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29 Cards in this Set

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What are the six macronutrients and three examples of each ?

water- keeps you hydrated, ex) streams, springs, glaciers

vitamins- proper bodily functions, ex) fruits, veggies, vitamin A

protein- builds and repairs cells, ex) meats, eggs, dairy

carbohydrates- energy maker, ex) fruits and veggies

lipids (healthy fats)- stored energy and organ protection, ex) olive oil, coconut, avocado

minerals- proper bodily functions, ex) sodium, iron, potassium

What is the most important macronutrient and how long can you go without it ?

water, you can go 3-4 days without it

Is fast food healthy, why or why not ?

No it is not healthy, fast food is purely processed. We need our food to come from the Earth

Does fast food provide good nutrition, and what does fast food provide you with ?

No it does not provide you with good nutrition, Fast food provides you with unhealthy fats, possibly depression, erectile dysfunction, and organ failure

What happened to Morgan Spurlock after eating strictly McDonalds for thirty days in “SuperSize Me” ?

High triglycerides, erectile dysfunction, depression, organ failure, 25 extra pounds

How did Morgan Spurlock get better?

His wife is a vegan chef and put him on a strict vegan diet.

What is the general message of Food INC ?

Food is no longer for nutrition and heath, it is for money and business, they do not care what food does to us

Does most of our food come from farms? why or why not?

No most of our food come from factories where food has been processed. It is done this way because it is easier

Define the health triangle.

Back (Definition)

Why is mental health important ?

If your mental health is not built up, your body will deteriorate and your social ability will drop. Being happy is being health.

What are three types of bullying ?

cyber bullying, face to face, relationship (friend to friend, girlfriend & boyfriend)

What is meant by cyber bullying?

bullying online, this makes everything for the bully easier since they cannot see the victims face

What are Mark’s early signs of bullying elizabeth ?

1. controlling what she wears

2. making sure she runs plans by him

3. nonstop calling/texting

Why would elizabeth make excuses for mark ?

she thought he loved her

why would elizabeth forgive mark ?

she loved him no matter what

What do you know about the meat industry?

Most of us eat KFO need (cows in a tiny field, eating corn to gain fat, cows contain poop on their hides, which gives us ecoli) it is better to buy fresh meat. Also pigs are smushed one a cage and scraped off the floor to be eaten

Name two eating disorders.

Anorexia and Bulimia

What does it mean when a girl says NO ?

no, she does not not consent

When is date rape ok?


What are goals and why are they important?

goals are expectations you set for yourself, they are important because without them you would never know where your life could go

what is abstinence ?

having no sex before marriage

what is the only 100% effective pregnancy and STD prevention ?


What was Morgan Spurlock’s guinea pig test ? What are the rules and conditions?

He had to eat McDonalds for 30 days straight. He can only eat food from McDonalds, he has to eat everything on the menu, he has to supersize everything if they ask, he has to eat it three times a day.

Explain what farmer brown is doing ? Is it working ? How is poultry being produced, what is the number one ingredient in processed foods ? What crop is genetically rearranged thousands of was to be the base of even more thousands of products?

Farmer Brow is harvesting fresh food and selling it, it is 100% woking and is much more healthy. Chickens are stuffed with antibiotics to make them bigger. High fructose corn syrup is the highest substance in processed foods. Corn is the crop that influences thousands of products.

Name two eating disorders and describe them. What treatment do rehabilitation centers provide?

Anorexia is where people do not eat and Bulimia is where people eat but throw it all up. The treatments are physical check ups everyday, nutritional food, group/individual therapy

What are some steps to take if you’re being bullied ? Why did Mark treat Elizabeth like that ?

ignore it, tell an adult/professional, screenshot, turn it into the police. Marks dad was abusive and he had Elizabeth bc wrapped around his finger.

What is date rape? “Safe sex” means using what when engaging in sexual activity? Is it safe enough?

date rape is when someone you know rapes you, safe sex means you’re using a condom, there’s an eighteen percent failure rate

What do you do at an accident?

check your surroundings, provide CPR (beat to staying alive, between the break, breathe air into their mouth)

What were 3 things you learned in health ? How can these help your future?

What to put in my body, what not to put in my body, how to deal with bullying and abuse. These skills will benefit me more than anything else I do in school