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148 Cards in this Set

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what is physical fitness?
the ability to do everyday activities without becoming short of breath, tired or sore.
What are the four parts of fitness?
strength, endurance, flexibility and body composition
what is strength?
the amount of force that msucles apply when they are used
how can strength be measured?
the amount of weight you can lift
what do strong muscles do?
support bones and joints
Why is having strength good?
prevents injury, helps your body deal with accidents such as falls
what is endurance?
the ability to do activites for more than a few minutes
What are the two types of endurance?
muscular endurance and heart and lung endurance
Name the two endurances and describe them.
muscular endurance - ability of your muscles to keep working over time

heart and lung endurance - ability of your heart and lungs to work efficiently during physical activity, keeps you from becoming short of breath
what is flexibility?
the ability to bend and twist joints easily
When do you use flexibility?
when you bend down twist your body or reach for something
Why is it good to be flexible?
you're less likey to get urt during physical activities
How can you improve your flexibility?
What is stretching?
any activity that loosens muscles and joints
What is body composition?
compares the weight of your fat to the weight of your muscles, bones and organs.
Why is too much fat not good?
may lead to disease and can make improving your physical fitness harder
How can physical activity improve body composition?
helps your body burn fat
What is exercise?
any physical activity that maintains or improves fitness.
What are different types of exercise?
sports, push-ups, jumping jacks
What could a lack of exercise cause?
make everyday tasks hard, you can become short of breath, it could also make dealing with stress harder, increase chance of getting diseases, and might not live as long
What disease could you risk getting form not exercising?
heart disease, diabetes, obesity
How can testing yoru fitness help you?
it can tell you what your strength and weaknesses are so you can get better at weaknesses, it can help you plan to improve your fitness
Name some tests for a few parts of fitness.
pull-ups - strength muscular endurance, 1 mile run - heart and lung endurance, sit and reach - flexibility
What can you do if you're having problems reaching your fitness zone?
talk to your teacher or parents and they can help you com up with a plan to improve your fitness
Why should you set goals?
short term goals could lead to accomplishing long term goals.
What can influence your fitness goals?
activities that you enjoy, your abilities, and the amount of work you want to do, how important fitness is to you and the people around you
What should you try to balance when setting goals?
risks against benefits because you could get hurt
Who should you talk to before setting goals?
doctors, they can make sure it is safe for you to exercise and help you with your goals
How can your fitness stop improving?
if you dont exercise more over time
How can you influence how quickly your fitness improves?
FIT - frequency, intensity, and time
What does FIT stand for and define each part.
frequency - how often you exercise, exercising more often makes you improve faster
intensity - how hard you exercise, exercising harder improves strength and endurance
time - how long you exercise, the more time... the more you improve
How can you avoid injury while using FIT?
dont increase more than one part of FIT at a time and dont increase any one part too much
How can you see how hard you are exercising?
check your heart rate
What is heart rate?
the number of times your heart beats per minute
What is the target heart rate zone?
60 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate
What is maximum heart rate?
the largest number of times your heart can beat per minute while you exercise
How can you find your MHR?
What is your resting heart rate?
the number of times your heart beats per minute when you are not exercising
Why does your RHR decrease as you become more fit?
you're heart becomes stronger
What is recovery time?
The amount of time it takes your heart to get back to its RHR
What happens to recovery time as your fitness improves?
it's shorter
Where does your body get energy?
from the food you eat
What happens to the sugars in foods such as fruit and bread when they're in your body?
they are changed into a sugar called glucose
What is aerobic exercise?
When the body uses oxygen to get energy from glucose (when the body uses oxygen to get energy)
What are some examples of aerobic exercises?
long distance running, swimming
What is glycogen?
a sugar made fomr the food you eat.
What does your body do with glycogen?
it releases energy from it without using oxygen
What is anaerobic exercise?
exercise that is fueled without using oxygen
What are examples of anaerobic exercises?
activites that use strength in short bursts like sprinting
When will you not be able to go at the same pace anymore?
When the small amount of glycogen that is stored in your muscles runs out
What is an example of a sport that is both aerobic and anaerobic?
tennis - short bursts of energy to serve or return a ball but need to play long games
How does your fitness improve best?
if you do aerobic and anaerobic exercises.
What is competition?
a contest between two or more people or teams
What is sportmanship?
the ability to treat all players, officials and fans fairly during competition.
