bed /conjunctiva !

Nails - fragil ,flattened ,brittle spoon like, koilonychia

Tongue / mouth -glissitis, angular cheliosis, stomatitis

Dysphasia ( Peter- Kelly- OR Plummer Vinson Syndrom)= cancer in Situ!!!

Stomach - atriphic gastritis ( malabsorption ! ) lessgastric secretions !

Test MC anemia !

CBC ( number of cell )

Rwticulocute count ( production. Up / down )

Peripheral blood smear ! ( shape / which cells dominant )

Bleeding test


Hemolysis : LDL UP!! Haptiglibin down ! ,indirect bilirubin UP !

Cancer ( myleoplastic synd): all negative ( LDL, haptoglib, bilirubin) BUT blood smear positive !!

Hemorrhage/ bleeding : LDL not elevated , Haptoglob bot down, bilirubin not up !


Blood loss

Decreased production

Increased destruction

Iron deficient Aia


Sideroblastic anemia

A soma of chronic disease !



Non immune

Acquired / hereditary

Hereditary -

Membran defect :

Cyto/ spherocytosis

Enzym defect : G6 P D


> sickle cell

> thalassemia

Hb electrophoresis for diagnosis !! In children !!

Cold therapy

Warm up ! Than corticosteroids !

Plasmaporesis!! Tongue riding IG! M

Warm type association

Idiopathic : (in about 1/3 of cases)•

2. Secondary: • - lymphoid neoplasms: lymphoma, CLL, myeloma

• - solid tumours: lung, colon, kidney, ovary, thymoma

• - connective tissue disease: SLE, rheumatoid arthritis

• - drugs: methyldopa,mefenamic acid, penicillin, quinine • miscellaneous: ulcerative colitis, HIV .

Acquired hemolysis


-warm antibody

-cold antibody

2-Non immune

-Microangiopathic hemolysis (DIC, TTP, Preeclampsia, eclampsia, HELLP , Drugs (mitomycin, cyclosporine) , Valvular hemolysis)

-Infectious has - Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria

Non immune hemolysis

Infection - malaria

Acquired defect- heart

Microangiopathies - DIC TTP HUS...

drugs ,


Immune / non immune

Immune : ABO system incompatible

Infection / toxins

Paroxysmal nocturnal hemolysis

Acquired hemolytic


> HUS ( hemolytic uremic Syndrom )


Infection - malaria / barbiosis

/ lead poisoning

Autoimmune hemolytic syndrome

Ig M/ G - autoimmune mediated

Bilirubin up

Haptoglibjn down - all 3 hemolysis !

LDH up

Cold type :Conpliment!! against RBC antigen sureface !!

Warm - anitjbodies in patient blood bind to IGlobuline ig G !!on RBC !!

Leading to macrophages activation in liver/ spleen (COMLiment activation ) -hemolysis !! Intravascular cellular !!

Symphony in’s - anemia

Splebimgeagly !! Ikterus

Fever, spherocytosis !! ( also in hereditary spherocytosis )

Do combs test !! ( agglutinoations test ) blood IG against RBC !!

Symptoms aulimmune hemolytic

80% Warm type

Strong conpliment !! Optimal temperature for AB functioning ! - extravascular hemolysis !



Ikterus ( high UCB )

Fever , spherocytosis! ( peripheral blood smear )

Tjerr tree spy

Highly dosed corticosteroid therapy !! 1mg / body W for 3 weeks !!


Cyclosporine A for half a year !!max!!


After !!! Last resort ! Splenodectomy !!

Cold type - worse if anemia worsens in cold temperaturea ! Weak Conplimebt answer Cause to cold ! - intravadcualr hemolysis !

Ig M, against RBC antigen !

capacity to intravascular lysis.

• Can be chronic when the antibody is monoclonal

• They account cases. for the other 20%

• Cold AIHA may be

• 1. Idiopathic in associationwith lymphomas

• 2. Secondary in certain infections like Mycoplasma pneumoniae

Therapy warm

Warm ! Steroids

Azatjioprim ! Cyclosporine

Rituximab !

