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46 Cards in this Set

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comedogenic (coh-MEE-doh-JEN-ick):
causing acne.
leaves and roots of the comfrey plant; believed, but not proved, to have drug effects. Comfrey contains cancer-causing chemicals.
a decision adhered to for the long term; a promise kept. communication: a two-way exchange of ideas or thoughts. compost: rotted vegetable matter, used as fertilizer.
compulsions: irresistible impulses to perform senseless acts. conception: the union of an ovum and a sperm that starts a new individual
a two-way exchange of ideas or thoughts
rotted vegetable matter, used as fertilizer.
the hundreds of small changes that cells make in response to physical activity that make the body more able to do the work at hand.
a struggle or opposition between people; especially, when people compete for something in the belief that only one can have what he or she wants, at the expense of the other
a showdown; an interaction in which one person expresses feelings to another. Managed aggressively, a confrontation may be a destructive fight. Managed assertively, a confrontation may be a construc¬tive conversation in which one person makes his or her wishes known to another.
congeners (CON-jen-ers):
ingredients in alcoholic beverages, other than the alcohol itself, that may irritate the nervous system
congenital (con-JEN-ih-tal):
present from birth
connective tissues
: fluid, gelatin-like, fibrous, or strap-like materials that bind, support, or protect other body tissues; tendons, cartilage, and lig­aments are connective tissue.
: hard, slow stools that are difficult to eliminate; often a result of too little fiber in the
coping devices:
nonharmful ways of dealing with stress, such as dis­placement or ventilation.
coronary arteries:
the two arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle. coronary artery bypass surgery: surgery to provide an alternate route for blood to reach heart tissue, bypassing a blocked coronary artery. coronary thrombosis: the closing off of a vessel that feeds the heart muscle by a stationary clot, or thrombus.
the outer layer of an organ; in the brain, the outer, thinking por­tion-the gray matter.
CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation):
: a technique of maintaining blood and oxygen flow through the body of a person whose heart and breathing have stopped
credentials: (kre-DEN-shulls):
official evidence of education or other qualifications of an authority; diplomas, licenses, and the like.
critical periods:
: periods during development when a body organ is espe­cially sensitive to harmful factors. A critical period is usually a period of rapid cell division.
critical phase
in atherosclerosis, the stage when plaques cover more than half of the inner surfaces of the arteries.
the moment in which the top (crown) of the baby's head is first seen. cruciferous vegetables: vegetables of the cabbage family.
groups of people who share intense admiration or adoration of a par¬ticular person or principle
: the borders of hardened skin at the bases of the fingernails.
. cyst (SIST):
: an enlarged, deep pimple.
date rape:
sexual assault by a known person in a dating situation. Also called acquaintance rape.
to engage in social events designed to allow people to get to know each other. A double date (two couples) is a safe arrangement for early dates with people you do not know well.
day care:
supervision, usually at a facility, for preschool children or elderly people who must be supervised during daytime working hours.
defense mechanisms:
: self-destructive ways of dealing with stress; auto¬matic, subconscious reactions to emotional injury, such as denial, fantasy, projection, rationalization, regression, selective forgetting, or withdrawal
deficiency (dee-FISH-en-see
too little of a nutrient in the body. Severe deficiencies cause diseases.
loss of water. The symptoms progress rapidly from thirst to weakness to exhaustion, confusion, and even death.
a state of mental confusion, usually with hallucinations and continual movement.
denial (dee-NIGH-a!):
refusal to believe the facts of a circumstance-for example, to deny that a person is a problem drinker in the face of clear evi¬dence that it is so
dental plaque (PIAK):
): a buildup of sticky material on the surfaces of the teeth; a forerunner of tooth damage.
: the condition of feeling apathetic, hopeless, and withdrawn from others. A major depression is an emotionally crippling depressed state linked to physical causes; it may be, at the extreme, a suicidal state
a tooth's softer, middle layer.
: a physician (M.D.) who specializes in treating conditions of the skin.
designer drugs:
s: laboratory-made drugs that closely resemble illegal drugs in chemical structure, but that are different enough to be legal until ruled illegal. deviant: outside the normal system
diabetes (DYE-uh-BEE-teez) mellitus (MEL-ih-tuss):
: a condition of abnormal use of glucose, usually caused by too little insulin or lack of response to insulin.
diabetic coma:
a loss of consciousness due to uncontrolled diabetes, and the resulting buildup of toxic ketones in the blood.
diastolic (DYE-as-tol-ic) pressure
: the blood pressure during that part of the heartbeat when the heart's ventricles are relaxing.
diet pills:
medications that reduce the appetite or otherwise promote weight loss. Pills available over the counter usually contain caffeine and other drugs that cause more nervousness than weight loss. Prescription pills include amphetamines.
the breaking down of food into nutrients the body can use. The digestive system is a series of body organs that break foods down and absorb their nutrients.
dilation stage:
: the stage of childbirth during which the cervix is opening. dioxins: deadly pollutants formed when chlorine bleach reacts with other compounds.
disability insurance:
insurance to replace lost income if a person should be unable to work due to a long illness.
: the shaping of behavior by way of rewards and/or punishments. disinfectants: chemicals that kill microbes on surfaces. Bleach
is a disinfectant