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11 Cards in this Set

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Good health is a means to attain what ultimate goal?

A high quality of life

The aspect of personal health that is most within your control is


According to the ecological model of health and wellness, which of the following is a factor in a person's natural physical environment?

Air quality and water quality

You know that if you quit smoking you will feel and perform better, but according to the Stages of Change Model, someone will actually quit smoking when they reach the _____ stage.


T/F The Stages of Change Model emphasizes that change is a process.


What is a SMART goal?

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely

The best type of website on which to research health issues is one that is sponsored by:

.edu, .gov, .org

The basic definition of health literacy refers to one's ability to:

understand the health information given to you.

What is the purpose of creating a family health tree?

To find out family patterns for your health risk

The process of adopting patterns of behavior that can lead to improved health and heightened life satisfaction?


T/F You are demonstrating a sense of self-efficacy when you believe you are in control of your circumstances.
