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32 Cards in this Set

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What is heart failure?

Inability of the heart to pump enough blood to meet the body’s demands

What is systolic heart failure?

- ejecting problem

- heart is unable to contract with enough force to pump blood out to the body or lungs

What is diastolic heart failure?

- filling problem

- heart is unable to fill with enough blood to pump out to the body and lungs

What is the medical term for enlargement of the myocardium?

Myocardial hypertrophy

What is systole?

Phase of the cardiac cycle where heart contracts and ejects blood out to the body or lungs

What will the heart look like I’m systolic heart failure?

Thin myocardium and enlarged ventricles

What causes weakened heart muscle in systolic heart failure?

- Cardiomyopathies

- reduced blood supply to the heart due to coronary artery disease or myocardial infarction

- valve disease (e.g. regurgitation or stenosis)

- arrhythmias

What is the most common cause of systolic heart heart failure or decreased contractility?

Myocardial infarction

Why do you get oedema in heart failure?

- pulmonary oedema: if the heart is unable to efficiently pump blood out to the body it begins to back up in the lungs

- peripheral oedema: if the heart is unable to efficiently pump blood out to lungs it begins to back up in the body

What are the symptoms of left sided heart failure?

- fatigue

- oliguria

- rapid/irregular heart beat

- pulmonary oedema resulting in dyspnoea, orthopnoea and coughing up pink frothy sputum

- weight gain due to oedema

What causes fatigue in heart failure?

Heart isn’t pumping enough blood out the body resulting in decreased oxygen supply and fatigue

What causes oliguria in heart failure?

Heart isn’t pumping enough blood out to the body so it tries to compensate by holding on to the fluid that would usually be excreted by the kidneys

What causes dyspnoea in heart failure?

This is caused by pulmonary oedema. Fluid fills up in the alveoli instead of oxygen which makes it difficult to breathe

What causes coughing up pink frothy sputum in heart failure?

This is caused by pulmonary oedema. The body tries to compensate for the build up of fluid by coughing it up. It is tinged pink because it has come from the lung tissue (which is pink)

What is the respiratory presentation of someone with heart failure?

- Dyspnoea

- orthopnoea

- coughing up pink frothy sputum

What is orthopnoea?

Dyspnoea when lying flat

What is diastole?

Phase of cardiac cycle where heart is relaxing and filling with blood

What causes hypertrophy of the myocardium in diastolic heart failure?

1) ventricular muscle growth: the bigger the muscle, the less room there is to full with blood

2) stiffened muscle: fibrous tissue forms after the death of cardiac myocytes which decreases compliance or the ability of the ventricle to expand during filling

What causes ventricular muscle growth and stiffened heart muscle?

Underlying disease such as;

- hypertension (increased pressure = increased work = muscle grows to meet increased work demand)

- aortic valve stenosis (narrowed valve = increased work = muscle grows to meet increased work demand)

- cardiomyopathies

What are some ways you can manage/treat heart failure in the early stages?

Manage risk factors/underlying health conditions that could lead to heart failure by;

1) exercise (increases cardiac efficiency/pumping ability)

2) diet changes (decreased salt intake is recommended for decreasing blood pressure)

3) medications (aimed at decreasing blood pressure)

What are some medications that can be taken to decrease blood pressure?

1) ACE inhibitors: vasodilators (vasodilation = decreased blood pressure)

2) hydrolazines: vasodilators of the arteries = decreased blood pressure)

3) nitrates: reduce venous pressure/or pressure in getting blood back to the heart (decreased preload = decreased structural changes)

4) beta blockers: inhibits the sympathetic nervous system which causes a decrease in heart rate and contractility

How do diuretics work to improve symptoms of heart failure?

They treat congestion by helping the body to get rid of excess fluid in the urine as well as to draw in excess fluid built up in the surrounding tissues

What type of diuretic is furosemide?

Loop diuretic

How do loop diuretics work?

They target the ascending LOOP of Henle in the kidneys. Increase urine output by blocking the reabsorption of sodium and chloride

What is the role of aldosterone?

Increase sodium and potassium reabsorption in the kidneys

What is an example of osmotic diuretic?


What are some adverse effects of diuretics?

- dehydration

- hypovolemia

- electrolyte imbalance

What would cause a cracklings sound in the lungs?

Pulmonary oedema/fluid in the alveoli

what is cor pulmonale?

Right sided heart failure secondary to severe lung disease

What is digoxin?

Used for management of chronic heart failure where the dominant problem is systolic dysfunction

What are some side effects of digoxin?

- blurred or yellow vision

- arrhythmia

- conduction abnormalities

- nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea

- skin rash

How does digoxin work?

Increases contractility of the myocardium