After 3 month - splenectomy !

Warm type


Ret!! Count High!

COOMBs Positiv !

• Variable anemianormochromic, spherocytes & micro- spherocytes with polychromasia

Cold type AIH

Affect elderly may had low grade B cell lymphoma

itravascular haemolysis with cold painful &blue fingers toes ears & nose.

• red cell agglutination & may be high MCV.

The patient must keep extremities warm some respond to corticosteroid.

Cold type

Normochromic, anisocytosis with autoagglutination,polychromasia

Direct Coomb’s tes is classically positive !!

Same symptoms as warm type !

Pallor . Jaundice

Vasocclusive !! Crisis ! - acrocyanosis in capillaries


Sickle cell disease


• Jaundice

• Splenomegaly

Clinical features

• Painful swelling hands &feet

• Chronic lower leg ulcers probably arise fromischaemia & super infection in the distal circulation.

Acquired haemoglobinopathies


Sulfhaemoglobin C.Carboxyhaemoglobin

HbH in erythroleukaemia

Acquired haemoglobinopathies


Sulfhaemoglobin C.Carboxyhaemoglobin

HbH in erythroleukaemia

I.Structural haemoglobinopathies—haemoglobins with

altered amino acid sequences, eg. HbS II.Thalassaemias—defective

biosynthesis of globin chains

III.Thalassaemic haemoglobin variants—structurally abnormal

Hb associated with co‐inherited thalassemic phenotype HbE,Hb Constant Spring,Hb LeporeI.Hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin

TTP (Thrombotic thrombocytopenia Prupira )

Sever thrombocytopenia ! Less 30 000 severe

Under 10 000 therapy !!

Treatment : 90‘% did ! Without restatement ! (20 with )

Palsmaphresis ! Daily ! With FFP !until tjrombocytoa mir Ethan 150 000 /L

1-3mg corticosteroids !

Azathioprin! Cyclosporine A, cyclophosphamide !

Thrombocyte aggregation inhib ! ASA! Dipyridamol! Ifthrombos over 100 G/ L

Retuximqb ! NeVer give Thormbocyten !!!

Eculizumab!!! Inhibits compliment system !!

Splenectomy is nothing works !

TTP hereditary / squired

Enzym defect ! VWF cleaving - Protease NOt cleases !VWF ( ADAmTs-13) !

Not degradation of VWF - hyaline clot formation in vessel ! Thrombus !!

> endothelial dampfe !

Clotting !


Clinic TTP

LDH up !

Normal coagulation (pt) PPT

CCT elevates, creation up !

Hematuria! Proteinyroa !

Clinic TTP

LDH up !

Normal coagulation (pt) PPT

CCT elevates, creation up !

Hematuria! Proteinyroa !


Extra corpuscular hemolysis !

Hypoperfusuon organ !!

Brain / kidney


Peripheral blood smear > decreased number of platelets > large umature platelet

> bone marrow - large Megakarypcytea


Peripheral blood smear > decreased number of platelets > large umature platelet

> bone marrow - large Megakarypcytea


Best - mucous blessing !month

Wet pup yea!

Petechia ! Arms / legs

Platelets massively low ! Could be leukemia !! As well !


30-50- if symptoms ! Treat !!

Under 30 also asymptomatic !

IV Ig ! 50-60% good prep sonar

2-3 days - high dose 1g / day !

Corticosteroids! Prednisone 2-3 mg / kg/ day 50 % good response !

If relapse !

Biologically !

New drugs ! Thrombopoietin receptor agonist !!

Vaccination !

immune globulin for Rh-positive patients (75 μg/kg)

-Relapsed ITP (platelet count <30 x109/l):

Rituximab, a monoclonal antibody to CD20.

New drugs: TPO receptor agonists (Romiplostin, Eltrombopag) -

Splenectomy: if other treatments are ineffective. Laparoscopic mode,

2-3 weeks before operation: Pneumococcal, meningococcal, H. inf. Vaccination with response rate of 66%

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Back (Definition)