What is a good sport?
someone who practices good sportsmanship
What are 5 traits of a good sport?
trys his or her best
considers safety of other player
follows the rules
congratulates players for a good job
polite if loses, modest if wins
How can you get started on a sport?
pick two sports at your school or a community organization
Why do you need to visit a doctor before playing a sport?
they will tell you if its safe for you to play
What is weight training?
use of weights to make muscles stronger or bigger
What are the two basic kinds of weight training?
strength development, bodybuilding
What are bodybuilders?
people who spend a lot of time making their bodies stronger and their muscles bigger, they usually lift more weight, do fewer repetitions and does a different number of sets that somones who doesnt want big muscles
What are repetitions?
the number of times you do an exercise
What is a set?
a group of repetitions
What are the two types of weight training equiptment?
frew weights and machines
What are some free weights?
dumbbells, barbells and curl bars
How do you use free weights?
you add weight on an empty bar and secure the weight with a collar. you can do more variety of exercies on here than machines
How do you use machines?
they use a system of pulleys to let you contorl the weight as you lift it they are designed for a specific muscle group and the number of exercise you do with it are limited
What does a machine ensure?
that a specific muscle group is being exercised correctly
What are 7 safety tips for lifting weights?
use a spotter - they can take the weight away from you if you cant finish a lift
lift wiehgts in pairs or small groups,
make sure free weights are secured to the bar,
make sure you know how the machine works and adjust to your size,
lif only as much as you can with the correct form
exercise both sides of a joint to prevet injury
always use correct form
Why is it important to lift weights correctly?
you could get hurt, and you make it less likely for your muscles to get stronger
How can you make sure that you're lifting weights correctly?
ask someone
how does weight training often start?
exercises that use body weight to make muscles stonger (pull-ups curl-ups push-ups)
What are 6 signs of injury?
sharp pain, tenderness in a single area, swelling, reduced range of motion around a joint, muscle weakness, numbness or tingling.
What is muscle soreness?
achness that happnes a day or two after hard exercise and usually goes away the next time you exercise
What is overtraining?
a condition that happens when you exercise too much
How can you recover from overtraining?
taking a break from exercise
What are signs of overtraining?
feeling tired all the time, not doing as well during games and practice, less interested in the activity and make excuses to avoid practice, resting heart rate increases, get hurt more often
What is an acute injury?
an injury that happens suddenly
What are three types of acute injuries?
strains sprains and fractures
What is a strain?
when a muscle or tendon is overstretched or torn, they're painful and the injured area may be weak
What is a tendon?
tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone
What are sprians?
when a joint is twisted suddenly. the ligaments that connect the bones in the join are stretched or torn. they're painful and usually cause swelling
What is a fracture?
cracked or broken bone. painful, bruises, swells, and feels weak
What can you do to treat an acute injury?
RICE treatment
What is a chronic injury?
an injury that develops over a long period of time.
What are two examples of chronic injries?
stress fractures an tendinitis
What is a stress fracture?
a tiny fracture
What is tendinitis?
irritation of a tendon
What can cause a chronic injury?
increasing a physical activity too quickly or exercising too much or susing wrong equipment or exercising on uneven surfaces
What is the best way to heal chronic injuries?
What are eight ways to avoid injury?
warm up and cool down
dont go too fast
improve form
take a break
wear the right clothes
use safety equipment
dont exercise alone
What is a warm up?
any activity that gets you ready for exercise. it loosens your muscels and increases your heart rate and gets you metally ready for the activity
What can not warming up cause?
acute injuries
How long should you warm up?
until you break a light sweat
What is a cool down?
helps the body return to normal and the heart returns to its resting heart rate and keeps your muscles from being tight and sore
What can stretching do?
prevent injury and improve flexibilyt, relaxes muscles and how far your joints can move
When should you stretch?
only after a warm up or cool down
How should you stretch?
slowly without bouncing until you feel a mild stretch for 10 to 30 seconds
What can happen from increasing each part of FIT?
F - your body doesnt have time to recover between workouts = chronic injury
I - too hard or do an exercise wrong
T - it could cause injury when the body gets too tired to deal with the impact of exercise and make you lose focus and have an accident
What does poor form do?
puts more stress on muscles, bones, and joints
What is active rest?
a way to recover from exercise by reducing the amount of activity you do
What should you keep in mind when picking what to wear for a physical activity?
equipment, weater, sunscreen, shoes
Why should you wear safety equipment?
helps protect you from injury
Why should you never exercise alone?
so if you're injured somone can help you, it can be more fun!
What is it when a body temperature drops to dangerously low levels?
What is a daily activity that involves a lot of sitting?
Being able to stay upright when standing still, or moving.
Derivatives of testosterone, used illegally to help build muscles in athletes.
anabolic steroids
What can using steroids cause?
liver damage, stroke, and heart disease
Adding fluids to body, especially important when participating in any intesne physical activity.
The ability to use several muscles or boyd parts together well.
overheating of the body, caused by working in extreme temperatures, resulting in symptoms of shock and clammy skin
heat stroke
Any body movement that occurs as a result of doing dailyu chores, or exercising, and participaitin gin various sporting activities
physical activity
Happens as a result of body tissue becoming frozen.
frost bite
Explain why you should exercise.
to make everday tasks easier, deal with stress better
List healthy fitness zones for your age group.
1-2 pull ups, 18-32 curl ups, 12:00 - 9:00 min. mile, 10 in. sit and reach.
Describe how to use fit without causing injury.
not increasing more than one part at a time
How are recovery time and resting heart rate related?
recovery time is how long it takes the heart to go back to its resting heart rate
Say AN or A:
sprinting 100 miles
lift weights
playing tennis
running a marathon
swimming a mile
AN, AN, A/AN, A, A
What are two ways you can get involved in sports?
Schools, community organizations, checking with friends.
Describe four weight training exercises.
Bench press - lying on a bench and lifting a bar with weights at each end
Bicep curls - bending your arm from a 90 degree angle while holding a dumbbell
Lunge - bending your knees one at a time holding dumbells
Hamstring curls - lying on a bench on your stomach lifting a bar with your legs
What are anabolic steroids?
man-made substances that are related to testosterone.
How are some steroids used?
they're legally prescribed - used to treat conditions such as delayed puberty or impotence or to help rebuild tissues weakened by diseases
What are some street names for steroids?
arnolds, roids, vitamins, product, gym candy, juice, pumpers, and stackers
Why do athletes use steroids?
to improve their physical importance, improve their body image.
How long do they stay in the body?
depending on the dose it could be there from a couple of weeks to several months
How can steroids be taken?
orally, injected, or blended into gels or creams to rub into the skin.
What is cycling?
taking steroids in cycles of weeks or months
What is pyramiding?
decreasing or increasing doses during a cycle
What is stacking?
combining several types of steroids to maximize their effectiveness
Where do teens use steroids?
usually in groups
Where do teens get steroids?
gyms, sports training centers, and the internet
What are more effects of taking steroids?
liver and kidney tumors, cancer, jaundice, high blood pressure, cholesterol abnormalities, blood clots, severe acne, stunted height
What are some gender-specific effects?
boys- shrunken testicles, reduced sperm ocunt, infertility, hair loss, baldness, and development of female breasts.
girls - masculine, facial hair, voice deepes, breasts shrink
What are some behavioral consequences of steroids?
aggression, irritability, extreme mood swings, impaired judgement, delusions.
How does physical fitness affect total health.
lets you live longer, heart lasts, longer, mkae you feel confident, no diseases
How do video games, junk food, and TV make it tough for kids to be physically fit?
those activities are all sedentary. limit their usage.
How can busy schedules make it tough for kids to be physically fit?
no time for meals,
What is cross training?
a type of physical regimen that combines exercise rroutines for different body systems, in order to obtain maximum fitness and strenght
what is basal metabolism?
type of activity that combines repeated movement with muscle contraction
What is isotonic?
type of activity that combines repeated movement with muscle contractoin
What is isometric?
type of exercise that requires little or no movement, but enables muscle tension to improve muscular strength.
How do you design a physical FITT- ness program?
design a physical fitnes plan in the form of a health behavior contract.
use the FITT formula
include warmups and cooldowns
include aerobic exercises to develop cardiorespiratory enduracne and a healthful body composition.
include resistance exercises to develop muscular strenght and muscular endurance.
include static stretching exercises to develop flexibility.
What does the extra T in FITT stand for?
type - the kind of physical activities you will perform to develop a fitness component or obtain a specific benefit
Show the training zone.
^ too much activity
|| training zone - builds fit
\/ too little activity
What is BMI?
body mass index a calculation that you can use to determine yoru health weight range. it is a mathematical formula that uses height and weight to evaluate boyd composition.
Is BMI accurate?
dones not acount for frame size.
if your very fit and have a lot of muscle you may be considered over weight but your not!
inaccurate for cildren and teen because they are based on adult heights.
What are some activities for the 4 parts of fitness?
strength - push ups - curl ups
endurance - soccer, basketball
flexibility - volleyball, skiing